PRESENT: COUNCILLORS J. BRINE (CHAIRMAN), A. CLAXTON (until 10.15pm), T. HUGHES (from 7.50pm), D. MORISOT, COUNTY COUNCILLOR C. WILLIAMS, DISTRICT COUNCILLOR C. KETTLE (from 7.50pm), C. HILL (Clerk) and 7 members of the public
1. Apologies for absent
Cllr. Lewis (illness).
7.50pm Cllr. Hughes and District Cllr. Kettle join the meeting.
2. Martin Hayward, Haywards Development re. Kineton Road development
Mr. Hayward updated the meeting on plans for the Kineton Road development. He said that Haywards Development was still in negotiations with a housing association for the affordable housing. He hoped that this housing would be sold to the local community. The site would be managed by a management company and an annual fee would be payable by the 15 units. District Cllr. Kettle said that there were issues in a neighbouring parish with this sort of arrangement. The Chairman said that he would like to discuss other options with Haywards Development.
ACTION: A meeting to be set up with Haywards Development to discuss the management of the site.
Cllr. Claxton pointed out potential parking issues which Mr. Hayward noted.
Mr. Hayward said that there would be 2 pedestrian routes into the village.
A resident asked if bungalows could be placed at the front of the development. Mr. Hayward said that this would be difficult but that he would look into this.
Mr. Hayward said that the roads on the site would not be adopted by the County Council and so maintenance would be the responsibility of the residents and probably be covered by the maintenance fee. The roads would be block paved. The Chairman expressed concern as he believes this type of covering attracts weeds.
Councillors expressed concern at the suggestion of street lighting and requested that lights be on individual properties
Cllr. Claxton asked if the properties could be in red brick. This suggestion was agreed by other councillors.
The Chairman thanked Mr. Hayward for attending the meeting. Mr. Hayward leaves the meeting.
3. Questions from the public
A resident reported that the burglar alarm on the Osbornes construction site was sounding for a considerable amount of time.
Concern was expressed about the severe drop from the Warwick Road to the field which hasn’t been fenced . Cllr. Claxton said that he understood that the hedging should be reinstated but agreed that something needs to be done for the safety of pedestrians. The resident said that he wasn’t sure how well hedging grows in concrete as there is a considerable amount of concrete on the edge of this field. A further concern was expressed about the safety for cyclists as the road is very uneven. It was agreed that these concerns should be addressed when the County Council conduct a safety audit. However, the severe drop from the road to the field and the security issues with the gate being left open should be addressed sooner. The gate does have a padlock. Cllr. Claxton asked if the Parish Council could be given a key to the gate in case there is an emergency.
ACTION: The Clerk to request access.
Ownership of the ‘triangle of land’ was discussed and County Cllr. Williams said that it is currently in the ownership of the County Council but will be offered back for sale to the original owner at the end of this month.
4. Declarations of Interest
Cllr. Claxton declared a pecuniary interest in item 12(b) as a potential contractor. Cllr. Morisot declared a pecuniary interest in item 6(f) as a tenant.
5. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (June)
The Clerk had circulated the minutes prior to the meeting. Cllr. Claxton proposed that they be signed, seconded and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.
6. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings
(a) Community Project for Osbornes; tidying the lay-by update
Cllr. Morisot said that Osbornes have now left the site. The County Forestry Officer said that he did not think this work would help our anti-social behaviour problem but the Police said that they thought it would. The Chairman said that it was very disappointing that so many obstacles had been put in the way of this project. It was agreed that the issues with this lay-by should be brought to the attention of JLR and AML to see if they can assist.
ACTION: Gaydon Liaison Committee agenda item.
(b) Traffic WP update
Cllr. Claxton said that he has seen some of the results from the speed monitoring exercise and believes there is a case for some form of traffic calming. A report is being produced by the WP which will be sent to all councillors. Training for community speedwatch is on 14th July.
(c) Church Lane field update
The Clerk reported that our solicitor is still waiting for confirmation from Spitfire’s solicitor that they will pay her fees. It was agreed that we should ask Spitfire if they will pay for a map of the field defining the boundary between Parish Council land and resident’s land to comply with the Land Registry requirements.
ACTION: The Clerk to ask our solicitor to request this.
Cllr. Claxton asked if we could ask Spitfire for the Gaydon Inn sign. This was agreed.
ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with Spitfire Properties.
(d) Gaydon Liaison Committee Meeting; 11th July attendees
It was agreed that Cllrs. Claxton and Hughes would attend. The Clerk reported that JLR have located the War Memorial and promised to maintain it.
(e) Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations update
The Chairman said that this was a great success and thanked councillors and residents for helping. There was a very good turnout. District Cllr. Kettle thanked the Parish Council for the invitation and said that it was great to be welcomed and that it was a good afternoon.
8.52pm Cllr. Morisot leaves the meeting.
(f) Registering the Malt Shovel as a community asset update
ACTION: September agenda item.
(g) Kineton Road; pond update
The Clerk said that she was waiting for a response from the County Council regarding ownership. County Cllr. Williams said that it was not owned by the County Council. It was owned by the adjacent landowner and maintained by the local community. A resident disputed the claim that it was owned by the adjacent landowner.
ACTION: The Clerk to chase the County Council for a response and to keep the resident informed.
8.55pm Cllr. Morisot returns to the meeting.
(h) Warwick Road signage plus speed limits
It was reported that the signage will be reviewed once the dual carriage works have finished. Cllr. Claxton requested a ‘no through road sign’ at the entrance to the old Warwick Road and the removal of the old road markings on the Kineton Road and Banbury Road. The Chairman asked if the independent review would take information from the Parish Council. County Cllr. Williams said that it was an independent assessment and issues will be addressed. It was pointed out that the sign leaving Gaydon on the new road says ‘GAYDON Thanks you for driving carefully’ could the capital T be made a small t? County Cllr. Williams said that this was standard wording and that it wouldn’t be changed.
7. County Council Matters
(a) To receive report
County Cllr. Williams reported that the County is looking for a volunteer snow warden. Training will be provided.
ACTION: Note in the magazine and on the website.
8. District Council Matters
(a) To receive report
District Cllr. Kettle reported that the Core Strategy has been published. It is on the agenda for a special meeting on Monday. District Cllr. Kettle said that he attended a meeting with Atlas, who are advisers to the County Council in respect of the treatment of the B4100. We should be included in discussions and will be contacted. JLR will also be consulted separately. District Cllr. Kettle said that he has already raised a number of issues with County Highways but has yet to receive a response. The Leader of the County Council has been made aware of this issue.
(b) Planning Committee Meeting; 8th June update
Cllr. Hughes represented the Parish Council and the Chairman was present. The applications were approved. District Cllr. Kettle pointed out that consideration was shown regarding flooding and a full review of lighting was requested to see if JLR could soften the impact on local residents.
(c) Gaydon Service Station; update on enforcement action
It was pointed out that the cash machine at the Service Station was the second time this company has not applied for planning permission prior to building. Cllr. Claxton said that an extension had just been started again without planning consent. District Cllr. Kettle agreed to take this forward with the enforcement officer.
ACTION: District Cllr. Kettle to discuss with the enforcement officer.
(d) Inspector’s report
This has been received and is on the District Council’s website.
9. To receive planning applications
(a) 16/01458/amendment - Gaydon Service Station
It was pointed out that this application is not on the website. Councillors agreed that the blue light must be removed.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department and request that the application is placed on the website.
10. To discuss next steps in relation to the GLH planning application
Councillors agreed unanimously that the process at the planning committee meeting should be questioned. Cllr. Claxton explained that the parishes of Lighthorne Heath, Chesterton and Lighthorne were in agreement with this approach. It was further agreed that correspondence should be from the 4 parishes. The draft letter to the monitoring officer, the Leader of the Council and all of the members of the Planning Committee which discussed this application was approved. The Clerk said that we have not received a response to our questions. County Cllr. Williams pointed out that a letter had been sent. The Clerk explained that this was an acknowledgement not a letter addressing our concerns. Cllr. Claxton explained that he has met with other parishes and the view is that JLR needs to be involved. The next step would be registering a judicial review which would cost £350 and could be shared with 3 other parishes. Cllr. Claxton proposed that we should contribute towards the £350 if support is received from JLR, seconded Cllr. Hughes and carried unanimously.
ACTION: Cllr. Claxton to liaise with JLR.
11 To receive correspondence
(a) Complaints re. traffic issues at dual carriageway lights
The Clerk reported that a complaint had been received regarding the queueing of cars through the Gaydon traffic lights. County Highways are aware of the issue and say that it is a phasing problem with the lights which will be addressed.
(b) District Council grass cutting
The Clerk said that she has received complaints regarding the lateness of the cutting of the grass. District Cllr. Kettle said that he would investigate.
ACTION: District Cllr. Kettle to look into this.
12. Financial Report/Administration
(a) Bank balances
The Clerk reported the following balances; Community Account - £7,774.69 and Business Account - £10,608.97
10.15pm Cllr. Claxton leaves the meeting.
(b) To review repairs to benches plus bus shelter seat
The Clerk reported that Thomas Fox is unable to repair the benches until the autumn. A resident has provided a similar quote to Thomas Fox. It was agreed that the resident should be asked to repair the benches and bus shelter seat as soon as possible. Thomas Fox should be thanked for his quote.
ACTION: The Clerk to contact the resident and Thomas Fox.
13. Passing of any accounts for payment
The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Morisot, seconded by Cllr. Hughes and carried unanimously.
(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (July) – £273.70
(b) Mr. C. Pickering - grass cutting - £430.00
(c) Accounting Data Services Ltd. - 2016 internal audit - £180.00
(d) C. Hill - Clerk’s gross salary (August) - £273.70
(e) Ms. S. Roberts - reimbursement for Queen’s birthday party- £60.00
(g) Mrs. J. Rickman - parish magazine - £132.00
14. Date of next meeting
Tuesday, 6th September 2016 at 7.45pm