PRESENT: COUNCILLORS P. FOWLE (CHAIRMAN), J. BRINE, A. CONWAY, J. DAVIES, T. HUGHES, DISTRICT CLLR. KETTLE (until 10.20pm), C. HILL (Clerk) and 17 members of the public

1. Apologies for absence

County Cllr. Williams (illness) and Cllr. Claxton (illness).

The Chairman asked if the agenda could be rearranged to await the arrival of Mr. Spicer. There were no objections.

3. Mrs. Lisa Anderson representing Kids of Gaydon re. meeting/event on 24th June

Mrs. Anderson presented on behalf of Kids of Gaydon. The Chairman thanked her for her presentation. Cllr. Mrs. Conway informed her that not all residents use facebook. The magazine and website are the best methods for engaging with the whole parish. It was also reported that a resident has claimed that she is unable to access the facebook page. Mrs. Anderson said that this shouldn’t happen and she would look into this. Cllr. Brine remarked that the research carried out by KOGS did not include the whole parish. He didn’t receive a survey and nor was he aware of the event on 24th June, 4 residents and the clerk said that they also didn’t receive the survey. He said that there are lots of positives in the research carried out by KOGS. The Chairman encouraged KOGS to use the village website. He said that he has offered a page to them but has received no response. Mrs. Anderson reiterated that KOGS wish to arrange more events. This was supported by the Parish Council who also made them aware of the section 137 funding pot the Parish Council has. Cllr. Mrs. Conway asked if KOGS were aware of the club that the PCC runs on a Sunday evening at 5pm. A resident said that 5pm is dinner time for children and not suitable. Cllr. Mrs. Conway said that there is a table tennis table in the garages which KOGS could possibly use. A resident said that 30 KOGS surveys had been returned. The Chairman said that he would have a meeting with KOGS to discuss further. He said that there is some real positive information in the booklet. It was explained that to place play equipment in the field would require either another survey or a significant reason for doing so. It will cost a lot of money.

The Parish Council does not own the access to the field. We don’t know who does. We have taken out an indemnity insurance to protect the parish in case access is withdrawn. The Chairman thanked Mrs. Anderson for attending the meeting.

4. Questions from the public

A resident said that if equipment is placed on the existing play area then the children will not use it.

There are a lot of parents who would help with match funding for play equipment.

Cllr. Brine reminded residents that we do have a councillor vacancy. Please contact the clerk if you are interested.

A resident asked what information councillors would like to know about the Village Hall Committee. The Chairman explained that a resident was interested and he will be attending the next Village Hall Committee meeting.

A resident announced that he is thinking of turning his land into a nature reserve. He will be planting 250 whips on his land and creating a pond. If the Parish Council wishes to fill the gaps in the Church Lane field hedge perhaps they could purchase some whips with him. This could be turned into a community event being advertised in the parish magazine and on the website.

The footpath by the cemetery needs attention. The field will be ploughed to the edge and it will be difficult for residents to walk along it. The Clerk was asked to liaise with the County Footpaths officer.

ACTION: Clerk to liaise with County Footpath Officer.

Councillors were made aware of the baling of the County Council ‘triangle field’ and the fact that the gate was left open.

Concerns were expressed regarding fly tipping and human waste on the stopped up Warwick Road. County Cllr. Williams has been notified of these issues. The resident asked for red lines on this road to stop overnight parking.

The lights on the dual carriageway are on all night. The Clerk reported that she has spoken to County Highways and they will be sending her a map which will show the lights that should be on all night. The map will be put on the website.

Cars are still driving up the Warwick Road. Is there anything that can be done to stop this.

5. Declarations of Interest

No interests were declared.

6. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meetings (June)

The minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr. Hughes proposed that we accept the minutes, seconded and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.

7. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings

(a) Orbit meeting update

Cllr. Hughes reported that we are still waiting for the written agreement.

2. Mr. Oliver Spicer re. planning application for land next to Windyridge/Ferndale on the Warwick Road

Mr. Spicer explained the application. Cllr. Brine said that he had noted that this application is away from the trees and a better design. Mr. Spicer asked the Parish Council if they could support this application. Mr. Spicer was made aware of the security fencing that had been left on the verges for several months. He was asked if he could please ensure that when building works start all materials are stored on-site with provision also being made for contractors vehicles. The Parish Council was assured that this would happen.

7. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings

(b) Play area committee update

Cllr. Mrs. Conway produced 2 designs for play area equipment and said that she was waiting for a third design. We will need a new gate as the current one is not disability compliant. The roundabout was discussed and councillors agreed that if it proves difficult to modify for current health and safety regulations then it will have to be removed. Residents bordering the play area are happy for the area to be refurbished. We have asked our contractor for a quote for lowering the hedge and significantly cutting it back. Again residents are happy with this. Cllr. Brine said that he was pleased that the designs were not for wooden equipment. Although wooden equipment looks nicer it only has a 10 year guarantee and from his experience needs replacing shortly after. He commented on the structure and asked if there was another alternative instead of wooden posts. The gap between the equipment and the garages would need checking to ensure that teenagers are unable to climb on to the garage roofs. Rubberised wood chippings is a good surface. Cllr. Mrs. Conway said that she would revert to the manufacturers regarding the structure and also the gap to the garages. Cllr. Mrs. Conway asked councillors if an event could be arranged in the Village Hall for Saturday, 11th August from 10am til 12pm displaying the 3 designs for equipment in the play area in order to find out which pieces of equipment or design was favoured. Councillors agreed that this was an excellent idea and thanked Cllr. Mrs. Conway and her team for their hard work.

ACTION: Cllr. Mrs. Conway to organise booking and advertising of the event on 11th August.

(c) St. Giles Road; reinstatement of greens and path update

Cllr. Davies highlighted a number of issues with this work. The Clerk said that Severn Trent are aware of our concerns and will be reviewing the work in the autumn.

(d) Community Speedwatch

Community Speedwatch has requested £300 towards stickers for wheelie bins to slow vehicles. The Clerk confirmed that there was funding available in the Parish Plan priority fund. Councillors agreed unanimously to support this. The Chairman to respond to Community Speedwatch. District Cllr. Kettle said that, as part of the GLH assessment, there is a sum of money set aside for base line assessments of traffic through local villages. He has suggested assessments should take place on Kineton Road, Church Road, Banbury Road and Pimple Lane. County Highways are not happy with assessments for Church Road, Banbury Road or Pimple Lane. In view of this he has suggested an assessment on the Fenny Compton Road which could help Pimple Lane. This will take place in October.

(e) Defibrillator update

ACTION: The Clerk to find out where to obtain a grant and forward this information to Cllr. Davies.

8. County Council Matters

(a) To receive report

No new report.

(b) Traffic Calming Scheme update

The Chairman explained that County Highways has produced a plan based on a spend of £10,000. The plan favours the Kineton Road. Councillors agreed that it should be displayed on the website for resident feedback and a note should be placed in the magazine.

ACTION: The Chairman to organise.

Councillors agreed that the gates on the Kineton Road should be moved further back and enquiries should be made regarding extending the 30mph speed limit. Drive slowly should be written on the signage. 30mph written on the red tarmac not repeater signs. Existing markings will be repainted out of a separate budget. Councillors further agreed that funding should be sought from JLR at the Gaydon Liaison Meeting for gates on the link road.

ACTION: The Chairman to respond to County Highways and to request funding for gates at the JLR Liaison Meeting.

(c) County Councillor grant fund

It was suggested that this could be an ideal fund for KOG to apply to for their events.

(d) Signage on the Kineton Road

Thanks to County Cllr. Williams for arranging for this signage to be removed.

(e) Banbury Road bus shelters; design details

ACTION: September agenda item.

9. District Council Matters

(a) To receive report

District Cllr. Kettle reported that he has met with the new management team at Orbit Housing. They are working to improve the quality of their services. The District Council is setting up a new housing company. This is to meet the demand not being met by affordable housing.

(b) Community Governance Review

Cllrs. Brine and Hughes attended. It was a very positive meeting. Cllr. Steele from Lighthorne Parish Council is drafting a letter, on behalf of the 4 parishes, to be delivered to all residents explaining this review. There will be a small cost involved. Mr. Dalby at the District Council has been very professional.

10.20pm District Cllr. Kettle leaves the meeting.

10. To receive planning applications

(a) 18/01521/VARY - land adjacent Ferndale

Councillors agreed to raise no objections but comment on the improved design.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the District Council.

11. To receive results from planning applications

(a) 17/03719/VARY - Jaguar Land Rover; granted

(b) 18/01132/FUL - 13 St. Giles Road; granted

12. Councillors Reports

(a) Cemetery

Cllr. Brine had circulated a report prior to the meeting. Our contractor is following up on our requests.

(b) Street lighting/litter/street furniture

No report.

(c) Play area; to decide whether an inspection report is necessary

It was agreed that an inspection should take place.

ACTION: The Clerk to arrange this.

(d) Drains

Cllr. Mrs. Conway reported an issue with the drains in Church Road.

(e) Footpaths/Footways

See item 4.

(f) Neighbourhood Watch

The Police are investigating the shop and the stolen car.

(g) Gaydon Liaison Committee agenda and attendees

The Chairman and Cllr. Hughes will be attending.

13. Correspondence

(a) To consider a memorial for Mr. Richards

This was approved.

(b) letter re. cemetery

Cllr. Brine reported that work is taking place on the cemetery.

(c) email re. logs in field

Cllr. Brine explained that logs are used in schools but the children are supervised. A note in the magazine explaining their use was agreed.

(d) email re. footpath/cycleway on Warwick Road

This has been cleared by JLR contractors.

(e) email re. fly-tipping and health issues in Banbury Road lay-by


14. Financial Report/Administration

(a) Bank balances

The Clerk reported the following balances:

Community account £10,093.04

Business account £10,620.03

(b) To approve the grass cutting contract

Cllr. Brine had circulated prior to the meeting. This contract was approved.

15. Passing of any accounts for payment

The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Hughes, seconded by Cllr. Brine and carried unanimously.

(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (July) – £279.21

(b) C. Hill - Clerk’s gross salary (August) - £279.21

(c) Mr. C. Pickering - additional work (cemetery, field, play area) - £190.00

(d) Mr. C. Pickering - grass maintenance - £430.00

(e) Accounting Data Services Ltd. - internal audit 2017/18 - £216.00

(f) Information Commissioner’s Office - registering for data protection - £40.00

(g) e.on - street lighting - £203.04

16. Matter relating to invoices submitted for payment

The Clerk had circulated prior to the meeting 2 invoices which had been submitted. Councillors agreed that this expenditure had not been agreed at a Parish Council meeting and, therefore, will not be paid.

17. Date of next meeting

The Clerk said that the Village Hall has offered Monday evenings instead of Tuesdays starting in September. Councillors agreed that this should be accepted and it may encourage more residents to attend our meetings. This is vital with elections in May.

The Clerk to request availability from councillors for the first and second Monday’s in September.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 11pm.