1. Appointment of Chairman
Cllr. Claxton nominated Cllr. Brine, seconded Cllr. Hughes and carried unanimously. Cllr. Brine explained that his workload would be increasing in September which could result in his resignation as Chairman. He signed the declaration of chairman form.
2. To welcome Cllr. Conway to the Parish Council
Cllr. Conway was welcomed to the council. She signed the declaration of office form.
3. Apologies for absence
Cllr. Morisot (work commitment) and County Cllr. Williams (personal commitment).
The Chairman explained that Cllr. Lewis had resigned earlier today. She was thanked for her energy and commitment in relation to the traffic calming project, the website and community speedwatch.
4. Questions from the public
A resident has asked if she can dress the telephone box for national flower week; 19th- 25th June. Councillors agreed that this would brighten up the village. The Chairman said that it would be nice if she could dress the flag pole as well.
ACTION: Cllr. Claxton to liaise with the resident.
5. Appointment of Vice Chairman, Financial Officer and Officers to Committees
Cllr. Hughes nominated Cllr. Claxton as Vice Chairman, seconded Cllr. Conway and carried unanimously. The Clerk was appointed as the financial officer. The Chairman and Cllr. Claxton were appointed as representatives at the Gaydon Liaison Committee Meeting. Cllr. Hughes was appointed as our representative at Planning Committee Meetings and also the Community Governance Meetings. Cllr. Conway was appointed as liaison with neighbourhood watch. Cllr. Hughes agreed, in the interim, to take responsibility for traffic calming.
6. Declarations of Interest
Cllr. Conway declared a personal interest in item 11(e) as a near neighbour.
7. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (April)
The Clerk had circulated the minutes, prior to the meeting. Cllr. Hughes proposed that the minutes be accepted, seconded and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.
8. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings
(a) Church Lane field; to note possible cost associated with change of use
The Chairman explained the condition that had been imposed on this land by a previous owner which might result in a cost. This was discussed and councillors agreed that the benefits of acquiring this land for the community outweighed the possible cost implications associated with change of use for recreation. Cllr. Hughes proposed that we continue with the purchase of this land, seconded Cllr. Claxton and carried unanimously.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to our solicitor.
(b) Church Lane field; to consider signing the contract purchasing the land
The Chairman explained that the previous contract that had been signed needed to be amended to reflect the changes in the maintenance costs for the shared area. A new contract has been produced which has been circulated to councillors. Cllr. Claxton proposed that this contract be approved, seconded Cllr. Hughes and carried unanimously. The Chairman, Cllrs. Claxton and Hughes signed the document. A copy of which is attached to these minutes.
ACTION: The Clerk to deliver the document to our solicitor.
(c) Church Lane field; to agree the questionnaire to be sent to residents
The Chairman explained the purpose behind the questionnaire. A draft had been circulated to councillors, prior to the meeting, and this draft was agreed. Councillors decided that the best method for ensuring a high response would be to hand deliver the questionnaire to every household and then to return a week later to collect the questionnaires. It is imperative that every household is given the opportunity to respond since this field will be owned by the parish with the parish bearing any costs associated with it. The questionnaire will be numbered to prevent households from completing more than one. The Clerk was asked to place a note in the magazine making residents aware of this questionnaire. Cllr. Claxton was asked to mention on facebook and the Clerk was asked to ensure that it is mentioned on the websites. The Chairman agreed to arrange for copies to be printed and it was hoped that these could be distributed early in June.
ACTION: The Chairman, Cllrs. Claxton and Hughes to meet to discuss distribution and analysis of the data. The Clerk to ensure that residents are made aware of the questionnaire.
(d) Parish/Neighbourhood Plan priorities update
Councillors discussed the benefits of a neighbourhood plan. District Cllr. Kettle explained that a parish plan will not give you the same protection as a neighbourhood plan. A neighbourhood plan is considered to have planning benefits. Cllr. Hughes said that he has looked at a number of neighbourhood plans and will send links to councillors. The Clerk was asked to find out the contact for Kineton’s neighbourhood plan. Cllr. Conway agreed to be the lead on neighbourhood/parish plan.
ACTION: Cllr. Hughes to forward links to neighbourhood plans. The Clerk to find out the contact for Kineton’s neighbourhood plan.
(e) Spring litter pick; feedback
The Chairman reported a good turnout with around 20 people. It was very successful. It was noted that Gaydon Service Station had not responded to our invitation to join nor did they contribute. The Chairman thanked residents for assisting.
(f) Gaydon BBQ; feedback
Another good event with approximately 100 people attending. Thanks to the PCC, the village hall committee, Gaydon Village Stores and the many residents who helped to make this a success.
9. County Council Matters
(a) To receive report
The Chairman read out County Cllr. Williams’ report.
(b) County Highways update on removal of road markings, redesign of link road gateway and Warwick Road island plus status of new dual carriageway
The Clerk reported that Danny Green from County Highways has said that it is hoped that this work will start in June 2017.
Residents expressed concern that cyclists are using the footway over the M40 and there is a danger that they could fall. The barrier is quite low. The Chairman supported this. He said that there is no signage from Bishop’s Itchington advising them not to cycle over the bridge. This is an accident waiting to happen.
ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with Highways England.
(c) Milestone; letter drafted
ACTION: June agenda item.
10. District Council Matters
(a) To receive report
District Cllr. Kettle updated the meeting on the situation regarding the Horton Hospital.
Orbit has transferred some of their garages to Secure Garage Services. He understands this has happened in Gaydon.
(b) Enforcement issue relating to the Gaydon Inn field development
The Clerk reported that this is being dealt with by enforcement at the District Council. District Cllr. Kettle said that he would liaise with SDC regarding this issue. Cllr. Hughes explained that this land will transfer to a management company once Spitfire has finished on the site. He has asked them to contact us once the management company is in place.
ACTION: District Cllr. Kettle to follow up on the enforcement issue
11. To receive planning applications
(a) 17/01017/S106 - Treatment of the B4100
Councillors agreed unanimously to object to this application. No councillor could understand how a community could be united with the M40 relief road dividing it. A draft response had been circulated, prior to the meeting, and this was approved. It was further agreed that Cllr. Hughes would represent the parish at the planning committee meeting.
ACTION: The Clerk to forward the response to the Planning Department plus register Cllr. Hughes to speak at the Planning Committee Meeting.
(b) 17/00952/FUL and 17/00190/LBC - Gaydon Inn
The Chairman reported that he spoke with the conservation officer who was of the opinion that the building should be preserved as much as possible. Councillors agreed to support this view and object to these plans.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.
(c) 16/02749/FUL - Gaydon Service Station
This application was discussed and councillors agreed that the plans submitted, yet again, do not match what has been built. Councillors agreed to object for a number of reasons; lack of parking, no provision for HGVs.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.
Councillors also discussed the request for the grass verges to be incorporated into this development. It was agreed unanimously that this would affect the street scene, have a detrimental effect on the adjacent grade II listed building, not be appropriate in a rural village and make it very difficult for disabled residents to safely pass on the footway. Councillors agreed that to protect this area the Parish Council would consider adopting the verges and would maintain them. The Clerk was asked to respond to the Department of Transport with an objection and a request to adopt the verges.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Department of Transport.
(d) 17/01114/FUL - British Motor Museum
Councillors agreed to comment that additional planting to the south would be appreciated.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.
(e) 17/01055/FUL - Cherry Trees, Kineton Road
This application was discussed and councillors expressed concern at the height of the extension. It appears to be higher than the chimney which could create problems. They agreed to comment on the height of the extension and also request that the quality of the design is improved to include either windows or gables.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.
(f) 17/01127/FUL - land between Jaguar Land Rover and the Kineton Road
Councillors agreed to support this application. Representatives from Jaguar Land Rover had attended an earlier meeting and listened to our concerns.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.
(g) 17/00698/FUL - Last Cottage, Banbury Road
Councillors agreed to raise no comments or objections.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.
(h) 17/00325/FUL - Cottage Farm, Banbury Road
This application was discussed and councillors agreed to comment on the sodium lights. They would like them removed.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.
(i) 17/01008/FUL - Jaguar Land Rover
Councillors agreed to raise no comments or objections.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.
12. To receive results from planning applications
(a) 17/00307/FUL - Ferndale, Warwick Road; granted
(b) 17/00322/ADV - British Motor Museum; refused
(c) 17/00305/FUL - Cambrai, Kineton Road; granted.
13. Councillors Reports
(a) Cemetery; report circulated
The Chairman had circulated a report prior to the meeting. He thanked Cllr. Claxton for organising the new signs. He also thanked our contractor for keeping the cemetery looking so nice. He asked if the mound and hedges by the entrance could be cut back and also by the graves on the southern border. Cllr. Conway said that she understood that there were ashes on the mound. The Clerk and a resident explained that this is not the case. Ashes plots are near the RAF graves. There are plaques on the mound that were placed near trees which have since died.
(b) Street lighting/litter/street furniture
Cllr. Claxton and the Clerk are looking at the street light on the Kineton Road. Cllr. Claxton said that he is aware that the street light on Church Road is on permanently. This will be addressed shortly. The new dog waste bin has been installed. Litter remains a problem and needs to be addressed by Gaydon Service Station.
(c) Play area
No new report.
(d) Website
Councillors agreed that the administration of the website will need to be addressed following the resignation of Mirrin Lewis. The Clerk explained that displaying items on the website is a legal requirement so we should have at least 3 people with access rights to cover holidays and sickness. A resident volunteered to assist with the website. The Chairman thanked him and asked the Clerk to liaise with Mirrin Lewis for access rights for 3 people.
ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with Mirrin Lewis for access rights for herself, Cllr. Claxton and the resident.
(e) Drains
Cllr. Claxton reported an issue with a drain in St. Marks Close which he believes is the responsibility of Severn Trent.
ACTION: Cllr. Claxton to follow up with Severn Trent.
(f) Footpaths/Footways
Cllr. Claxton reported that he is putting chippings on the footpaths. Church Walk is receiving the slurry treatment again. A stile is still quite high so he will look at trying to lower it. A resident complained about the wording on the dog fouling signs on the footpaths. Cllr. Claxton said that he would liaise with the dog warden for official signage.
ACTION: Cllr. Claxton to liaise with the dog warden.
(g) Neighbourhood Watch
Cllr. Hughes reported on the recent burglaries. He said that the Police and Crime Officer have a grant scheme which he will be looking into. A suggestion was made for a camera on the roundabout which might help identify the offenders. The Clerk was asked to invite Constable Catherine Morgan to our next meeting.
ACTION: The Clerk to invite Constable Catherine Morgan to our next meeting.
14. To receive any correspondence
(a) email re. litter picking on the new dual carriageway
The Chairman reported that he has received an email from a resident who spotted Cllr. Conway clearing polythene from around a street light on the new dual carriageway. She was thanked for this work.
(b) Request for a headstone for Mrs. Sandra Davies
This request was approved.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the stone masons.
15. Financial report/administration
(a) Bank balances
The Clerk reported the following balances; Community Account - £9,837.45 and Business Account - £10,613.15
(b) End of year tax form submitted
(c) To review the asset register
Cllr. Claxton said he believed that the register should be showing 1 dog waste bin instead of 2 up to 31st March 2017. There was a dog waste bin by the telephone box some years ago but it is no longer there.
ACTION: Cllr. Claxton to review the register.
(d) To consider 2016/17 draft accounts
The accounts had been circulated, prior to the meeting. The Clerk reported that income was higher than budgeted due to our success in applying for a grant towards the repairs to the church clock. Street lighting costs were significantly over budget due to higher electricity costs plus necessary maintenance costs. Councillors agreed that the account could be passed to our internal auditor.
ACTION: The Clerk to forward the accounts to our internal auditor.
(e) To consider a section 137 request towards the Village BBQ
Councillors agreed unanimously to support this community event. The Chairman reported that the cost will be £38.00.
16. Passing of any accounts for payment
The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Hughes, seconded by Cllr. Claxton and carried unanimously.
(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (May) – £281.99
(b) Glasdon UK Ltd - dog waste bin - £121.48
(c) Gaydon PCC - section 137 - £38.00
(d) Mr. C. Pickering - grass cutting - £430.00
(e) C. Hill - expenses (Jan-Mar) - £36.00
(f) e.on - street lighting - £173.61
(g) Robert Lunn and Lowth - indemnity insurance - £247.50
17. Date of next meeting
6th June 2017 at 7.45pm.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.35pm.