PRESENT: COUNCILLORS J. DAVIES (CHAIRMAN), J. BRINE (until 8.25pm), J.CHITTY, A. CLAXTON, DISTRICT CLLR. KETTLE, C. HILL (Clerk) and 9 members of the public
1. Apologies for absence
County Cllr. Williams (illness) and Cllr. Conway (personal).

2. To consider co-opting Jonathan Chitty to the Parish Council
Cllr. Brine proposed Jonathan Chitty be appointed to the Parish Council, seconded and carried unanimously.
3. Questions from the public
A resident thanked the person who put up a very effective dummy speed camera on the Banbury Road. Unfortunately it was removed by 2 Police officers within a week of it being erected. Another resident commented that the Police did not have enough resource to move travellers on but they can find time to take this down.
Since the travellers moved on there have been a number of vehicles accessing the stopped up Warwick Road. The resident expressed concern that another encampment could follow. The clerk explained that there is a traffic regulation order on the land past the gate so vehicles moving in this area should be moved on by the Police according to the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office. The Chairman agreed to mention this issue at the Gaydon Liaison Committee meeting.
ACTION: Gaydon Liaison Committee Meeting
There is still rubbish where the travellers were parked.
ACTION: District Cllr. Kettle agreed to look into this.
With regard to lorries accessing the stopped up Warwick Road a suggestion was made that the resident might want to contact google maps for this road to be marked as not suitable for lorries.
The gate on the Warwick Road requires repairing. The Clerk reported that Patch Byrne at County Highways has been made aware of this.

4. Declarations of interest
The Chairman declared a personal interest in item 8(a) as a member of a charitable organisation that has applied for a grant for a defibrillator and a pecuniary interest in item 7(c) as a recipient.
5. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meetings (August and September)
The minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr. Brine proposed that we accept the minutes, seconded and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.
6. Financial Report/Administration
(a) Bank balances
The Clerk reported the following balances:
Community account £10,016.94
Business account £10,620.03
(b) Website administration
It was agreed that the new clerk should be responsible for the Parish Council documents on this website.
ACTION: The Chairman agreed to take this forward.
(c) New clerk
It was agreed that the Chairman would interview applicants applying for the role of clerk. Cllr. Brine to provide some questions to the Chairman.
ACTION: Cllr. Brine to provide information to the Chairman.
(d) Bank reconciliation
Circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting. A copy is attached to these minutes.
The Chairman did not take part in the next item. Cllr. Brine took the Chair.
7. Passing of any accounts for payment
The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Brine, seconded by Cllr. Claxton and carried unanimously.
(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (October) – £318.20
(b) Lighthorne Parish Council - printing of governance letter - £32.00
(c) Mr. J. Davies - reimbursement for materials for fixing the gate - £28.74
(d) e.on - street lighting - £311.11
Cllr. Davies took the Chair.
8. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings
(a) Defibrillator update
The Chairman had circulated prior to the meeting details of a cabinet for the defibrillator. He explained that he preferred this cabinet to the one suggested by Cllr. Claxton since this is better insulated. Cllr. Brine proposed that this cabinet be ordered once the Parish Council has sufficient funds. It was further agreed that a grant should be applied for from WALC which would cover 20% of the cost of the cabinet and electrician.
ACTION: The Clerk to complete the paperwork for the grant and submit.
(b) Councillor vacancy
The Chairman explained that out of the 4 candidates who expressed an interest in the role 1 has withdrawn and 1 hasn’t responded. It is hoped that the 4th candidate will be co-opted at November’s meeting.
(c) Change of use requirements update
Cllr. Claxton explained that he sees no reason why we should change the use of the Church Lane field to recreational before it is levelled. The clerk read out an email from Matthew Coyne in the Planning Department dated 30th August which advises that an ecological survey should be the first step as there may be protected species within the field and the re-levelling work could have a detrimental impact on them. Policy CS.6 of the Core Strategy states that the LPA will safeguard (and where possible enhance) existing habitats. The Chairman said that we need to do all of our homework before any work takes place. The project needs to be fully costed and he thanked Cllr. Claxton for starting this process. Cllr. Brine proposed that this be left until May, seconded the Chairman and carried.
(d) Church Lane field; to consider seeking legal advice for a management company
It was agreed that this should wait until a new Parish Council is in place in May.
8.25pm Cllr. Brine resigns from the Parish Council and leaves the meeting.

9. County Council Matters (maximum 15 minutes)
(a) Traffic Calming Scheme update
The Chairman updated the meeting on details received from County Highways; 30mph painted on the road and possible entrance gates. The dragon’s teeth will be repainted as part of maintenance and not this scheme. It is not possible to extend the 30mph limit on the Kineton Road. It was agreed that the Chairman would find out the reasoning behind this.
ACTION: The Chairman to find out why it is not possible to extend the 30mph limit on the Kineton Road.
(b) Banbury Road bus shelters; design details
ACTION: The clerk to find out the details.

10. District Council Matters (maximum 15 minutes)
(a) To receive report
District Cllr. Kettle said that revised plans would be submitted for land adjacent to The Old House. The enforcement officer will be following up on issues with the garage. The hospital review has begun again.
(b) To consider a name for the new road by the Bowling Club
Councillors agreed Avon Valley Way.
ACTION: The Clerk to inform the District Council
(c) Draft Statement of Community Involvement
No comments.

11. To receive planning applications
(a) 18/02638/FUL - British Motor Museum
This application was discussed and councillor agreed to request a condition for no additional lighting.
ACTION: The clerk to respond.
12. Councillors Reports
(a) Cemetery
The clerk reported that she has had a recent request for a headstone less than 1 year since the burial. The Chairman said that he would look into this and advise whether this could be erected within 9 months.
ACTION: The Chairman to update the clerk
(b) Street lighting/litter/street furniture; street lighting inventory requires updating with LED lights
Cllr. Claxton reported that he has updated the inventory. The light on the Banbury Road bollard is not working.
(c) Play area update
Still waiting for the inspection report.
(d) Drains
Cllr. Claxton said that he would look into the Church Road blocked drain once it rains.
ACTION: Cllr. Claxton to investigate.
(e) Footpaths/Footways
Cllr. Claxton reported that he has cleared the footpath by the cemetery.
(f) Neighbourhood Watch
No new report.
(g) Church Clock; repairs update
The engineer has repaired the clock but it is stopping again. They have been asked to revisit.

13. Correspondence
(a) Millennium Group
The Millennium Group has requested £10,000 of funding from S106 which refers to Youth and Adult provision for outdoor gym equipment. The Chairman said that this was a good idea, in principle, but more details were required. The clerk was asked to find out where the Group would like to site the equipment.
14. Date of next meeting
Monday, 5th November at 7.30pm.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.20pm.