1. Election of Chairman

Cllr. Claxton nominated Cllr. Brine, seconded Cllr. Morisot and carried unanimously. Cllr. Brine signed the declaration of office form.

2. Apologies for absent

No apologies received.

3. Questions from the public

A resident said that there was fencing/hedging missing along the Warwick Road by the triangle which would permit vehicles to access the triangle. County Cllr. Williams said that the fencing would be as per the planning application. The resident explained that the planning application does not show the removal of this hedging which was necessary for drainage works and he was assured that it would be replaced.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to look into this. June agenda item.

A resident mentioned that the pond by Gaydon barns needs clearing. County Cllr. Williams said that he has a small sum of money which will be available in September or October that could be used. The Chairman pointed out that the pond is owned by the County Council. It was agreed that County Cllr. Williams and the Clerk would follow up on this.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams and the Clerk to follow up on this.

4. Declarations of Interest

Cllr. Morisot declared a pecuniary interest in items 15 as a tenant.

5. Election of Vice Chairman and Financial Officer

Cllr. Morisot nominated Cllr. Claxton as Vice Chairman, seconded Cllr. Lewis and carried unanimously. The Clerk was reappointed as financial officer.

6. Appointment of councillors to committees and to agree councillor’s responsibilities

It was agreed that Cllr. Claxton would be responsible for village infrastructure, Cllr. Hughes planning applications and neighbourhood watch, Cllr. Lewis implementation and review of the parish plan or develop a neighbourhood plan. She would also continue with traffic communications. Cllr. Morisot would have responsibility for community spaces including the play area and would represent the Parish Council at community meetings. The Chairman will continue with his responsibility for the cemetery plus communications with district and county councillors. It was agreed that the Chairman and Cllr. Claxton would continue attending the Gaydon Liaison Committee Meeting with Cllr. Hughes attending if the Chairman or Cllr. Claxton were unable to attend.

The Chairman asked if the agenda could be rearranged as County Cllr. Williams as another engagement this evening. There were no objections.

10. County Council Matters

(a) To receive report

A copy of the report is attached to these minutes.

(b) Warwick Road; parking restrictions update

County Cllr. Williams said that the lorry that was parked on the Warwick Road had arrived too late to access AML. Yellow lines will be painted on this road. He said that initially he thought we meant the Banbury Road. District Cllr. Kettle said that the Warwick Road is no longer a through road but it is a road that looks like it goes somewhere. Drivers are using resident’s driveways to turn around on and this is not acceptable. Cllr. Claxton said that a ‘no through sign’ would help.

ACTION: The Clerk to request that a no through sign is erected.

14 To receive correspondence

(a) Complaints regarding significant delays to school buses due to the closure of the northbound slip road on the M40 from 6am until 4pm

County Cllr. Williams said that this work was necessary and there were no significant delays to the buses. The Clerk said that she had spoken to Highways England, who adjusted the timings very promptly to a 7.30am closure, following a very significant delay to buses which had resulted in a number of complaints.

10. County Council Matters

(c) Pimple Lane; surface dressing plus request for reinstating safety measures

County Cllr. Williams said that the County Council does not replace marker posts as these are temporary measures for showing drivers where the road is. Cllr. Lewis questioned this policy with regard to road safety. He was asked if the markings on the road were in the correct location and he said that they were. The Clerk asked if a safety audit had taken place on this lane and he confirmed that it had.

8.35pm County Cllr. Williams leaves the meeting.

7. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (April 2016)

The Clerk had circulated the minutes prior to the meeting. Cllr. Claxton proposed that they be signed, seconded and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.

8. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings

(a) Dog fouling; to consider purchasing spray to mark dog waste as a deterrent

Councillors agreed that this was necessary considering the number of complaints that have been received. It was agreed that Cllr. Claxton would purchase the spray.

(b) Community Project for Balfour Beatty; stump has been removed

Councillors agreed that it was good to see the removal of the stump. A resident pointed out that the turf which has been laid requires watering. Cllr. Lewis said that she would see to this. The Clerk said that she has written to Balfour Beatty thanking them.

(c) Community Project for Osbornes; tidying the lay-by update

The Chairman, Cllrs. Morisot and Claxton met with Patch Byrne and Jeff Morris from County Highways and representatives from Osbornes. It was agreed that the lay-by requires kerbing and edging and all trees with a trunk exceeding 200mm diameter would be retained and others removed. It was agreed that Cllr. Morisot should write to Patch Byrne and Jeff Morris requesting approval from the Forestry Department. By opening up the lay-by this should reduce anti-social behaviour.

ACTION: Cllr. Morisot to liaise with County Highways and Osbornes.

(d) Traffic WP update

Cllr. Lewis said that the traffic monitoring equipment has been ordered. The Community Speedwatch volunteer forms have been passed to the Police for vetting. Training dates have been given. We need visibility jackets. The flood prevention jackets do not have sleeves. It was agreed that Cllr. Morisot would ask Osbornes if they could provide us with jackets. Cllr. Lewis said that another cat has been killed on the Kineton Road. It was agreed that we should look at erecting a sign for children and cats. Following 2 incidents on Pimple Lane that had been reported to the Police councillors said that they would like a copy of the safety audit that has taken place on Pimple Lane to show to the Traffic Working Party. It was agreed that the Clerk would request a copy and liaise with County Highways regarding any recommendations.

ACTION: Cllr. Morisot to ask Osbornes if they can provide us with visibility jackets. The Clerk to request a copy of the safety audit on Pimple Lane and follow up on any recommendations. The Clerk to ask County Highways about a warning sign for children and cats.

(e) Church Lane field update

The Clerk reported that our solicitor has not received the amended entrance to the field. The landowner said that he would chase his solicitor and send a copy to the Clerk.

(f) Registering of play area update

The Clerk said that a fee of £30 is required. It is a payment on this agenda.

(g) Gaydon Liaison Committee Meeting update

Cllrs. Claxton and Hughes attended. JLR will arrange for the fields at the back of the Kineton Road to be ploughed in a different way which should help them to retain water. Osbornes said that the traffic lights will be operational early May. JLR are looking at our request for assistance with community speedwatch. Next meeting 1st July.

(h) Increase in number of councillors update

Cllr. Morisot reported that the petition was submitted and that there will be a public consultation and then our request will be reviewed at a District Council Meeting on 26th July.

(i) Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebration update

Cllrs. Morisot and Lewis said that they would assist with this. It was agreed that they should arrange to meet with a representative from the Village Hall Committee. It was further agreed that the Clerk would look at the finances to see if the Parish Council could contribute towards this community event.

ACTION: Cllrs. Morisot and Lewis to arrange a meeting. The Clerk to look at the budget. June agenda item.

9. District Council Matters

(a) To receive report

District Cllr. Kettle reported that next month will be critical for Gaydon with regard to housing. GLH has been supported by the Government Inspector. We must ensure that the development does not impact unnecessarily on other developments. Traffic is the main concern. A new traffic assessment has been produced but there is information missing. A meeting has been arranged for 11th May to go through this document. Originally only one representative from each parish was allowed but now more will be allowed. The Planning Committee Meeting to discuss this application will be held on 24th May before the Core Strategy is adopted. Councillors questioned how a planning committee meeting can be arranged when the officer should still be assessing the responses. The consultation period has not ended yet. Cllr. Claxton asked if District Cllr. Kettle had any information regarding the Judicial Review process. District Cllr. Kettle said that he did not. The Chairman said that transport and facilities are an issue.

(b) Naming of the Gaydon Inn development; names passed to District Council

The Clerk reported that the District Council has said that the name Valiant Close is already in use locally. The Chairman said that the third choice was Ash Close. It was agreed that the Clerk should pass this name to the District Council.

ACTION: The Clerk to pass the name Ash Close to the District Council.

(c) Meeting with JLR to discuss planning applications; attendees (9th May) plus questions

It was agreed that the Chairman and Cllr. Claxton would attend this meeting.

(d) To agree a response to the Main Modifications to the Core Strategy

The Chairman had circulated a draft response to councillors prior to this meeting. He thanked councillors and Mrs. Conway for assisting. It was agreed that the Clerk should forward the response to the District Council and arrange for a copy to be placed on our website.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the District Council and arrange for a copy to be displayed on the website.

(e) GLH meeting regarding Highways issues; attendees (11th May) plus questions It was agreed that the Chairman and Cllr. Claxton would represent the parish at this meeting. Councillors agreed that questions regarding transport, access on to the B4100, a ring road and traffic calming needed addressing.

(f) Grass cutting within parish proposal

The Clerk said that she has followed up on this with the District Council but there is little cutting within the village which is undertaken by the District Council. Cllr. Morisot mentioned the grass on St. Mark’s Close and the Clerk explained that this is the responsibility of Orbit Housing. The grass in front of the entrance to the play area is the responsibility of the District Council and on the corner of St. Giles Road. The County Council are responsible for the cutting outside of the village boundary e.g. by the side of the footways to the cemetery and to JLR.

11. Councillor’s Reports

(a) Cemetery

The Clerk had obtained fees from Bishop’s Itchington and Kineton. These had been circulated to councillors. The Chairman had drafted revised fees and circulated to councillors. Councillors agreed that the revised fees were in line with the fees charged by other parishes and they were approved from 1st June 2016. The Clerk was asked to arrange for a note in the magazine plus arrange for the fees to be displayed on the website.

ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for a note in the magazine plus the revised fees to be displayed on the website.

(b) Lights/Litter/Street Furniture

Cllr. Claxton reported that there is a street light out at the end of Church Lane. The Clerk said that there is a facility on the County Council website whereby residents report street lights and pot hole repairs. She understands that this is the quickest route for getting these issues sorted. It was agreed that a note should be placed in the magazine letting residents know.

ACTION: The Clerk to mention in the magazine.

(i) Requested 2 benches plus bus shelter seat be repaired

The Clerk said that she has requested that this work takes place.

(ii) Liddington’s bench plus St. Mark’s Close bench update

Cllr. Claxton said that the St. Mark’s Close bench has been repaired. The Chairman said that we should put a note in the magazine thanking the resident who mended it. The Liddington bench requires slats plus painting.

ACTION: June agenda item.

(c) Play area

Cllr. Morisot said that she has spoken to Orbit regarding the sale of the garages. They have delayed this for 3 to 4 months. The Clerk was asked to investigate sums towards maintenance of the play area from developers.

ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with the District Council.

The Clerk suggested that maintenance grants might be available from Spitfire Properties in connection with the maintenance of any community space on the new developments. It was agreed that the Clerk would look into this.

ACTION: The Clerk to look into the community space on the Gaydon Inn developments.

(d) Drains

Cllr. Claxton said that the Warwick Road drain has been completed.

(e) Footpaths/footways

The Clerk was asked to place a note in the magazine reminding landowners to reinstate footpaths.

ACTION: The Clerk to place a note in the magazine.

(f) Neighbourhood Watch

It was reported that the Wellesbourne area is crime free.

(g) War Memorial

(i) Grant update

The Clerk reported that she had been asked to obtain an up-to-date quote from Smith of Derby which she has done. Their quote is significantly higher than the Cumbria Clock Company. Councillors agreed that the best value quote should be accepted.

(ii) To agree to request that the Cumbria Clock Co. repair the clock

Councillors agreed that if the grant application is successful then the Cumbria Clock Co. should be asked to repair the clock.

12. To receive planning applications

(a) 16/00861/FUL - land adjacent Ferndale, Warwick Road

Councillors agreed to object to this application based on the close proximity of the buildings to the adjacent stables which could result in noise, odour and other environmental health concerns for the new occupants.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to planning.

(b) 15/00976/OUT - land at Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath (additional information)

A draft response had been circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting. Councillors agreed unanimously to object to this application. It was further agreed that the Chairman would attend the Planning Committee Meeting on 24th May and speak against this application.

ACTION: The Clerk to forward the response to the District Council and arrange for a copy to be displayed on the website. The Clerk to register the Chairman to speak against this application.

(c) 16/00508/VARY - Gaydon Inn

Councillors agreed to raise no objections or comments. However, the Clerk was asked if she could approach Spitfire Properties to request that we keep the sign for historic purposes.

ACTION: The Clerk to ask Spitfire Properties if the sign could be donated to the parish.

(d) 16/00858/FUL - Jaguar Land Rover

Councillors agreed to raise no objections or comments. The Clerk to respond to planning.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.

13. To receive results of planning applications

(a) 16/00460/FUL - Gemini House, Church Road; granted

(b) 15/02452/FUL - Land adjacent to the Gaydon Inn; granted.

14. To receive any correspondence

(b) Artificial nests on Orbit property

The Clerk reported that Orbit has agreed to this request and agreed to fund the purchase and erection of the nests. A resident is kindly organising this and is in contact with Orbit.

(c) Church Lane; bin lorry complaint

This has been dealt with.

10.30pm Cllr. Morisot leaves the meeting.

15. To consider registered The Malt Shovel as an asset of community value

The Chairman explained the reasoning behind this agenda item. Councillors agreed that the village needs a pub and approved this request. The Clerk to complete the form and submit.

ACTION: The Clerk to complete and submit the form.

16. Financial Report/Administration

(a) Draft 2015/16 accounts

The Clerk had circulated prior to the meeting the draft accounts. Councillors agreed that these could be forwarded to the internal auditor.

ACTION: The Clerk to forward the accounts to the internal auditor.

(b) Bank balances

As per the accounts.

(c) To agree 2016/17 meeting dates

Councillors agreed the first Tuesday of every month.

ACTION: The Clerk to book the village hall.

(d) To appoint internal auditor

It was agreed that Accounting Data Services Ltd. should be appointed.

ACTION: The Clerk to contact them.

(e) HM Revenue and Customs; end of year form filed

The Clerk confirmed that this form has been filed.

17. Passing of any accounts for payment

The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Claxton, seconded by Cllr. Lewis and carried unanimously.

(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (May) – £273.70

(b) Mr. C. Pickering - grass maintenance - £430.00

(c) Land Registry - registering play area - £30.00

(d) e.on - street lighting - £213.20

18. Date of next meeting

Tuesday, 7th June 2016 at 7.45pm

The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.45pm.