1. Apologies for absence
Cllr. Conway (holiday).
2. To accept Cllr. Lewis’ resignation
The Chairman reported that Cllr. Lewis has resigned. He thanked her for her enthusiasm and hard work. She has agreed to continue with community speedwatch and is willing to help with neighbourhood watch and the website.
3. Questions from the public
A resident said that she would like to decorate the telephone box for national flower week (19th-25th June). She grows British species of flowers and showed the meeting a design. Councillors agreed that this was a good idea. Councillors suggested that she should arrange for photos to be displayed on the village and parish website.
It was reported that ambulances are still travelling up the ‘stopped up’ Warwick Road. County Cllr. Williams said that this was the fault of the ambulance drivers as the road is clearly marked as having no access. He further reported that the road markings will be changed in June.
4. Declarations of Interest
No interests were declared.
5. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (May)
The Clerk had circulated the minutes, prior to the meeting. Cllr. Claxton proposed that the minutes be accepted, seconded and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.
6. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings
(a) Church Lane field update
The Clerk reported that Spitfire’s solicitor is on holiday and no one else in the company appears to be able to assist with the exchange of contracts. Our solicitor has contacted Spitfire’s solicitor and the clerk has contacted Spitfire directly.
(b) Church Lane field survey update
Councillors agreed the process for delivering the forms with the aim of collecting them. Forms can be dropped off in the shop or The Malt Shovel pub.
ACTION: Councillors/residents to deliver the forms and try to collect them.
(c) Parish/Neighbourhood Plan priorities update
The Clerk reported that grants are available from the Localities and Communities Department. The Clerk was asked if she could invite the Kineton NP contact to either September or October’s meeting.
ACTION: The Clerk to invite the Kineton NP representative to the September/October meeting.
(d) Police update; to agree a date for Constable Morgan to be present
Councillors agreed the 27th June at 7.30pm. The meeting would be an ordinary parish council meeting with Constable Morgan first on the agenda.
ACTION: The Clerk to invite Constable Morgan. Cllr. Claxton to put details on facebook. The Clerk to ask for details to be placed on the websites.
(e) Neighbourhood Watch Report
Cllr. Hughes reported that he has spoken to the Police about the recent burglaries. He was asked to liaise with Cllr. Conway.
ACTION: Cllr. Hughes to liaise with Cllr. Conway.
7. County Council Matters
(a) To receive report
County Cllr. Williams reported that there has been a reduction in councillors from 62 to 57. 50% of the councillors are new to the County Council. The Conservative Party now have overall control.
The Chairman asked if the verges on the new dual carriageway could be cut. County Cllr. Williams said that this is not possible until the road is adopted. The Clerk reported that Danny Green at the County Council has confirmed that the road has been adopted by the County Council. County Cllr. Williams agreed to follow up on this.
ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to follow up on the cutting of the verges on the new road.
8. District Council Matters
(a) To receive report
No new report.
(b) Enforcement issue relating to the Gaydon Inn field development
The Clerk was asked to follow up on this with District Cllr. Kettle.
ACTION: The Clerk to follow up with District Cllr. Kettle.
(c) Community Governance Meeting; attendees
It was agreed that the Chairman and Cllr. Hughes would attend.
(d) Planning Committee Meeting update
Cllr. Hughes reported that this was approved. The Chairman thanked Cllr. Hughes for representing the Parish Council.
9. To receive planning applications
(a) 17/01240/FUL - British Motor Museum
Councillors agreed to raise no comments on this application.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the planning department.
(b) 16/02479/FUL (amendment) - Hillside, Kineton Road
This application was discussed and councillors agreed to continue to object. The building has a flat roof which, we understand, is not in keeping with the District Council’s policy. The 2010 planning notice states that the trees are very important so they must be retained. The original house also needs to be demolished as this was a condition on the original planning approval for this land. We have met our housing need as per the Core Strategy.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the planning department.
10. To receive results from planning applications
(a) 16/02984/REM - land south of Kineton Road; granted
(b) 17/00325/FUL - Cottage Farm, Banbury Road; granted
11. To receive any correspondence
(a) Gaydon Liaison Meeting; agenda items
It was reported that the hedge towards Chadshunt needs cutting. The contractor hasn’t cut it back enough and there are visibility issues when exiting driveways. The Clerk said that this will be a matter for the County Council and not JLR since hedges can’t be cut back during the bird nesting season. Permission will need to be granted.
ACTION: The Clerk to write to County Highways
Neighbourhood Plan should be added to the agenda and JLR should be thanked for attending the public consultation.
ACTION: The Clerk to request these items be added.
(b) email re. speeding lorries on the Kineton Road
The Chairman thanked the resident for reporting these lorries to the company. (c) Stratford-on-Avon Neighbourhood Development Plan
Cllr. Hughes expressed concern regarding the Birmingham Road plan. He was asked to summarise and circulate to councillors.
ACTION: Cllr. Hughes to summarise and circulate to councillors.
12. Financial report/administration
(a) Bank balances
The Clerk reported the following balances; Community Account - £9,218.97 and Business Account - £10,613.15.
Cllr. Morisot suggested that the Parish Council looks at investing in premium bonds as interest is currently so low on the accounts. The Clerk to investigate.
ACTION: The Clerk to seek advice from WALC.
(b) To agree donations for advertising on the website
ACTION: September agenda item.
(c) Annual Play Area inspection
The Clerk was asked to arrange.
ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for the annual inspection.
13. Passing of any accounts for payment
The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Hughes, seconded by Cllr. Claxton and carried unanimously.
(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (June) – £279.21
(b) Stratford District Council - election fees - £200.00
(c) WALC - annual subscription - £121.38
14. Date of next meeting
27th June 2017 at 7.30pm.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.10pm.