PRESENT: COUNCILLORS P. FOWLE (CHAIRMAN), J. BRINE (from 8.30pm), A. CLAXTON (til 10.25pm), A. CONWAY, T. HUGHES, DISTRICT COUNCILLOR C. KETTLE (from 7.55pm til 10.10pm)), C. HILL (Clerk) and 16 members of the public
1. Appointment of Chairman
Cllr. Conway proposed Cllr. Fowle for Chairman, seconded Cllr. Hughes and carried unanimously. Cllr. Fowle signed the declaration of office form.
2. Apologies for absence
County Cllr. Williams (business commitment) and Cllr. Brine will be arriving later.
3. Questions from the public
A resident expressed concern about the pond on the Kineton Road. It doesn’t appear to be draining and needs clearing. This matter has been brought to the attention of County Highways.
Another resident asked questions about the play area. Cllr. Conway explained that a group of 3 volunteers has been set up to look initially at refurbishing the play area.
7.55pm District Cllr. Kettle joins the meeting.
Cllr. Conway explained that she has just taken this role on from a councillor who has resigned. The current play area equipment is inadequate and requires replacing. The volunteer group would like one more member, preferably a parent with pre-school children, to join the team.
The resident asked if the village would be consulted regarding the plans for the play area. Cllr. Conway explained that this would be a decision for the committee and Parish Council. Cllr. Conway was asked if children could be involved and she responded that they could be.
Will additional funds be available for play equipment? The Clerk explained that there will be no funding from GLH but there might be funding from other housing developments.
Could this funding be used for levelling the field? It was explained that this would depend on the wording of any section 106 agreements.
Cllr. Conway was thanked for rescuing the telephone box.
Our contractor was thanked for respecting residents’ wishes and not cutting the cowslips in the field.
A resident announced that he has spoken to the Stratford Herald and will be pursuing the return of the Gaydon milestone.
The Parish Council was asked about the issues with the wildlife corridor. District Cllr. Kettle explained that there were boundary issues but this has now been resolved. The residents asked if the same principle would be applied to other areas. District Cllr. Kettle explained that it depends on the conditions on the planning application. The residents were advised to look at the planning application or contact the District Council officers for guidance.
Could we please have temporary signs for the toads that cross the Kineton Road at certain times of the year? The resident was asked if he could find out the cost of the signage and would he be willing to store it and erect at the necessary times? He said that he would.
4. Appointment of Vice Chairman, Financial Officer and Officers to Committees
The Chairman proposed Cllr. Hughes as Vice Chairman, seconded Cllr. Conway and carried unanimously. The Clerk was appointed as the financial officer. The Chairman and Cllr. Hughes were appointed as the Parish Council representatives at the Gaydon Community Forum with Cllr. Claxton attending if they are unable to.
8.30pm Cllr. Brine joins the meeting.
5. Declarations of Interest
Cllr. Claxton declared a pecuniary interest in item 14 as a recipient.
6. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (April)
The minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr. Claxton requested that they be amended. It was agreed that the amendments should be made and the amended minutes circulated for councillors’ consideration and approval at June’s meeting.
7. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings
(a) Spring litter pick; feedback
The Chairman reported that a considerable amount of litter was collected. The District Council litter picked the village, after our litter pick, which is why they didn’t collect much litter. Pimple Lane was litter picked by the District Council the day prior to the village litter pick.
(b) Gaydon Community Forum Meeting feedback
Cllr. Claxton reported that JLR do not have a date yet for when the Warwick Road cycleway and footpath will be open. This fence has been broken again. JLR are looking for community projects. Cllr. Claxton proposed the refurbishment of the telephone box, seconded Cllr. Conway and carried unanimously. The Clerk asked if we could wait until we have confirmation from British Telecom that we own the box.
The Chairman reported that he updated this meeting on the speeding issues through the village. The Police have agreed to pursue with JLR any management vehicles identified speeding through the village. Community Speedwatch has 10 volunteers and JLR was asked if their employees would join our team. They said that they would mention this to employees.
8. County Council Matters
(a) To receive report
Cllr. Hughes read out County Cllr. Williams’ report.
(b) 40mph signage approaching from Bishop’s Itchington
It was reported that this signage would be erected on Highways England land and it is their responsibility to inform County Highways if they wish it to be erected. The Clerk reported that Highways England has said that it is the responsibility of County Highways. Councillors agreed to close this matter since the Parish Council has reported to both agencies.
(c) Removal of straw on dual carriageway update
County Cllr. Williams has said that to remove this straw means that the carriageway will need to be closed. It will be removed when the carriageway is closed for maintenance tasks.
(d) Traffic calming scheme; to appoint a councillor to liaise with county officers
It was agreed that the Chairman should be appointed to liaise with county officers.
9. District Council Matters
(a) To receive report
District Cllr. Kettle reported no major issues. The District Council is still trying to resolve Broadband coverage. He said that he would like any resident struggling with Broadband coverage to let him know. He confirmed that he was still liaising with Orbit regarding the charges for grass cutting. District Council are looking at funding for affordable housing.
(b) Planning appeal 17/01340/FUL - 6 Manor Farm Court
(c) Gaydon Inn
A number of residents have expressed concern about the deterioration of the Gaydon Inn. District Cllr. Kettle said that he has spoken to the enforcement officer.
(d) Planning appeal; Esso Service Station - refused
10. To receive planning applications
(a) 17/03326/FUL (amendment) - land adjacent Ferndale
A representative of the applicant showed the meeting some plans and tried to address councillors’ questions. Councillors agreed that the new buildings were more appropriate but they explained that one of the buildings was still too close to the trees. They also expressed concern about the amount of shade that would be cast on this property and the fact that the extra house was not included in the Core Strategy. It was agreed that the Parish Council would continue to object to this development.
(b) 17/03238/FUL - land at south bound M40
No comments or objections.
11. To receive results from planning applications
(a) 18/00025/FUL - land at Victor Close/Ash Close; granted
12. Correspondence
(a) To receive a proposal for housing on the Kineton Road
Cllr. Brine updated the meeting on his conversation with a local developer.
Councillors agreed that Gaydon has exceeded its housing requirement in the Core Strategy. If the Core Strategy is updated then Gaydon Parish Council will look at additional housing.
(b) An offer of logs
Cllr. Brine said that this was a generous offer. It was agreed that the logs require preserving.
10.10pm District Cllr. Kettle leaves the meeting.
13. Financial Report/Administration
(a) Bank balances
The Clerk reported the balances as shown on the draft accounts.
(b) End of year tax form submitted
(c) To review the asset register
The register had been circulated prior to the meeting. There were no amendments.
(d) To consider 2017/18 draft accounts
The draft accounts had been circulated prior to the meeting. Councillors agreed that they could be forwarded to the internal auditor.
(e) To appoint an internal auditor
It was agreed that Accounting Data Services would be asked to review the accounts.
(f) To consider the pay increase proposed by NALC
This was agreed.
(g) Recreational field; advice re. trust and data protection act
The Clerk reported that we would need to engage a solicitor if we wished to have the recreational field managed by a trust. WALC has advised not to publish letters from residents on our website. Although verbal approval was given by a resident at our last meeting for the publishing of Kids of Gaydon group responses WALC has said that we should not accept verbal approval from any resident. One resident has already written and requested that we do not publish their email.
(h) To consider purchasing stickers for wheelie bins for traffic calming
Councillors agreed that this was a good idea. The Chairman to liaise with Community Speedwatch.
(i) Review cemetery fees
Councillors agreed that due to the small number of burials in the cemetery the fees should remain unchanged.
(j) To approve an agreement with British Telecom for the purchase of the telephone box
Councillors agreed unanimously that this agreement should be signed. A copy is attached to these minutes.
(k) To review grass cutting contract
Councillors agreed that due to the number of complaints received regarding the play area and the condition of the recreational field the number of cuts should be increased to 1 per week. It was further agreed by the majority of councillors that an area next to the hedge in the field should be left for wildlife which would assist with biodiversity. This could be reviewed at a later date. It was agreed that Cllrs. Brine and Hughes would review our contractor’s contract to take account of the field.
ACTION: The Clerk to ask our contractor to cut the play area and the field once a week. Cllrs. Brine and Hughes to review the contract.
10.25pm Cllr. Claxton leaves the meeting.
Cllr. Conway said that there is some urgent work required in the play area which the inspection report has highlighted and which hasn’t been actioned; fixing the gate and mending the fence. It was agreed that this should take place as a matter of urgency.
(l) To review bank mandate signatories
It was agreed that the Chairman and Cllr. Conway should be added to the account.
(m) To consider meeting dates for 2018/19
Changing the day from a Tuesday to a Wednesday was acceptable. However, there is a class in the hall on Wednesday evenings. Cllr. Hughes to check on the availability.
(n) Data Protection Act; information circulated to councillors
The Clerk said that she will be looking at this information as soon as the accounts are finalised.
(o) New councillors
Cllr. Hughes said that he has spoken with a resident who is interested in becoming a councillor. It was agreed that we should co-opt at the next meeting.
14. Passing of any accounts for payment
The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Hughes, seconded by Cllr. Brine and carried unanimously.
(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (May) – £279.21
(b) Mr. C. Pickering - grass cutting including field - £795.00
(c) British Telecom - purchase of telephone box - £1.00
(d) Mr. A. Claxton - Community Speedwatch - £25.00
(e) WALC - annual subscription - £126.00
(f) e.on - street lighting - £175.56
(g) The Cumbria Clock Company - servicing of clock - £222.00
15. Date of next meeting
5th or 6th June 2018
The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.40pm.