1. Apologies for absence

Cllr. Fowle (illness).

2. Bryn Patefield, Client Service Manager, County Highways Division

The Chairman explained that Bryn Patefield was unable to attend because of illness. He apologised for the late notice but explained that the Clerk had only been informed late afternoon. County Cllr. Williams said that Bryn would be willing to attend the November meeting.

7.47pm District Cllr. Kettle joins the meeting.

Cllr. Conway asked County Cllr. Williams if we could have someone from the road safety department attend the meeting, in view of the fatality on the new dual carriageway, and also the accidents on the B4100. County Cllr. Williams said that he would arrange for Jo Edwards to attend.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to arrange for Bryn Patefield and Jo Edwards to attend the next meeting. The Clerk to mention in the magazine and on the website. Cllr. Claxton to mention on facebook.

The Chairman asked if November’s meeting could start at 7.35pm as he envisaged a large turnout with many questions.

3. Questions from the public

A resident reminded councillors that the Parish Council had kindly given a grant to the village magazine last year. The Clerk said that this had been incorporated into the budget and she would list as a payment at November’s meeting.

The ‘stopped up’ Warwick Road is being swept twice a day by JLR contractors. What is going to happen once their work finishes? District Cllr. Kettle said that he would follow up on this.

ACTION: District Cllr. Kettle to ensure that the road is swept and litter picked on a regular basis.

Cllr. Claxton reported that the verges past Windyridge on the Warwick Road are not getting cut. He expressed concern that the cycleway will also not be cut once JLR allow access.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to ensure that the verges past Windyridge to the gate are cut and that the cycleway is cut once JLR allow access.

4. Declarations of interest

No interests were declared.

5. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (September)

The minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr. Claxton proposed that they be accepted, seconded Cllr. Hughes and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.

6. County Council Matters

(a) To receive report

County Cllr. Williams reported that work is continuing on the budget. The County must save £80 million over a 4 year plan. £1 million will be saved by restructuring the children’s centres.

A record number of responses have been received on the Children’s Centre Consultation. The County will make a decision in December.

There are no plans to reduce the fire service.

County Cllr. Williams spoke about public health saying that people need to exercise more. Cllr. Morisot said that a cycleway between JLR and Kineton would be good exercise. Cllr. Conway asked what the County is doing in this area to address the exercise needs.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to investigate and report to the next meeting.

District Cllr. Kettle said that there is evidence that cycling into Kineton needs improving. The Chairman asked if County Cllr. Williams could find out what is happening with regard to cycling.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to investigate.

The Chairman said that there are still no signs from Bishop’s Itchington to Gaydon warning cyclists that they can’t cycle over the bridge.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to bring this to the attention of the road safety department.

(b) 30mph countdown markers on Banbury Road

County Cllr. Williams explained that the markers were removed when the speed limit was reduced to 50mph. Since the speed limit has been reduced they can no longer be used. The Chairman pointed out that this is inconsistent across the county. He also asked why we were not consulted since County Highways are fully aware of issues with speeding through the village. Cllr. Claxton asked for a copy of the legislation which states that countdown markers must be removed.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to arrange for a copy of the legislation to be forwarded to Cllr. Claxton. County Cllr. Williams to also find out why the removal of countdown markers is inconsistent across the county.

A resident from Community Speedwatch said that 98% of cars entering Gaydon from the Banbury Road are now tripping the visual display sign. He explained the dangers to pedestrians with vehicles entering Gaydon at higher speeds. The countdown markers were on the bend which warned drivers of the reduction in the speed limit allowing them time to safely slow down. County Cllr. Williams agreed to bring these concerns to the attention of Jo Edwards in Road Safety.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to bring these issues to the attention of Jo Edwards.

(c) Warwick Road security issues

A resident said that the gate going into the field has still not been secured despite being brought to the attention of this meeting on 1st August. He explained that he has spoken to drivers of 2 vans who were seen looking at the field. They claim that they are going to be doing block paving work in the field. He is concerned for the security of the field and if it is not locked in the next week he said that he would lock it. County Cllr. Williams said that the field is owned by the County Council and would not be developed. The Chairman asked County Cllr. Williams if he could please arrange for it to be secured in the next week and also find out about the block paving work.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to respond to the Chairman within 7 days.

It was further mentioned that every time we experience heavy rainfall the link road floods. County Cllr. Williams agreed to bring this to the attention of the flood defence team.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to update the next meeting.

(d) Banbury Road layby update

County Cllr. Williams said that the pot holes will be filled in. The culvert has been piped. The area will be tarmacked soon. The Chairman thanked County Cllr. Williams for arranging this.

(e) Link Road gateway installed

The Chairman thanked County Cllr. Williams for arranging this. A resident pointed out that cars and vans are still stopping, in front of the gates, but this appears to have stopped lorries parking here overnight.

(f) New scheme road markings

County Cllr. Williams said that he has asked for a report on this. The Chairman explained the issues with turning right from Gaydon towards the M40.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to update the next meeting.

(g) Church Lane road surfacing

County Cllr. Williams said that he would arrange for the road to be resurfaced where the surface has been removed.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to arrange for this work to be carried out.

(h) 50mph signage evaluation

County Cllr. Williams said that the Police would be carrying out a monitoring exercise. The Chairman asked whether there would be an evaluation to determine whether the 50mph signage was addressing the purpose it was installed for ‘reducing the fatalities on the B4100’. County Cllr. Williams said that Jo Edwards would be able to answer this question at the next meeting.

ACTION: November agenda item.

(i) Banbury Road clearway

County Cllr. Williams said that this road is no longer a clearway. Councillors agreed to liaise with the residents of the Banbury Road to find out their views. A resident volunteered to do this.

ACTION: The resident to report to councillors.

(j) Home to school transport consultation

Circulated to councillors.

8.35pm County Cllr. Williams leaves the meeting.

7. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings

(a) Church Lane field update re. health and safety and meeting date

Cllr. Claxton explained that the fencing hasn’t been erected yet because it is reliant on the gate which the landowner has specified. It was agreed that Cllr. Claxton should meet with the landowner about the gate.

ACTION: Cllr. Claxton to meet with the landowner.

Councillors agreed that the Clerk should ask our contractor to cut the grass in this field.

ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for the grass to be cut.

The Clerk was also asked to arrange for quotes for cutting the hedge.

ACTION: The Clerk to organise quotes for the cutting of the hedge.

(b) Blocked ditch and drain behind St. Mark’s Close update

ACTION: Cllr. Claxton to liaise with the developer.

8. District Council Matters

(a) To receive report

District Cllr. Kettle reported that the District has published their 5 year housing supply figures. They have a 6.7 year housing supply. The District will be keeping to the Core Strategy numbers unless the Government changes the requirement.

The District Council is not able to provide any more bins in the layby free of charge. If the Parish Council would like more bins they will have to purchase them and pay for them to be emptied. It was noted that the layby is owned by the County Council and it should be their responsibility to keep it free of litter and vermin. It was agreed that this should be an item for November’s meeting to be discussed with County Cllr. Williams.

ACTION: November agenda item.

The District is working with a supplier to deliver high speed Broadband. Cllr. Kettle said that he would be looking at capacity and speed issues for outlying villages.

(b) Telephone Box ownership

District Cllr. Kettle said that the District was only asked to collate information regarding ownership of the boxes. This information has now been passed to British Telecom.

(c) Gaydon Inn development update on street lights

District Cllr. Kettle reported that street lights have not been included on the planning application. Councillors agreed that they would like them removed.

ACTION: The Clerk to email District Cllr. Kettle.

The Clerk said that she believes that they were not included for the Gaydon Inn site. A resident confirmed this. District Cllr. Kettle said that he would mention this to the enforcement department.

ACTION: District Cllr. Kettle to ask the enforcement department to look at the Gaydon Inn site.

Cllr. Claxton said that this planning application refers to a section 106 payment of £18,000 for a bus stop. District Cllr. Kettle said that this is a county matter.

ACTION: November agenda item.

9. To receive planning applications

(a) 17/02694/FUL - Aston Martin Lagonda

This application was discussed. Councillors agreed that they would like all Jaguar Land Rover, British Motor Museum and Aston Martin applications conditioned to say that no water tankers should be entering Gaydon village.

No other comments or concerns were raised.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.

(b) 17/02703/FUL - Jaguar Land Rover

Councillors agreed to object due to the excessive lighting arrangements.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.

(c) 17/02544/FUL - Jaguar Land Rover

Councillors agreed that they would like the boundary hedge reinforced. They also asked for the building to have a surface that is least reflective, if this is possible, to avoid reflection of light. The Clerk was asked to comment.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.

(d) 17/02757/FUL - Jaguar Land Rover

No objections or comments.

10. To receive results from planning applications

(a) 17/02045/FUL - Jaguar Land Rover; granted.

11. To receive any correspondence

(a) WALC Annual General Meeting; 1st November

Cllr. Conway said that she would try to attend.

12. Financial Report/Administration

(a) Bank balances

The Clerk reported the following balances; Community Account - £7,162.14 and Business Account - £10,613.15.

(b) Bank reconciliation

ACTION: November agenda item.

(c) To consider approving the annual return

The Clerk reported that the annual return had not been received in time for the September meeting. The external auditor has signed off the return but has brought to our attention 2 matters not affecting their opinion. The period for the exercise of public rights was one day longer than necessary and the internal auditor answered ‘yes’ to a question regarding petty cash. The answer should have been ‘not covered’ since the parish does not operate a petty cash system. Cllr. Hughes proposed that we approve the annual return, seconded and carried unanimously. The Clerk was asked to advertise the closure of audit.

ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for the closure of audit to be advertised.

13. Passing of any accounts for payment

The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Claxton, seconded by Cllr. Hughes and carried unanimously.

(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (September) – £279.21

(b) Royal British Legion - section 137 - £65.00

(c) Grant Thornton UK LLP - external audit fee - £120.00

14. Date of next meeting

7th November 2017 at 7.35pm.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.55pm.