PRESENT: COUNCILLORS P. FOWLE (CHAIRMAN), J. BRINE, A. CONWAY, J. DAVIES, T. HUGHES, COUNTY CLLR. C. WILLIAMS (until 9.05pm), DISTRICT CLLR. KETTLE (from 9.25pm), C. HILL (Clerk) and 15 members of the public
1. To consider co-opting John Davies to the Parish Council
Cllr. Brine proposed John Davies be co-opted to the Parish Council, seconded Cllr. Conway and carried unanimously.
2. Apologies for absence
District Cllr. Kettle (business commitment which means he will be arriving late) and Cllr. Claxton (illness).
3. Questions from the public
A resident asked the role of the Play Area Committee. Cllr. Conway explained that it is a working group which reports to the Parish Council. The resident said 19 people have requested to join it recently and been refused. The Clerk explained that at the last meeting Cllr. Conway had explained that 1 more person would be welcome. We currently have 4 members; one of whom is a representative from Kids of Gaydon.
Is there a deadline for spending the S106 money? The Clerk says that she believes there is and this information can be found on the S106 which was agreed by the District Council. The annual inspection reports advise that the play equipment is old and should be replaced. We have only just received funding to enable us to do this and so we must now replace it. The resident said that the equipment had failed the inspections. Cllr. Brine assured the resident the equipment had not. We had been advised that the equipment poses a minimum risk. If the equipment had failed we would have closed the play area.
Are we going to ask the children what they would like or are assumptions going to be made? There will be 3 design options for the play area and a consultation in the village hall. All residents will be invited to attend.
The applicant for the planning application on the Warwick Road showed the meeting some new plans and advised that a new planning application was imminent.
A resident asked how much funding we had for the play area. The clerk advised £41,000. She said that play equipment was very expensive and advised the Parish Council to seek match funding from the big lottery fund.
4. Declarations of Interest
No interests were declared.
5. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meetings (April and May)
The minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr. Brine proposed that we accept both sets of minutes, seconded and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.
6. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings
(a) Orbit meeting update
Cllr. Hughes reported that he has met with Orbit Housing. They have proposed either a 99 year lease or it could be gifted. They would like us to consider taking responsibility for the grass verges on St. Giles Road and the area outside the play area. Councillors agreed that they would like to understand who is responsible for the grate outside the play area. Orbit would cover the legal fees. It was agreed that discussions with Orbit should continue and Cllr. Hughes was asked to follow up on this.
ACTION: Cllr. Hughes to contact Orbit.
(b) Play area committee recommendations
A report had been circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr. Brine said that he thought it was very good and covered our requirements. Cllr. Conway explained that the existing roundabout is an issue. Many residents and children are fond of it.
4 members of the public left the meeting.
(c) St. Giles Road; reinstatement of greens and path
The clerk explained that she has spoken to Severn Trent and Amey. The area has now been inspected by the County Council who agree that it is unacceptable. Severn Trent has assured us that this area will be returned to the original condition. It was agreed that Cllr. Davies should keep an eye on this work when it commences.
The Chairman asked if the meeting could be rearranged to allow discussion of item 11(d) and then the applicants would be able to leave the meeting. There were no objections
11. Correspondence
(d) email re. planning application on the Warwick Road
Cllr. Brine said that he had looked at this email. He personally believed that the design of the houses was much improved. The applicant said that the planning application would be with us shortly.
2 members of the public left the meeting.
7. County Council Matters
(a) To receive report
County Cllr. Williams’ read out his report. He reiterated that the footpath/cycleway on the Warwick Road would remain closed until JLR request for it to be opened. The clerk said that a District Council officer has said that it will be opened shortly.
ACTION: The Clerk to write to the District Council officer.
County Cllr. Williams explained that the bus shelters on the Banbury Road have not been erected because there is a sign which requires moving. Officers have contacted the company to request that it is moved. Cllr. Brine asked for information relating to the type of bus shelters that will be erected.
ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to provide the clerk with details of the bus shelters.
County Cllr. Williams told the meeting that the Community Grant is not available for Parish Councils. It is only for community groups.
(b) Traffic Calming Scheme update
The Chairman said that we have received details of a proposed scheme and been asked for our comments. It was agreed that an extension to the 30mph speed limit on the Kineton Road needs exploring. We also need to establish when the current road markings will be repainted. County Cllr. Williams explained that this would be in a separate budget. It was agreed that the Chairman should liaise with Community Speedwatch and the officer regarding this proposal.
ACTION: The Chairman to liaise with Community Speedwatch and the County Council officer.
County Cllr. Williams reported that he has been told that Community Speedwatch signs have not been visible and jackets have not been worn. The Chairman assured County Cllr. Williams that our 10 volunteers have been trained by the Police and follow the correct procedure. The Chairman said that he would pass this concern to Community Speedwatch.
8. District Council Matters
(a) To receive report
No new report.
(b) Community Governance Review update
Cllrs. Hughes and Brine attended this meeting. Cllr. Brine updated the meeting. Councillors agreed that the new boundary reflects earlier discussions; the fishing lakes will move into Lighthorne Heath parish and we will gain most of JLR. It was agreed that Cllrs. Brine and Hughes would represent the parish at the next meeting.
9. To receive planning applications
(a) 18/01132/FUL - 13 St. Giles Road
Councillors agreed to raise no comments or objections.
10. To receive results from planning applications
(a) 18/00298/FUL - Gaydon Service Station; refused
(b) 17/03326/FUL - land next to Windyridge/Ferndale; refused
(c) Appeal APP/J3720/W/18/3193875 - Hillside, Kineton Road; appeal granted
11. Correspondence
(a) email re. facilities
This email was discussed. Cllr. Brine said that it is difficult to compare our parish with other parishes. We are a small parish with approximately 350 residents and 11,000 employees.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the resident.
(b) emails re. play area
Councillors briefly discussed this email and agreed that they thought that a resident was representing Kids of Gaydon because of the amount of information about the group that was supplied. The constitution of this group appears to be unknown. Councillors agreed that the clerk should apologise on behalf of the Parish Council as this appears to be incorrect. In order to avoid future errors it would be good to know who is representing this group and for contact details to be listed on the website and in the magazine. The Chairman said that a member of Kids of Gaydon has been asked if the group wishes to display details on the website and has declined.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the resident.
(c) Request for Warwick Road to be reopened
See item 7(a).
(e) email re. JLR works
See item 7(a)
(f) To consider a replacement memorial for Mrs. Whattam and Mrs. Timms
This application was approved.
9.05pm County Cllr. Williams leaves the meeting.
12. To consider approving the Certificate of Exemption 2017/18
Cllr. Brine proposed that we approve this document since we meet the criteria, seconded Cllr. Hughes and carried unanimously. The Chairman and clerk signed the form.
13. To consider the Annual Governance Statement 2017/18
The Chairman asked councillors to consider the internal audit report, which had been circulated prior to the meeting, when responding to these questions. All questions were answered and it was agreed that the Chairman and Clerk should sign the form. The Chairman and clerk signed the statement.
14. To consider the Annual Accounting Statements 2017/18
It was noted that the clerk had already signed the statements. Cllr. Brine proposed that these statements be approved, seconded Cllr. Conway and carried unanimously.
The Chairman signed the statements.
15. To consider approving the 2017/18 accounts
It was agreed that these accounts should be signed as they are a detailed record of payments and receipts. The Chairman and clerk signed the accounts.
16. Financial Report/Administration
(a) Bank balances
The Clerk reported the balances as shown on the accounts.
(b) To approve a revised agreement with British Telecom for the purchase of the telephone box carried unanimously. The agreement was signed.
(c) Data Protection Act; update
The clerk advised that the Parish Council should be registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office.
ACTION: July agenda item.
(d) Internal auditor’s recommendations
It was agreed that the clerk should implement the recommendations regarding updating the risk assessment. The clerk explained that payment for the war graves has been received from the RAF and the War Graves Commission is in the process of transferring funds to our account for this year.
(e) To consider approving a contract with the District Council
Councillors requested that the clerk inform the District Council that we are willing to accept the wording in this draft contract to enable the play area funds to be transferred to our account. A copy of the contract will be attached to these minutes.
(f) To consider a social media policy
Circulated prior to the meeting and agreed.
(g) Bank mandate form
The Chairman and Cllr. Conway have been added to the mandate form.
9.25pm District Cllr. Kettle joins the meeting.
8. District Council Matters
(a) To receive report
District Cllr. Kettle gave the meeting a brief update. He said that he is concerned about the appeal decision for Hillside. He announced that he is now Chairman of the District Council.
17. Passing of any accounts for payment
The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Hughes, seconded by Cllr. Brine and carried unanimously.
(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (June) – £279.21
(b) Mr. C. Pickering - grass cutting including field - £95.00
(c) Mr. C. Pickering - replacement cheque - £105.00
(d) Accounting Data Services Ltd. - internal audit 2016/17 - £216.00
(e) WALC - training course - £30.00
18. Date of next meeting
3rd July 2018
The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.40pm.