PRESENT: COUNCILLORS J. BRINE (CHAIRMAN), A. CLAXTON (from 7.55pm to 10.15pm), T. HUGHES, M. LEWIS, D. MORISOT, DISTRICT COUNCILLOR C. KETTLE, C. HILL (Clerk) and 10 members of the public
1. Apologies for absent
County Cllr. Williams.
2. Questions from the public
The Chairman reported that County Cllr. Williams had called him to say that he would no longer be attending our meetings. He has made a verbal complaint against the clerk saying that she is acting on personal interests and not in the interests of this Parish Council. District Cllr. Kettle said that he has not seen this in the time he has been attending Gaydon’s meetings. She has acted in the role of the clerk. The Chairman asked the members of the public if they had any issues regarding the role of the clerk. No issues were reported. The Chairman proposed a vote of support for the clerk, seconded and carried unanimously. County Cllr. Williams verbal complaint was dismissed. It was agreed that any complaints or comments made by County Cllr. Williams in future should be made in writing.
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllr. Morisot declared pecuniary interests in item 6(g) as a tenant and 9(c) as a nearby neighbour. The Chairman declared a personal interest in items 7(d), 7(f) and 9(d),(e),(f) and (g) as a near neighbour. Cllr. Lewis declared a personal interest in item 6(b) as a member of the Traffic WP.
4. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (May)
The Clerk had circulated the minutes prior to the meeting. Cllr. Lewis proposed that they be signed, seconded and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.
5. To consider suspending the invitation to the County Councillor until May 2017 and to consider amending the standing orders accordingly
The Chairman reported that a number of residents and councillors have expressed concern regarding the way County Cllr. Williams services this parish. Point 3 on the County Council Member Code of Conduct states that ‘as a member of the County Council he will champion the needs of the whole community and all his constituents, including those who did not vote for him and put the public interest first’. Councillors agreed that it was not apparent that this is happening or has happened. Cllr. Morisot said that she does not believe that we should stop communicating with County Cllr. Williams but that the situation does need to change. It was agreed unanimously that County Cllr. Williams should be asked to put all communications in writing to the Chairman.
7.55pm Cllr. Claxton joins the meeting.
Cllr. Hughes said that he appears unnecessarily obstructive towards this parish. We need to understand why. Concern was expressed regarding his position on the recent District Planning Committee which discussed the GLH application. Although not our District Councillor it was agreed that it was inappropriate for him to be present and to participate in the vote. It was further agreed that he would still be invited to our meetings but that the Chairman would draft a letter to County Cllr. Williams assisted by Cllr. Claxton requesting written communications only and pointing out our concerns. The letter would be copied to Mr. I. Marriott at the County Council. A second letter would be written to the leader of the County Council, copied to Mr. I. Marriott making them aware of these issues and requesting that they address our concerns.
ACTION: The Chairman and Cllr. Claxton to draft letters, circulate to councillors and submit.
6. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings
(a) Community Project for Osbornes; tidying the lay-by update
Cllr. Morisot reported that she has not heard from Osbornes. It was agreed that the specification received from the Forestry Department should be forwarded to Osbornes.
ACTION: Cllr. Morisot to forward the specification from the Forestry Department to Osbornes and to follow up.
(b) Traffic WP update
Cllr. Lewis reported that the Community Speedwatch team have all been vetted. Training dates are currently being sorted with the Police. We need jackets. It was agreed that the Clerk would ask Balfour Beatty if they could assist.
ACTION: The Clerk to ask Balfour Beatty if they could assist with providing jackets.
The data from the speed monitoring has been sent to Cllr. Lewis. Cllr. Lewis agreed to start analysing this.
ACTION: Cllr. Lewis to analysis speed data.
Cllr. Lewis reported that the Police have agreed to look at our safety issues.
ACTION: Cllr. Lewis to arrange a meeting with the Police.
The Clerk reported that County Highways has confirmed that a safety audit has not taken place on Pimple Lane. It was agreed that the Police should be asked to look at this lane when they visit the parish.
(c) Church Lane field update
The Clerk reported that our solicitor has now received a map showing the agreed field boundary.
The Chairman said that he has just received a letter about naming the field. District Cllr. Kettle said that we could also consider protecting the field by registering with Fields in Trust.
ACTION: The Clerk to leave the letter in the office.
(d) Registering of play area update
The Clerk said that this has been sent to Land Registry.
(e) Gaydon Liaison Committee Meeting; 11th July agenda items
It was agreed that Cllr. Hughes would attend if the Chairman is unable to. Councillors agreed the following agenda items; Kineton Road flooding issues, Banbury Road lay-by, parking issues with regard to the ‘stopped up roads’, community project in the cemetery and GLH and the B4100.
(f) Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations update
Cllrs. Lewis and Morisot reported that there would be cream teas, entertainment and a bbq. Balfour Beatty and Osbornes had agreed to contribute £250 each and many community groups were also contributing.
ACTION: Cllrs. Morisot and Lewis to write an article for the magazine.
8.40pm Cllr. Morisot leaves the meeting.
(g) Registering the Malt Shovel as a community asset update
ACTION: July agenda item.
8.42pm Cllr. Morisot returns to the meeting.
(h) Community forum; 2nd June feedback
No one attended.
(i) Kineton Road; pond update
The Chairman reported that County Highways has said that the pipe is clear but that the pond needs deepening. County Cllr. Williams has suggested that he might be able to grant a small sum of money to assist at the end of the year. A resident said that he has been told by County Highways that there is no problem with it. It was agreed that the Clerk should find out who owns the pond.
ACTION: The Clerk to ask the County Council who owns the pond.
(j) Warwick Road signage plus speed limits
The Chairman said that he has not heard from County Cllr. Williams with regard to the signage. Cllr. Claxton reported that fencing has been erected where the gap in the hedging is. It was agreed that a physical barrier is needed on the verge.
ACTION: The Clerk and Cllr. Claxton to discuss with County Highways.
It was also agreed that the Clerk should find out why the Warwick Road has been blocked off further away from the roundabout than agreed with County Highways.
ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with County Highways.
7. District Council Matters
(a) To receive report
No new report.
(b) GLH meeting regarding Highways issues; feedback
The Chairman and Cllr. Claxton agreed that answers were not provided for all questions and they failed to address the main issue of accommodating JLR traffic plus the traffic generated by 3000 houses.
(c) GLH Planning Committee Meeting feedback and to consider next steps
District Cllr. Kettle said that the Highways Officer claimed that they had not received a request from JLR on their activities at the Gaydon site. A member of the Planning Committee asked for the letter of 5th May to be read out. The officer reading it did not read the crucial paragraph requesting a meeting before the application was discussed at the Planning Committee Meeting. This would have alerted the committee to the statement from the Highways Officer saying that no request had been received. JLR had sent 3 letters to the District Council and 2 of these were also sent to the County Council asking for a meeting. This could be seen as misleading the committee and the monitoring officer has been written to. The Highways Officer referred to a TRICS monitoring system. There is no data greater than a settlement of 150 houses available on this system. District Cllr. Kettle is still waiting for a response from County Highways on the questions he raised prior to the meeting. The Chairman asked District Cllr. Kettle if he could please pursue this matter on our behalf.
ACTION: District Cllr. Kettle to follow up on this.
It was agreed that there are 2 approaches to this planning application process; the Government Ombudsman or a Judicial Review. Councillors agreed that a meeting should be arranged with other parishes to seek views. The Chairman and Cllr. Claxton would attend the meeting. It was further agreed Gaydon Parish Council would sign a letter with other parishes to request that the decision be reversed as due process was not followed.
ACTION: The Clerk to arrange the meeting.
(d) Meeting with JLR to discuss planning applications; feedback
The Chairman and Cllr. Claxton attended and said that it was very worthwhile. It was well attended. Flood prevention measures, lighting, height of buildings were all discussed.
(e) Planning Committee Meeting; 1st June to appoint a representative plus feedback (Gaydon Service Station)
District Cllr. Kettle and Cllr. Hughes spoke against this application. Unfortunately the application was approved. The Chairman thanked them.
(f) Planning Committee Meeting; 8th June 2016 to appoint a representative (JLR)
It was agreed that Cllr. Hughes would be appointed.
ACTION: The Clerk to register Cllr. Hughes.
(g) Small business grant; forwarded to Gaydon Community Stores
(h) Community Governance Review; consultation has started
8. Councillor’s Reports
(a) Cemetery
One of the trees planted recently has died. The Clerk was asked to find the guarantee and pass to the resident who bought them.
ACTION: The Clerk to pass the guarantee to the resident who bought the trees.
(b) Lights/litter/street furniture
(i) Requested 2 benches plus bus shelter seat be repaired update
ACTION: The Clerk to find out when this work will be taking place.
(ii) Liddington’s bench plus St. Mark’s Close bench
The St. Mark’s Close bench has been mended by a resident.
ACTION: A thank you to be placed in the magazine.
The Liddington bench requires attention.
(c) Play area
Cllr. Morisot asked who mowed the grass in front of the play area. The Clerk confirmed that it is the District Council.
(i) Annual inspection requested
(d) Drains
The drains on Church Road are still backing up into a resident’s pond. The resident has been advised by the County Council to fit a valve.
(e) Footpaths/footways
There are weeds coming through the footway on the Banbury Road and on the new dual carriageway. The Clerk was asked to contact County Highways.
ACTION: The Clerk to contact County Highways.
(f) Neighbourhood Watch
A roller was stolen from Osbornes but has been recovered.
(g) War Memorial
District Cllr. Kettle informed councillors that there is a second War Memorial on the JLR Gaydon site. The Clerk was asked to liaise with the planning officer to ensure that it is not damaged.
ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with Neil Hempstead.
(i) To consider approving the Grant Contract and making an application to in Memoriam 2014
This was discussed and approved.
ACTION: The Clerk to complete the paperwork.
9. To receive planning applications
(a) 16/01458/FUL - Gaydon Service Station
This was discussed and councillors agreed to object as the blue light is bright and is not suitable for a rural area.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.
(b) 16/01458/ADV - Gaydon Service Station
See item 9(a).
Concern was expressed that the building works taking place on this site have not been approved. The Clerk was asked to contact enforcement to request a temporary stop.
ACTION: The Clerk to contact the enforcement department.
9.50pm Cllr. Morisot leaves the meeting.
(c) 16/01288/FUL - Avondale Orchard, Kineton Road
Councillors agreed to raise no comments or objections.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.
9.53pm Cllr. Morisot returns to the meeting.
(d) 16/00288/FUL - Jaguar Land Rover
Cllr. Hughes had circulated, prior to the meeting, a draft response. Councillors agreed to approve this response.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.
(e) 16/00294/FUL - Jaguar Land Rover
See item 9(d).
(f) 16/00295/FUL - Jaguar Land Rover
See item 9(d).
(g) 16/00296/FUL - Jaguar Land Rover
See item 9(d).
10. To receive results of planning applications
(a) 15/03544/OUT - The Old House, Church Road; granted.
(b) 16/00508/VARY - Gaydon Inn, Banbury Road; granted.
(c) 16/00796/FUL - Jaguar Land Rover; granted.
11 To receive correspondence
The Chairman read out County Cllr. Williams report.
(a) Complaints regarding kerbstones on Church Lane
Reported to County Highways.
(b) Wellesbourne Safer Neighbourhood Team Report
Circulated via email.
(c) Straw on Banbury Road
The Clerk reported that she has received 2 complaints. Both complaints have been passed to the District Council.
(d) Internal auditor’s recommendations
This was circulated to councillors.
(e) GLH tree preservation order no. ADC 693
Details to be left in the office.
(f) To consider request for change of inscription plus additional inscription on the grave of Mrs. B. Hill
This was approved.
12. To consider approving the annual governance statement
The questions were read out and councillors responded. It was agreed that the statement could be approved. It was signed by the Chairman and Clerk.
13. To consider approving the 2015/16 accounts and statement of accounts
Councillors agreed that the accounts and statement of accounts could be approved. They were signed by the Chairman and Clerk.
14. Financial Report/Administration
(a) Bank balances
The Clerk reported the following balances; Community Account - £8,130.46 and Business Account - £10,607.12
(b) Clerk’s salary award
This was approved as per NALC recommendation.
(c) To consider a risk assessment
This was circulated prior to the meeting. It was approved. A copy is attached to these minutes.
(d) To consider granting a sum to the Queen’s 90th birthday committee towards community refreshments.
It was agreed that a maximum of £150 should be granted.
(e) Website update
It was agreed that the website should be up and running before the old website is no longer used.
10.15pm Cllr. Claxton declared a pecuniary interest as a recipient and left the meeting.
15. Passing of any accounts for payment
The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Morisot, seconded by Cllr. Lewis and carried unanimously.
(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (June) – £273.70
(b) Mr. A. Claxton - reimbursement for dog poo marker - £20.64
(c) Accounting Data Services Ltd. - 2015 internal audit - £180.00
16. Date of next meeting
Tuesday, 5th July 2016 at 7.45pm
The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.20pm.