1. Apologies for absent
County Cllr. Williams will be arriving later.
2. To consider co-opting Mirrin Lewis to the Parish Council
The Chairman proposed that Mirrin Lewis be co-opted to the Parish Council, seconded Cllr. Claxton and carried unanimously. Mirrin was welcomed to the Council.
3. Questions from the public
A resident reported that a lorry had been parked in the layby for several days and it is believed that the driver was using the layby as a toilet. The Chairman asked the resident if he could obtain registration numbers in the future and this could then be followed through with the Police. The Clerk was asked to bring this problem to the attention of environmental health.
ACTION: The Clerk to report this issue to environmental health.
It was reported that the lights on the new dual carriageway are not being dimmed or turned off at night. They appear to have no shields and are a hazard when driving on the local roads particularly Pimple Lane. The resident explained that the constant brightness was causing health problems.
ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with County Highways and the resident.
One of our footpaths is sinking at the stile which makes the crossing difficult.
ACTION: Cllr. Hughes said that he would look into this and keep the resident updated.
4. Declarations of Interest
Cllr. Claxton declared a pecuniary interest in items 11(e) as a contractor who has submitted a quote and 13(c) and (e) as a recipient. The Chairman declared a personal interest in item 6(g) since his property had been included in the JLR scoping report. Cllr. Lewis declared a personal interest in item 6(c) as a member of the traffic WP.
5. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (January 2016)
The Clerk had circulated the minutes prior to the meeting. Cllr. Claxton proposed that they be signed, seconded and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.
6. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings
(a) Community Project for Balfour Beatty update
The Clerk reported that Balfour Beatty had requested details of local tree surgeons who could remove the tree stump. She said that she has passed the name of the tree surgeon who removed the horse chestnut tree to them. A resident recommended a second contractor.
ACTION: The Clerk to find out contact details for the second contractor and pass to Balfour Beatty.
(b) Community Project for Osbornes update
Cllr. Morisot said that she has spoken to Osbornes and is waiting for a response.
ACTION: March agenda item.
(c) Traffic WP update
Cllr. Lewis reported that 7 residents attended the meeting. County Highways has forwarded significant traffic data to her and she will be analysing this. They have quoted £472 plus VAT for 5 traffic monitoring points. Cllr. Lewis was asked if she could find out whether 1 monitor covers both sides of the road. District Cllr. Kettle said that Bishop’s Itchington Parish Council require 4 monitors and it might be worthwhile contacting them to find out if Gaydon could purchase the 5th monitor from them.
ACTION: The Clerk to contact Bishop’s Itchington PC. Cllr. Lewis to confirm whether 1 monitor covers both sides of the road.
Cllr. Lewis said that we have 7 residents for community speedwatch. It was agreed that Cllr. Lewis should contact the Police for copies of the forms that require completion before training begins. It was also agreed that she should liaise with Lighthorne Parish Council to find out if we could loan their speed gun. District Cllr. Kettle said that Southam Police are providing the equipment free of charge to Bishop’s Itchington PC.
ACTION: Cllr. Lewis to progress Community Speedwatch with the Police and liaise with Lighthorne Community Speedwatch to see whether we could loan their speed gun. She also agreed to liaise with the Police to find out if they have any equipment we could loan.
Cllr. Lewis agreed to write a short article for the parish magazine which might encourage more residents to join the WP or Community Speedwatch.
ACTION: Cllr. Lewis to write a short article for the parish magazine.
Cllr. Morisot reported that County Highways has quoted approximately £80,000 for traffic calming measures in Gaydon. It was agreed that the Clerk would liaise with County Highways to establish what is included in this figure.
ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with County Highways regarding a quote for traffic calming measures.
(d) St. Mark’s Close; artificial bird nests request sent to Orbit
The Clerk confirmed that this has been sent. The resident requesting this agreed to write a short article for the magazine.
(e) Village Hall; to consider reduced rent option
The Chairman reported that he met with the treasurer from the Village Hall Committee with Cllr. Hughes. He thanked the treasurer for his openness and explanation behind the cost. A report on the meeting had been circulated to councillors prior to this meeting. Councillors agreed to accept the reduced rent of £800 per annum for the use of the office and hire of the hall and would consider any future requests from the Village Hall Committee towards maintenance of the hall. It was further agreed that the village hall is a valuable community asset which the Parish Council will try to support.
(f) Planning Committee Meetings update
Cllr. Claxton reported that the Gaydon Inn field development had received approval subject to a condition that the ownership of the Banbury Road ditch must be resolved before building takes place. The plans state that the run-off water from the development will drain into this ditch and it is imperative that the ownership of this ditch is established now so as future maintenance issues do not arise which could result in a risk of flooding for some properties.
Cllr. Claxton said that the Jaguar Land Rover planning application, which the Parish Council had objected to, was approved with a condition that Jaguar Land Rover reviews the lighting. It was agreed that Cllr. Claxton should liaise with Jaguar Land Rover and the District Council on this matter.
ACTION: Cllr. Claxton to follow up with Jaguar Land Rover and the District Council.
(g) Gaydon Liaison Meeting update (scoping report, traffic, ditches, lighting)
The Chairman reported that Jaguar Land Rover has accepted that the area for their scoping report is incorrect. A new plan is to be circulated. Traffic is still a major concern for all neighbouring parishes. Lighting was discussed in detail.
(h) Church Lane field update
The Clerk reported that our solicitor has now been officially engaged. The Parish Council needs to confirm the position of the fence between the Parish Council land and the land which is remaining in the ownership of a resident. The type of fence needs to be agreed. Councillors agreed that a post and rail stock proof fence about 3 feet high would be acceptable. Cllr. Claxton had circulated prior to the meeting a draft plan showing 2 gates one accessing the Parish Council land and the other the resident’s land. It was agreed that Cllr. Claxton should liaise with the resident to try and find a way for both fields to be accessed via Church Lane. The Clerk pointed out that the Parish Council would be responsible for all of the hedges and fences around our land.
ACTION: Cllr. Claxton to liaise with the resident regarding access.
(i) Ownership of play area land; Land Registry
The Clerk reported that she has spoken to Land Registry who advised that we might be able to register the land under ‘adverse possession’ however it might be advisable to seek legal advice. It was agreed that Cllr. Morisot would look into registering this land.
ACTION: Cllr. Morisot to complete the documentation to register this land.
Cllr. Morisot reported that she has spoken to Orbit who claim that no decision has been made yet on the future of the St. Mark’s Close garages. She is meeting with a representative from Orbit on Thursday at 9.30am. It was agreed that Cllrs. Claxton and Lewis would try to attend this meeting.
ACTION: March agenda item
(j) Warwick Road drainage update
Cllr. Claxton reported that drainage work has started on the Warwick Road.
8.55pm County Cllr. Williams joins the meeting.
(k) War Memorial grant application update
The Clerk confirmed that the grant application has been resubmitted with the 2 quotes and has been accepted for consideration in April.
7. To receive report from District Councillor
(a) To receive report
District Cllr. Kettle reported that the Council has now agreed to join the West Midlands Combined Authority. He said that he did not support this decision. He has been told that there will be no housing or planning implications purely budgeting at the moment. There is the opportunity to withdraw.
(b) GLH traffic infrastructure; feedback from meeting with County Council
District Cllr. Kettle said that this was a good meeting attended by the 3 district councillors, officers, Cllr. Saint and County Cllrs. Stevens, Williams and Butlin (Portfolio holder). He had been reassured that County Highways had enough resource to provide to GLH. They would be giving a robust response to the planning application but had established that there were significant gaps in the information provided by the applicant. They would be requesting that a new traffic assessment needs to take place. The current TA is not fit for purpose. The date for the application to be considered including a site visit should take place the second week of January. The new TA was received by County Highways and signed off. Cllr. Kettle said that he did not agree with this decision and challenged County Highways. He believed that there were still gaps in this report and has discussed the matter with the leader of the District Council. It has been acknowledged that the District must see the inspector’s report before determining this application. Report is due mid to late April.
(c) Draft Supplementary Planning Document; to agree a response
The deadline for responses is 26th February. It was agreed that councillors would meet informally to prepare a draft response, circulate and then request that the Clerk submit prior to the deadline. The response would be displayed on the website.
ACTION: Councillors to meet Tuesday at 7pm to prepare a draft response, circulate for additional comments and forward to the clerk for submission.
(d) Examination in public; update
The Chairman thanked Mrs. Conway for representing the parish.
District Cllr. Kettle explained that the inspector has said that the District Council can’t have an application approved before its own policy has been approved. If they do then he will report them to the minister.
(e) Tree preservation order; Old Vicarage, Warwick Road
The Chairman explained that officers at the District Council have said that they do not have enough resource for this work. District Cllr. Kettle agreed to take this forward.
ACTION: The Clerk to forward the email to District Cllr. Kettle.
8. To receive report from County Councillor
(a) To receive report
A copy of the report is attached to these minutes.
(b) Request for invitation to opening event
ACTION: March agenda item.
9. To receive planning applications
(a) 15/00190/FUL - Cottage Farm, Banbury Road
Councillors agreed to raise no comments or objections.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to planning.
10. To receive correspondence
(a) Neighbourhood Development Planning for Health
Document in office.
(b) Complaint re. green bin lorry using Church Lane (narrow part)
The Clerk said that she is liaising with the resident and the district council to try and get this resolved.
(c) Lights reported; Church Lane and Church Road
Both have been fixed.
(d) Community Forum Meeting; 10th March 2016
It was agreed that following the response to the article in the magazine regarding traffic it would be beneficial for a professional county highways officer to address this meeting. It appears that most residents have concerns about the speed and volume of traffic using the village roads and it would be reassuring to hear how County Highways are proposing to protect our villages from this. County Cllr. Williams said that this meeting would not be going ahead.
ACTION: The Clerk to put forward this suggestion to the Community Forum and WALC.
11. Financial Report/Administration
(a) Bank balances
The Clerk reported the following balances; Community Account - £6,370.10 and Business Account - £10,605.27
(b) Bank reconciliation
This was circulated prior to the meeting. A copy is attached to these minutes.
(c) Website update
Cllr. Lewis has started to set up a new website. She has circulated the link. Cllr. Hughes said that he would look at the website and pass comments to Cllr. Lewis. It was agreed that minutes from May 2015 should be put on the website. The Clerk would advise on the documents required under the transparency code.
ACTION: Cllr. Hughes to look at the website and pass comments to Cllr. Lewis. The Clerk to advise on the requirements of the transparency code.
9.50pm County Cllr. Williams leaves the meeting.
(d) To appoint a grass cutting contractor for 2016/17
The Clerk had circulated prior to the meeting quotes from 3 different contractors; £1660, £1908 and £2160. Councillors agreed to accept the lower quote as it was from a known contractor and appeared to represent good value. The Clerk was asked to write to Mr. Pickering.
ACTION: The Clerk to write to Mr. Pickering.
9.55pm Cllr. Claxton leaves the meeting.
(e) To consider quotes for repairing benches and bus shelter seat
The Clerk had circulated prior to the meeting 2 quotes for the repairs. She also provided information regarding the purchase of replacement benches. Councillors agreed that the benches should be repaired. The higher quote was for the refurbishment of the benches with the significantly lower quote being just for repairs. Councillors asked the clerk if she could ask Thomas Fox for a quote for refurbishing the benches and also what type of wood he would be using to repair the benches. It was also agreed that Cllr. Claxton should be asked to provide a quote for just repairing the benches.
ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for further quotes.
10pm Cllr. Claxton returns to the meeting.
(f) Clerk’s pension arrangements
The Clerk said that she did not want a pension arranged by the Parish Council.
(g) To consider supporting the parish magazine
The Chairman had circulated prior to the meeting details regarding financially supporting the parish magazine. Councillors agreed unanimously to pay a sixth of the costs of producing the magazine (£132 per annum).
(h) Transparency Fund; application submitted
The Clerk confirmed that the application has been submitted.
(i) WCC Street Light Maintenance
The cost of maintaining a LED light is significantly lower. Councillors agreed that changing to LED lighting needs investigating. It was further agreed that Jaguar Land Rover might be able to assist with this project. The Chairman agreed to liaise with them. District Cllr. Kettle said that Avon Dassett Parish Council is in the process of converting to LED lighting and they may be able to assist. Councillors agreed unanimously that the County Council should continue to maintain the street lighting until 2017.
ACTION: The Chairman to liaise with JLR regarding street lighting. The Clerk to contact Avon Dassett Parish Council for information.
12. To agree 2016/17 precept and budget
The Clerk had circulated prior to the meeting a draft budget. Councillors agreed that funding should be available for traffic calming measures. It was agreed that £500 should be allocated which means that the precept would need to be increased to £9490. Cllr. Morisot proposed this increase, seconded and carried unanimously. A copy of the approved budget is attached to these minutes.
10.35pm Cllr. Claxton leaves the meeting.
13. Passing of any accounts for payment
The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Hughes, seconded by Cllr. Morisot and carried unanimously.
(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (February) – £273.70
(b) Warwickshire County Council - street light maintenance - £231.60
(c) Mr. A. Claxton - refurbishment of noticeboard - £432.04
(d) Gaydon Village Hall - rent - £800.00
(e) Mr. A. Claxton - expenses - £13.18
(f) e.on - Street lighting - £215.54
10.38pm Cllr. Claxton returns to the meeting.
14. Date of next meeting
Tuesday, 1st March 2016.