1. Apologies for absence
County Cllr. C. Williams (holiday).
2. To consider co-opting Paul Fowle to the Parish Council
Cllr. Hughes proposed that Paul Fowle be co-opted to the Parish Council, seconded Cllr. Conway and carried unanimously. Cllr. Fowle signed the declaration of office form. Cllr. Fowle agreed to take over the traffic portfolio.
3. Constable Catherine Morgan, Safer Neighbourhood Police
Constable Morgan introduced herself and PCSO Sarah Bailey. She explained that leaflets and stickers had been left in the shop after the burglaries. She further explained the benefits of a smartwater village and encouraged the Parish Council to consider this. It would be an approximate cost of £8.90 per property if bought in bulk and the Police would provide assistance with contacting every resident. The Chairman said that this would need to be organised and managed by the neighbourhood watch co-ordinator.
ACTION: Cllr. Conway to liaise with the neighbourhood watch co-ordinator.
The Chairman thanked Constable Morgan and PCSO Bailey for attending the meeting.
7.40pm Cllr. Claxton joins the meeting.
4. Questions from the public
A resident requested that the Parish Council holds a meeting with residents from Church Lane regarding the field. The Chairman said that a public meeting will be arranged once the questionnaires have been collected and the information summarised.
There is a blocked drain on land being used by the Kineton Road developer. Cllr. Claxton agreed to talk to the developer.
ACTION: Cllr. Claxton to liaise with the developer.
There is a blocked ditch by St. Marks Close.
ACTION: Cllr. Claxton agreed to look into this and, if necessary, liaise with the developer.
Two ladies were caught tipping waste into the ditch on the layby.
ACTION: The Clerk to inform County Highways.
The road markings on the link road are directing traffic down the old Warwick Road. Cllr. Claxton pointed out that the road markings on the Banbury Road are also misleading by indicating that traffic can go straight ahead when the road is access to frontages only.
ACTION: The Clerk to ask Danny Green at County Highways to amend the markings.
Verges and central reservations on the new dual carriageway have not been properly managed and are full of weeds.
ACTION: The Clerk to request that the area is cleared and seeded.
There is a mismatch of signage on the Warwick Road. Could we please have this looked at and corrected.
ACTION: The Clerk to bring to the attention of County Highways.
6. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (June)
The minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr. Hughes proposed that they be accepted, seconded Cllr. Claxton and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.
7. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings
(a) Church Lane field update
The Clerk reported that the contracts should be signed this week.
(b) Church Lane field survey update
The Chairman reported that all of the questionnaires have been delivered. Some have been collected and some have been left in the shop. Cllrs. Claxton and Hughes said that they would be collecting from their areas shortly. The Clerk said that a note had been placed in the magazine saying that if the questionnaire hadn’t been collected then to please hand in at the shop or The Malt Shovel pub or phone the clerk who will arrange collection.
A resident asked if this is the normal procedure for a consultation. The Chairman said that it has been agreed by the Parish Council. She further asked how the information would be collated. The Chairman responded by preferred options. The resident asked what type of fencing would be erected. Cllr. Claxton responded post and rail with stock fencing. This has been agreed with the original landowner and the developer.
8. County Council Matters
(a) Milestone letter
The Clerk confirmed that the draft has been circulated. Councillors agreed that the Chairman would review and respond to the Clerk.
ACTION: The Chairman to review the draft and pass any amendments to the clerk.
(b) New dual carriageway cutting of verges; completed
(c) Warwick Road; work started
The work to extend the island has started.
(d) Banbury Road layby update
The Chairman reported that this is slowly moving forward. Cllr. Morisot is leading on this project with Cllr. Claxton supporting.
9.25pm District Cllr. Kettle joins the meeting.
9. District Council Matters
(a) To receive report
District Cllr. Kettle apologised for not attending the last Parish Council meeting. The highway implications for GLH remain a concern. The first planning application at GLH will be for 500 houses on the Lighthorne Heath side of the B4100. District Cllr. Kettle explained the history behind the new homes bonus payments. The Horton campaign is continuing. District Cllr. Kettle has been appointed Vice Chairman of the council.
The Chairman and Cllr. Claxton expressed concern that street lighting has been erected on the Gaydon Inn development. District Cllr. Kettle agreed to liaise with the planning officer on this.
ACTION: District Cllr. Kettle to liaise with the planning officer re. Gaydon Inn field.
(b) Enforcement issue relating to the Gaydon Inn field development update
The Chairman explained to District Cllr. Kettle that the Parish Council is concerned because it appears that the wildlife corridor has been obstructed. District Cllr. Kettle assured the Parish Council that he is liaising with the enforcement officer, the developer and residents to try and resolve this issue. The Chairman thanked him.
ACTION: August agenda item.
(c) Community Governance Meeting; update
The Chairman reported that Gaydon, Lighthorne and Chesterton Parish Councils have been given assurances that they will remain independent. It is proposed that Lighthorne Heath Parish will administer the new town. Boundary changes may need to be discussed. The wish lists have been circulated. Lighthorne Heath Parish Council will receive £450,000 which councillors agreed was a paltry sum for 3000 houses. £3 million would be shared among the other parish councils. This will probably be part of a section 106 agreement and not CIL. To obtain funding we will need to illustrate that residents of the new town are using our facilities or travelling through our village for traffic calming funding. £7.5 million has been allocated to Kineton High School. The Chairman said that the officers were unwilling to discuss the £4 million new home bonus payments they should be receiving from the Government in respect of this development. District Cllr. Kettle agreed to discuss this with the Leader of the District Council
ACTION: District Cllr. Kettle to discuss the new homes bonus payment with the Leader of the District Council
(d) Consultation on Site Allocations Plan
Councillors expressed concern that Hillside has been marked for development. The Clerk was asked to request that this be amended. Ferndale is not included in the plan. The Clerk said that she believes that it is outside of the village boundary. Councillors agreed that it should be included in the village settlement and in our housing numbers.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond.
10. To receive planning applications
(a) 17/01707/FUL - Gaydon Test Centre
ACTION: The Clerk to request hard copy plans.
(b) 16/03904/FUL (amendment/additional information) - Jaguar Land Rover
Councillors expressed concern that there was no amended information for the lighting. The Clerk was asked to follow up with the planning officer. Councillors agreed that if no amended information on lighting has been submitted then the Parish Council objects to this application.
ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with the Planning Officer.
11. To receive results from planning applications
(a) 17/01240/FUL - British Motor Museum; granted
12. To receive any correspondence
(a) email re. Church Lane field
The Chairman explained that he has received an email from a resident requesting a meeting regarding the field. He has explained that a public meeting will be held later this year.
(b) email re. Gaydon development wildlife corridor
District Cllr. Kettle confirmed that he is dealing with this issue.
(c) Avon Valley Bowls Club lease
Cllr. Claxton reported that the Club has been offered a new lease.
(d) Gaydon Service Station; response received from National Highways
The Clerk reported that our response will not be considered as it does not impact on the highway.
13. Financial report/administration
(a) Bank balances
The Clerk reported the following balances; Community Account - £9,218.97 and Business Account - £10,613.15.
(b) Internal audit recommendations
These were discussed. The Chairman asked if councillors could be updated more regularly with regard to expenditure against budget. The Clerk said that she would like to be able to do this but at the moment does not have the time. A significant proportion of her time is taken up with JLR issues.
ACTION: Councillors to review.
(c) To approve the 2016/17 accounts
These were circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr. Claxton proposed that they be approved, seconded Cllr. Conway and carried unanimously. The Chairman and the Clerk signed the accounts.
(d) Advice re. investing in premium bonds
ACTION: September agenda item

14. To consider approving the annual governance statement
The questions were read out and councillors responded. Cllr. Hughes proposed that the statement be approved, seconded Cllr. Claxton and carried unanimously. The Chairman and Clerk signed the statement.
15. To consider approving the 2016/17 accounting statement
Cllr. Conway proposed that the statement be approved, seconded Cllr. Hughes and carried unanimously. The Chairman and Clerk signed the statement.
16. Passing of any accounts for payment
The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Hughes, seconded by Cllr. Claxton and carried unanimously.
(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (June) – £279.21
(b) Mr. C. Pickering - grass maintenance - £430.00
(c) St. Lawrence School - cost for photocopying - £8.00
(d) e.on - street lighting - £92.24

17. Date of next meeting
1st August 2017 at 7.30pm.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.20pm.