1. Apologies for absence
No apologies were received.
2. Questions from the public
A resident asked if he could record the meeting. No resident raised objections.
A resident directed the Parish Council to the letter he had written regarding the decision to refurbish the existing play area instead of installing fixed play equipment on the Church Lane field. The letter had been circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting. The resident highlighted specific points which were addressed by councillors. He asked for a copy of the Council’s standing orders and complaints procedure. The Chairman explained that complaints are dealt with in the Parish Council meetings. He also requested a copy of the play area inspection report for 2017. The Clerk was asked to forward the standing orders and play area inspection report to the resident.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the resident attaching standing orders and the 2017 inspection report.
Another resident complained about the format of the survey. Cllr. Brine explained that this was our second draft and it was agreed by all councillors.
Councillors were asked how many letters/emails had been received regarding the play area/field. The Clerk confirmed 10. The Parish Council was asked if they could be displayed on the website.
ACTION: The Clerk to seek advice.
The Chairman explained that the Parish Council wishes to work with residents to develop both the field and the play area. Could the ‘Kids of Gaydon’ group please ask their members and children to become involved? The resident responded that he believed most of them would want to become involved.
Cllr. Conway said that all styles of play should be catered for.
A resident explained what life was like growing up in Gaydon. She said that the equipment didn’t matter; it was fun. There was a group of children who regularly met in the play area and played on the equipment.
Could a trust fund be set up to manage the field? The Clerk was asked to look into this.
ACTION: The Clerk to find out if a trust fund could be set up.
It was suggested that equipment could be placed in the field for the summer months and removed in the winter.
A resident said that the Parish Council is doing a good job and he thanked them. The field should remain an open space in line with the results of the survey.
Can section 106 money be spent on land not owned by the Parish Council? Yes.
Cllr. Fowle said that he has asked ‘Kids of Gaydon’ if they wished to advertise on the village website but hasn’t received a response.
What is happening with the telephone box? District Cllr. Kettle said that he has spoken to the District Council about this and will follow up.
ACTION: District Cllr. Kettle to follow up on this.
A resident thanked County Cllr. Williams for providing a date for when the dual carriageway opened.
It was reported by a resident that the development on the Warwick Road has finished and the fencing will be removed shortly. There are no lifebelts around the pond and 2 gaps in the hedge for children to easily access the area. The Clerk was asked to bring this to the attention of Neil Hempstead at the District Council.
ACTION: The Clerk to inform the planning officer.
3. Declarations of Interest
No interests were declared.
4. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (March)
The minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr. Conway proposed that they be accepted, seconded Cllr. Brine and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.
5. Correspondence
(a) emails regarding the facilities survey
The Clerk confirmed that 11 emails/letters had been received. Correspondence had been circulated to councillors prior to the meeting. Councillors agreed that this correspondence has been dealt with under questions from the public. The Clerk was asked to respond to the residents.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the residents.
(b) Community Speedwatch
Cllr. Fowle briefly updated the meeting on the correspondence received from Community Speedwatch. A number of JLR vehicles had been recorded speeding in the village. Community Speedwatch wish to take this further with JLR. Councillors agreed that they fully support Community Speedwatch and that Cllr. Fowle should liaise directly with the Police and JLR to ensure that JLR management is aware of this issue and takes appropriate action. Cllr. Fowle should attend the next Gaydon Liaison Committee Meeting. The Clerk to organise this.
ACTION: The Clerk to inform the County Council officer who organises this meeting and also pass contact details for JLR to Cllr. Fowle.
6. Matters arising from the previous meetings
(a) Play area committee; to agree the specification for the play area and field
Cllr. Conway reported that a resident has come forward to lead this project. An email detailing the aims of the Committee in designing the play area and the recreational field had been circulated to councillors. Cllr. Conway proposed that a Play Area Committee be established with the aims detailed in this email, seconded Cllr. Brine and carried unanimously. It was reiterated that residents from ‘Kids of Gaydon’ and residents opposed to equipment on the field should be encouraged to join this committee to help shape our community. The Forest School approach to the field has been suggested and councillors said that they would be in favour of this.
ACTION: Cllr. Conway to liaise with the resident leading the committee, residents from ‘Kids of Gaydon’ and residents who are opposed to fixed equipment on the field.
(b) JLR buses parked on public highway
The Clerk said that she has sent 2 emails to JLR regarding this.
(c) Servicing of Church Clock; serviced
Thanks to the resident who helped.
(d) Defibrillator
County Cllr. Williams said that he has passed details of grant opportunities to the Chairman. The Chairman to forward this information to Cllr. Conway.
ACTION: The Chairman to forward the information to Cllr. Conway.
7. County Council Matters
(a) To receive report
County Cllr. Williams read out his report. A copy is attached to these minutes
Cllr. Brine asked about joint emergency services. County Cllr. Williams said that the County Council is working with other services on this.
A resident expressed concern that the County Council will not seek the return of the Gaydon Milestone. He asked for a copy of the loan agreement between the County Council and the person who has Gaydon’s milestone. County Cllr. Williams said that the County Council would not be taking this further. If the resident wishes to then he could.
County Cllr. Williams explained that the Parish Council would not be receiving any money for a traffic calming scheme. We need a scheme to put forward and an officer should be available in May to discuss further with us. There is no clear process.
(b) 40 mph signage approaching from Bishop’s Itchington update
ACTION: May agenda item.
9.20pm County Cllr. Williams leaves the meeting.
8. District Council Matters
(a) To receive report
District Cllr. Kettle reported on the previous year. He then explained that the District Council needs to have reserve housing sites in case the existing sites do not materialise. He explained the situation regarding affordable housing. He was informed that the affordable housing on the Gaydon Inn site is now occupied but it was the last to be occupied.
Council tax will be increasing by 1%.
Horton Hospital will be re-examined.
Still investigating the garden fees for Orbit Housing tenants.
A resident asked why the pollution sensors are being removed in Stratford. District Cllr. Kettle to investigate.
(b) Gypsy and Traveller Sites
A new review is being undertaken.
9. To receive planning applications
(a) 18/00722/FUL - Kineton House, Banbury Road
Councillors agreed to raise no comments or objections.
(b) 18/00158/FUL - Cottage Farm, Banbury Road
It was agreed that it should be removed once the new buildings are in place.
10. Financial Report/Administration
(a) Bank balances
The Clerk reported the following balances; Community Account - £7,991.08 and Business Account - £10,615.27.
(b) New Data Protection Law
The Clerk reported that she was still reading the documentation provided by WALC.
(c) To consider adopting the new Code of Conduct
The Chairman proposed that we adopt this, seconded Cllr. Brine and carried unanimously.
ACTION: The Clerk to inform the District Council. A link to be placed on the website to the new code.
(d) New councillor
Several residents have expressed interest. The Chairman agreed to speak to them.
(e) Litter pick details
Saturday, 21st April at 11am.
(f) Donation received
A donation from Ellis Machinery has been received towards traffic calming.
(g) Website
Cllr. Fowle was thanked for designing the website. The Clerk was asked if she could provide extra time to assist with ensuring that all the necessary documents are being displayed.
(h) To consider approaching Orbit regarding the play area
The Chairman explained that Orbit Housing has recently gifted land to a local parish. Councillors agreed unanimously that we should write to Orbit asking if the play area could be gifted to us.
ACTION: The Chairman to draft a letter, circulate to councillors and send to Orbit.
10.25pm District Cllr. Kettle leaves the meeting.
11. Passing of any accounts for payment
The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Conway, seconded by Cllr. Brine and carried unanimously.
(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (April) – £289.95
(b) Warwickshire County Council - street light maintenance - £285.00
(c) Zurich Municipal - annual insurance - £257.60
(d) Mrs. M. Lewis - website transfer - £38.00
12. Date of next meeting
1st May at 7.45pm.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.30pm.