1. Apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Cllrs. Conway (illness), Morisot (work commitment) and County Cllr. Williams (County Council commitment).

2. Community Speedwatch

Cllr. Fowle gave a brief update. He thanked County Cllr. Williams for confirming that he would allocate £10,000 towards traffic calming in 2018/19.

He reported that Community Speedwatch (CSW) had met with the Police and Crime Commissioner, who was very supportive of their work. He said that there would be an officer appointed who could provide support to CSW. He also agreed that the calibration of the speeding device, signage and high viz jackets would be paid for by the Police. CSW will be looking at developing a relationship with JLR and AML. 2 new volunteers have come forward. Cllr. Fowle thanked Lighthorne Parish Council for lending their speeding device to Gaydon. This should permit more monitoring to take place. A draft survey was circulated which will be distributed to residents in the village. Copies will be available from the shop. Cllr. Fowle proposed that CSW, the Parish Council and a number of residents work together to achieve the best result possible with this funding. They would be guided by Garry Palmer in County Highways. Cllr. Brine mentioned that a meeting took place with Garry Palmer and Jo Edwards last year and guidance was given on a number of proposals. He urged that the hard work of a previous councillor be acknowledged. Cllr. Fowle explained that CSW has looked at that report and appreciates that officer time is very limited so would only consult Garry Palmer on additional ideas. Cllr. Brine proposed that Cllr. Fowle’s proposal be approved, seconded the Chairman and carried unanimously with Cllr. Fowle representing the Parish Council on this committee. The Chairman thanked Cllr. Fowle for this update and proposal.

3. Questions from the public

A resident thanked the residents who had attended the meeting just before Christmas regarding the community pub. This matter will be progressed later this year.

A resident complained that the bus which is listed as stopping at The Malt Shovel does not. The timetable clearly shows The Malt Shovel as a bus stop but it doesn’t always stop. Cllr. Brine explained that he has experienced a similar problem and has liaised with the bus company to try and get this resolved. The Clerk was asked to bring this to the attention of the County Council.

ACTION: The Clerk to ask the County Council to ensure that buses do stop in Gaydon in line with the timetable.

4. Declarations of Interest

No interests were declared.

5. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (December)

The minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr. Brine proposed that they be accepted, seconded Cllr. Claxton and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.

6. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting

(a) Church Lane field update re. health and safety and fence

Cllr. Claxton confirmed that he has complained to Spitfire Properties regarding the fence but he doesn’t believe this will be rectified. The Clerk reported that the cost for cutting the hedge would be £30-£35 per hour. Some trees might not be able to be removed by this contractor. It depends on the width of the trunk. Councillors would need to look at the hedge and mark any trees that they want to be kept. Councillors agreed that the Chairman should meet with the contractor, mark trees to be kept and request that the hedge be fronted only. The Chairman then agreed to liaise with a resident regarding laying the hedge. He also agreed to contact Barnfields to make them aware of this work as the hedge is very thin between the field and this property.

ACTION: The Chairman to progress this matter.

(b) Gaydon Inn development; Spitfire will be liaising with residents

The Clerk reported that she did ask Spitfire to liaise with residents on this development before submitting a planning application. She understands that a planning application has been submitted.

(c) Play area ownership; update from solicitor

Councillors discussed this matter and agreed that to commit at least £800 towards legal fees, when funds are required for traffic calming, would not be in the best interests of this parish. The Parish Council maintains the play area and has received no indication that this area will be reclaimed by Orbit. If Orbit were to notify the Parish Council that they wish to either sell or develop the land then this matter would be reviewed. It was further agreed that this will continue to be our play area with the hope that a committee can be established to refurbish the area with the funding provided by Spitfire Developments. The Clerk was asked to place a note in the magazine asking for volunteers to form a committee.

ACTION: The Clerk to place a note in the magazine asking for volunteers.

7. County Council Matters

(a) To receive report

The Chairman reported that County Cllr. Williams had called him to explain that the £10,000 traffic calming funding would not be available until April. He had also stressed the need for Gaydon to purchase a defibrillator. Councillors agreed that this was an excellent suggestion and it is hoped that the telephone box would be able to house one. The Clerk explained that with funding required for traffic calming it would be difficult for the parish to also be able to consider purchasing a defibrillator. Councillors agreed that traffic calming was the number one priority. The Clerk reminded councillors that County Cllr. Williams has a community grant fund which might be able to assist with this purchase. Councillors agreed that his was an excellent suggestion and should be applied for in the summer when it becomes available. The Chairman said that County Cllr. Williams was very keen on the purchase of a defibrillator so he is sure he would be very supportive of this idea.

ACTION: The Clerk to ask Cllr. Conway if she would be able to investigate what type of defibrillator to purchase and advise the Parish Council at the April meeting.

(b) Signage for cyclists approaching from Bishop’s Itchington update

ACTION: March agenda.

(c) Footway to Temple Herdewyck health and safety issues; update

Cllr. Claxton reported that the trees over the bridge have been cut but the footway is still badly in need of repair especially from the cemetery to the bridge. It is breaking up and, in his opinion, dangerous.

ACTION: March agenda.

(d) £10,000 gateway project

See item 2.

(e) Flooding of link road update

ACTION: March agenda.

(f) Milestone; response from the legal department

The Clerk reported that the legal department has passed our letter to County Highways. A resident stated that it is extremely important for Gaydon’s heritage that this milestone is returned.

(g) Drainage to highways ditch

The Clerk had circulated to councillors prior to the meeting an email relating to the ditch on Church Road. Councillors confirmed that they had noted the contents.

8. District Council Matters

(a) To receive report

District Cllr. Kettle reported that there would be a 1% increase in the district council tax. There will be a budget shortfall next year which will be taken from reserves. There has been a further meeting with BDUK. The District Council has asked a number of questions and is still waiting for a response. Stratford District is less well connected than Coventry and Solihull. There is an issue with developers providing affordable housing which the District Council is trying to address. CIL started on 1st February. S106 will still be applicable in specific circumstances. District Cllr. Kettle believes that Orbit Housing has decided not to charge tenants for grass maintenance.

(b) To consider requesting TPOs for the Wellingtonia trees

Cllr. Brine proposed that the Parish Council requests this, seconded Cllr. Claxton and carried unanimously. District Cllr. Kettle announced that TPOs have already been placed on these trees. The Chairman thanked Cllr. Kettle for his assistance.

8.55pm District Cllr. Kettle leaves the meeting.

(c) Community Governance Review update

Cllr. Brine reported that he attended this meeting with the Chairman. A draft map has been produced in which Gaydon Parish would lose the fishing lakes but gain all of JLR and retain Gaydon Coppice. This is a proposal and will need to go to consultation. Lighthorne Parish will be the sponsor of the new town. Councillors agreed that this draft map should be placed on the website and details placed in the magazine.

ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for the map to be placed on the website. The Clerk and Cllr. Brine to write an article for the magazine.

(d) Site allocations consultation

The Chairman said that he would be able to attend.

9. To receive planning applications

(a) 17/03326/FUL - land adjacent Ferndale and Windy Ridge

Councillors agreed to object to this application for a number of reasons; risk of damage to Wellingtonia trees, over development of the site, exceeds our allocated number of new homes in the Core Strategy, garage in front of the sight line, houses not in keeping with the rural character of Gaydon village.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the planning department.

(b) 17/03719/VARY - Jaguar Land Rover

Cllr. Brine explained that the building is smaller and lower. Councillors agreed to raise no comments or objections.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the planning department.

(c) Retention of a temporary access from B4100 to Bird Road

Councillors agreed to raise no comments or objections.

(d) 17/03238/FUL - land at southbound M40

Councillors agreed to raise no comments or objections.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the planning department.

10. To receive results from planning applications

(a) 17/03140/FUL - 6 Manor Farm Court; refused.

(b) 17/03073/FUL - 6 Manor Farm Court; refused.

11. Councillors Reports

(a) Cemetery; to consider the proposal from the War Graves Commission

Cllr. Brine explained that the War Graves Commission would like to upgrade the 13 RAF graves in the cemetery. They have submitted a detailed plan which includes planting between the graves. The design is an international design which we understand will be adopted for all RAF graves. The land between the graves is owned by the Parish Council. Councillors agreed that we should support this scheme but must ensure that our contractor is able to maintain these graves and his fee is agreed beforehand.

ACTION: The Clerk to pass the design to our contractor. The Clerk to liaise with the War Graves Commission regarding annual payment.

(b) Street lighting/litter/street furniture/new bus shelters plus to consider additional grit bins

Cllr. Claxton reported 2 lights out on the Kineton Road. A third light was reported at the bottom of St. Giles Road.

ACTION: Cllr. Claxton to report via Fix My Street.

Litter is a problem on the Banbury Road towards the cemetery. There is also rubbish in the ditch. Councillors agreed that there has been an increase in the amount of litter around the garage and on Pimple Lane since the garage has expanded its operations. The Clerk to make the District Council aware of this as they might be able to request that the garage regularly litter picks in Gaydon or advise that they purchase more bins, etc.

ACTION: The Clerk to let the District Council know about this issue.

It was agreed that a litter pick should take place. The Chairman agreed to place a note in the magazine.

ACTION: The Chairman to organise a litter pick and mention in the magazine.

Cllr. Claxton reported that there would be 2 new bus stops on the Banbury Road by the Gaydon Inn development. The Clerk said that she was only aware of the independent school bus using this route. Other buses go via Church Road. Cllr. Claxton said that if these bus stops are installed then bus routes would need to be amended.

Cllr. Claxton reported that the grit bin has still not been refilled despite reporting to County Cllr. Williams in November. The Clerk said that she received a call from the Locality Officer explaining that the County Council didn’t know where our grit bin was. She did tell him on the phone but he said that a letter would be sent asking us to mark it on a map. Cllr. Claxton confirmed that our Locality Officer is aware of the location but agreed to mark the location on a map.

ACTION: Cllr. Claxton to mark the location of our grit bin on a map and send to County Highways.

(c) Play area; to note the work on the garages and any impact on the play area

The Chairman said that he has inspected the play area and there is no debris from the garage roofs.

(d) Church Lane field; to discuss results of survey and consider the role of the field

Cllr. Brine said that a large number of residents requested that the field be left alone. They also wanted a play area. The Clerk said that she understands that planning permission would be required for play equipment on the field. Councillors agreed that to obtain planning permission would be difficult with a large number of residents requesting that the field be left alone. They agreed that the field should be maintained to permit picnics, ball games, community events and dog walking as long as residents clear up after their animals. The Clerk was asked to place a note in the magazine.

ACTION: The Clerk to place a note in the magazine.

(e) Website; to agree mission wording and management

Cllr. Brine said that he has received suggestions from Cllrs. Fowle and Conway. Various words were discussed and it was agreed that Cllr. Brine would circulate a revised statement for comments prior to the next meeting.

ACTION: Cllr. Brine to amend the statement and circulate to councillors for updates.

(f) Drains

The Chairman reported that the manhole cover opposite the Church lifts and overflows. Cllr. Claxton said that this should be reported to Fix My Street. The Clerk said that it depends on whether this is the responsibility of County Highways or Severn Trent. It was agreed that residents should report to the County Council and if the problem isn’t resolved quickly then Severn Trent should be contacted.

(g) Footpaths/Footways

No issues to report.

(h) Neighbourhood Watch

The Clerk reported that Cllr. Conway has been kept updated by our neighbourhood watch co-ordinator. Nothing new to report since the magazine report.

(i) Gaydon Liaison Meeting update

Minutes had been circulated. The Clerk explained that Cllrs. Claxton and Brine currently represent the Parish Council at this meeting. All representations on committees are reviewed at the May meeting. The Chairman said that he was very happy for Cllrs. Claxton and Brine to continue representing the Parish Council and thanked them for representing Gaydon at this meeting. It was reported that buses are still parking outside JLR. There were 2 buses on the public highway today. The Clerk to make the JLR representative who attends the meeting aware.

ACTION: The Clerk to email JLR regarding the buses.

Cllr. Conway has asked if neighbourhood plan could be added to the next liaison committee agenda. Councillors agreed that this is an excellent idea.

ACTION: The Clerk to forward this request to the County Council.

12. Correspondence

(a) letter re. precept

The Clerk confirmed that the details contained in this letter have been incorporated into the draft budget.

(b) email re. information on Police website

The Chairman said that he has looked at the Police website and agrees that the information is not up-to-date. The Clerk said that our neighbourhood watch co-ordinator has been made aware of this.

(c) Planning appeal 16/02749 - Gaydon Service Station

The Clerk was asked to respond inviting the inspector to visit the site. The Chairman said that he would be willing to attend this site meeting.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the inspector.

(d) To consider a street name for the Kineton Road development

Councillors agreed to request Edgehill View as the hill is very visible from this location.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the District Council.

(e) Gaydon Inn; concern expressed re. the condition

The Clerk was asked to make the conservation officer aware.

ACTION: The Clerk to contact the conservation officer.

13. To consider the draft budget and agree the precept for 2018/19

A draft budget had been circulated prior to the meeting. This budget was discussed. Cllr. Brine proposed an increase in the precept to £11,273; £3.88 annual increase on a band D property, seconded Cllr. Fowle and carried unanimously. The increase will assist with our traffic calming measures.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the District Council.

14. Financial Report/Administration

(a) Bank balances

The Clerk reported the following balances; Community Account - £9,606.96 and Business Account - £10,615.27.

(b) Bank reconciliation

This was circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting. A copy is attached to these minutes.

(c) Servicing of Church Clock; Cumbria Clock Company instructed

The Clerk was asked to contact the company to secure a date.

ACTION: The Clerk to contact the company for a date.

(d) Training; feedback

Cllr. Claxton said that the training was excellent. He suggested that the Clerk contacts WALC to arrange a dedicated training day for all councillors.

ACTION: The Clerk to contact WALC.

15. Passing of any accounts for payment

The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Brine, seconded by Cllr. Claxton and carried unanimously.

(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (January) – £279.21

(b) Gaydon Village Hall - annual rent - £800.00

(c) e.on - street lighting - £89.27

(d) Mr. C. Pickering - grass cutting - £105.00

(e) C. Hill - clerk’s gross salary (February) - £311.43 (includes time spent on transparency)

(f) C. Hill - expenses (Oct-Dec) - £36.72

(g) WALC - training course - £45.00

16. Date of next meeting

6th March 2018 at 7.45pm.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.40pm.