1. Apologies for absence

Cllr. Morisot (holiday).

2. Questions from the public

No questions from the public.

3. Declarations of Interest

The Chairman declared a personal interest in item 5(h) as a nearby landowner.

4. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meetings (February)

The Clerk had circulated the minutes, prior to the meeting. Cllr. Hughes proposed that the minutes be accepted, seconded and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.

5. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings

(a) Church Lane field update

The Clerk reported that a contract has just been received. Councillors were asked to review the contract and respond to the Clerk with any concerns.

ACTION: Councillors to respond to the Clerk with any concerns. The Clerk to liaise with our solicitor.

(b) Land Registry; ownership details for play area

ACTION: Cllr. Morisot to provide details at April’s meeting.

(c) Church Road street light update

Cllr. Claxton reported that this is being sorted.

(d) Gaydon Inn development; flooding concerns plus renovation of the Gaydon Inn

Cllr. Kettle confirmed that the flooding concerns have been brought to the attention of District Council officers. Cllr. Hughes raised concerns regarding the Gaydon Inn. Councillors agreed unanimously that this is a part of Gaydon’s history and character and it is vital that this building is preserved. Cllr. Kettle assured councillors that the conservation officer at the District Council would be involved in any discussions regarding this building. It was agreed that Cllrs. Claxton and Hughes would meet with Spitfire Properties on Friday at 10am to discuss further. District Cllr. Kettle was also invited to the meeting. The Clerk was asked to contact the conservation officer to make him aware of our concerns.

ACTION: Cllrs. Claxton and Hughes to meet with Spitfire Properties. The Clerk to contact the conservation officer.

(e) Ownership of Banbury Road ditch; await update from Spitfire Properties

County Cllr. Williams reported that the County Council has responded to Spitfire Properties’ solicitor. The ditch is not the responsibility of the County Council.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to forward a copy of the letter to the Clerk.

(f) Gaydon Village Stores update

It was reported that Cllr. Morisot had spoken to the Chairman of Gaydon Village Stores to offer our support and arrange a meeting. The Chairman declined a meeting. A letter has been sent to the District Council from Gaydon Village Stores.

(g) Footpath; replacing stile update

Cllr. Claxton reported that this stile has not been removed. It had disappeared into the hedge. He has cleared it. Cllr. Claxton asked if he could remove the stile at the bottom of St. Mark’s Close as it is no longer used. Councillors had no objection.

ACTION: Cllr. Claxton to request permission from the County Council to remove this stile.

(h) Kineton Road; hedge maintenance

It was reported that this hedge has been cut. However, concern was expressed that it should have been cut back further since properties need clear vision when exiting from their drives on to this road. It was agreed that if visibility becomes an issue the Clerk would inform County Highways.

(i) Gaydon Liaison Committee Meeting update

The Clerk reported that she has emailed the County Council, copying Jaguar Land Rover, requesting that they inform Jaguar Land Rover when they issue licences to service companies for traffic management purposes.

(j) Spring litter pick; to agree date

29th April from 11am to 12pm was agreed. Cllr. Lewis agreed to be in charge of publicity for the noticeboard and the website. The Clerk to ensure that this is mentioned in the parish magazine. It was further agreed that the Clerk should write to the owners of the Service Station and invite them to participate in this community event or send volunteers.

ACTION: Cllr. Lewis to arrange the publicity. The Clerk to mention in the parish magazine and also write to the owners of the Service Station inviting them to participate.

6. County Council Matters

(a) To receive report

County Cllr. Williams reported that the council is in pre-election period. Purdah starts on Friday, 24th March until the election on 4th May.

(b) New link road; safety audit report recommendations update (date for removal of road markings), moving of gate to farmland closer to road update

County Cllr. Williams reported that there will be a new gate. The teardrop on the roundabout by Jaguar Land Rover will be redesigned.

(c) Warwick Road; security, gate design plus erection of reflective sign

County Cllr. Williams reported that the old Warwick Road middle island will be changed. It is going to be bigger so as it does not look like a main road. Cllr. Lewis asked if the Parish Council could please be consulted on the design before it is implemented. The Chairman asked if Philippa Young could be thanked for assisting with this. A resident pointed out that the gate on the Warwick Road should be partly metal. The Clerk confirmed that this had been agreed with Danny Green at County Highways.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to arrange for Cllr. Lewis to be shown the new design for the Warwick Road prior to implementation. County Cllr. Williams to find out why the design of the gate has been changed.

(d) Adoption of Kineton development roads update

The Clerk reported that this is a decision for the County Council. The Chairman asked County Cllr. Williams if he could please pursue this on behalf of the Parish Council.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to request that these roads are adopted by the County Council.

(e) Banbury Road layby; future plans

County Cllr. Williams said that no more work will take place on the layby. District Cllr. Kettle reported that the District Council’s environmental health officer saw rats in the layby. It is a significant problem. The County Council, as landowner, is paying for the rat infestation problem to be resolved and has arranged for the ditch to be cleared. The District Council will also be litter picking the layby on a weekly basis. The County Council must keep the vegetation well cut so as the litter pickers are able to clear the litter. A second bin has also been placed in the layby. The Chairman thanked District Cllr. Kettle for his help. It was pointed out that the waste from the ditch has not been removed. County Cllr. Williams said that the contractor has been sent 3 letters asking him when it is going to be cleared.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to follow up on the removal of the waste from the layby.

(f) Gully clearance; confirmation that we will receive notification

County Cllr. Williams said that he has previously reported that the Clerk will be notified when gully clearance has taken place in Gaydon parish.

(g) New dual carriageway (known locally as the Starlight Express) lighting pollution issues; update on responses from parishes

The Chairman reported that we have just had a response from our letter which will be discussed in our next meeting. Other parishes have supported us and he thanked them.

(h) Milestone; letter drafted

ACTION: April agenda item.

(i) Gaydon Speed Reduction; notes from meeting on 14th February

County Cllr. Williams said that we must have money in the County Council’s bank account before they will do anything. The Chairman and Cllr. Lewis confirmed that it was a constructive meeting with the Highways Officers. They were extremely impressed with the work that the working party had done. They explained that only accidents where a person is taken to hospital are recorded on their system. They are only interested in average speeds. Cllr. Lewis said that there was a lot of support for extending the 30mph speed limit on the Kineton Road. The Chairman thanked County Cllr. Williams for organising the meeting.

ACTION: Cllr. Lewis to amend the notes.

(j) 50mph signage on the B4100 update

County Cllr. Williams reported that this is being erected starting at the Oxfordshire border.

(k) Roman site; update on talk from the County Archaeologist

The Clerk reported that she has sent an email requesting a talk.

7. District Council Matters

(a) To receive report

District Cllr. Kettle gave an update on the changes to the Horton Hospital. He said that the District Council would be responding to the consultation. They are also meeting with the deputy Chief Executive of the OCCG on 24th March at 2pm at the District Council offices. This is a public meeting. Orbit had a second training evening with members. They will be liaising with the District Council regarding any plans for garages. The money from the Spitfire Development is in the District Council bank account. The Chairman thanked District Cllr. Kettle for his help in locating this. Cllr. Morisot will be liaising with the District Council with regard to how this money is spent after a questionnaire has been circulated to residents asking their views for the use of the field. Cllr. Claxton asked if there was any money for fencing. The Clerk said that she believed this money was for play equipment only. The Chairman said that he was happy to work with Cllr. Morisot on this project.

(b) Treatment of the B4100 meeting; 15th February update plus attendees for meeting on 13th March

The Chairman and Cllr. Hughes attended the 15th February meeting. It was reported that the District Council are doing only what they have to do. The Chairman asked what happens when it goes wrong? The approved option is for some traffic lights. It was agreed that Cllr. Hughes would attend the meeting on 13th March.

8. To receive planning applications

(a) 17/00322/ADV - British Motor Museum

This application was discussed and councillors agreed unanimously to object. There is no need for this signage to be lit. The numerous street lights on this road make it highly visible. It is on the top of the mould, huge and resembles a petrol station sign not the signage to a prestigious museum. Not in keeping with a rural parish or the character of Gaydon village.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.

(b) 16/02984/REM - land south of Kineton Road

This application was discussed and councillors agreed that there is a need for the 30mph speed limit to be extended. They said that they would also like the roads to be adopted by the County Council but understand that this is not a decision for the applicant or the District Council. They asked the Clerk to comment on the need for the 30mph speed limit to be extended and the adoption of the roads.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.

(c) 16/03904/FUL (amendment) - Jaguar Land Rover

The Chairman said that improvements have been made. Cllr. Claxton pointed out that Aston Martin Lagonda has a low level lighting scheme which is much more acceptable. This scheme is on a hill and is highly visible. The light pollution coming from this company is already excessive. There is a high level of security on this site so why is this excessive lighting required? Councillors agreed to object.

ACTION: Cllr. Claxton to draft a response, circulate to councillors for comments and then to the Clerk for submission.

(d) 17/00305/FUL - Cambrae, Kineton Road

This application was discussed. Councillors were supportive to the improvements to the house but 2 councillors objected to the size of the garage. They believe that the garage is too big and an overdevelopment of the site. Concern was also expressed as to whether the garage would be used on a commercial basis. The Clerk was asked to object but, to state that if this application is approved, a condition be placed on the property to ensure that the garage is not used on a commercial basis.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.

(e) 17/00307/FUL - Ferndale, Warwick Road

The applicant explained the application. The Chairman asked about the maintenance of the land. It was explained that this will be the responsibility of both houses. Concern was expressed that 2 windows overlook the neighbouring property causing privacy issues. A design issue with the size of the chimneys was also noted. The applicant said that the chimneys could be made larger. It was agreed that the Parish Council would comment and also request section 106 funding towards the cost of installing shields on the lights on the new dual carriageway which are causing light pollution issues for neighbouring residents.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.

(f) 17/00325/FUL - Cottage Farm, Banbury Road

Councillors agreed that a request should be made to have the existing sodium lights replaced to fit in with this scheme. No external lights after 11pm or before 6am. Motion sensor lighting preferred. This is a rural area and this development needs to take account of the local wildlife and rural setting. Councillors further agreed that it would be good if a contribution was made to traffic calming on this road by way of buffs. This would assist employees and customers visiting this site as it would slow traffic. A contribution towards a sign for the cemetery would also be appreciated.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.

9. To receive results from planning applications

(a) 16/03808/FUL - land south of Kineton Road; granted.

(b) 16/03612/FUL - Jaguar Land Rover; granted.

10. To receive correspondence

(a) Registering the Malt Shovel as a Community Asset; approved

(b) Invitation to Jaguar Land Rover Gaydon triangle groundbreaking; 9th March (attendee)

It was agreed that Cllr. Claxton would represent the Parish Council.

(c) Invitation to WCC open evening; 11th March (attendee)

No councillors are able to attend.

(d) SWCCG Operational Plan Consultation

No comments.

(e) Fly tipping; Banbury Road layby


(f) Notification of damage to the Village Green tree

ACTION: Cllr. Lewis to look at the tree.

(g) Damage to bollard on Banbury Road

The Clerk reported that the orb on the refuge has fallen off. She understands that it is on the footway. This has been reported to the County Council.

(h) To consider a request for a memorial for Mr. Diston

Councillors approved this request.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the stone masons.

11. Financial Report/Administration

(a) Bank balances

The Clerk reported the following balances; Community Account - £7,338.82 and Business Account - £10,612.09

(b) To consider approving the contract for the purchase of part of the Church Lane field for a sum of £1

This was discussed and councillors agreed that this should proceed as per the details forwarded by our solicitor if councillors have no concerns (see item 5a). It was agreed that the Chairman and Cllr. Claxton would sign the documents.

(c) War Memorial grant; final paperwork submitted

(d) To consider renewal of annual insurance

Councillors agreed that the insurance should be renewed with Zurich Municipal.

(e) Footway lighting maintenance 2017/18

Councillors agreed to remain with the County Council but to review later this year.

ACTION: The Clerk to inform the County Council.

12. Passing of any accounts for payment

The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Claxton, seconded by Cllr. Lewis and carried unanimously.

(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (March) – £276.43

(b) The Cumbria Clock Company - repairs to the church clock - £1704.00

(c) Warwickshire County Council - street light maintenance - £277.80

(d) Mr. C. Pickering - grass maintenance - £105.00

(e) Gaydon Village Hall - hire of hall plus use of office - £800.00

(f) e.on - street lighting - £334.64

13. Date of next meeting

Tuesday, 4th April 2017 at 8.15pm

The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.20pm.