1. Apologies for absence
County Cllr. Williams (illness).
2. To consider co-opting Emily Leadbetter to the Parish Council
Cllr. Claxton proposed Emily Leadbetter be appointed to the Parish Council, seconded and carried unanimously.
The Chairman asked if we could rearrange the agenda to allow a resident from the Millennium Group to speak. There were no objections.
4. Questions from the public
A representative from the Millennium Group said that they would like the Parish Council to consider outdoor gym equipment in the play area. This would create an intergenerational area for all residents. From our initial enquiries people are saying that they would prefer the equipment grouped together to create a healthy, social zone. The Millennium Group has looked at equipment in Harbury and Stratford. 5 pieces, with 1 piece for disabled residents, tackling the 4 areas of the body could be fitted into the play area with the existing play equipment. The resident said that there would be a public consultation showing the types of equipment and understanding requirements with picture of equipment from 3 companies.
ACTION: December agenda item.
The Chairman thanked the resident for attending.
Cllr. Leadbetter said that this is a good idea but we need to have a conversation about the whole view. Cllr. Claxton said that he thinks the existing play area is a good place but there are a lot of questions. There is nothing to stop us having 2 areas. Cllr. Chitty said that he thought this was a good idea. The Chairman also announced his support for this equipment and a public consultation.
3. Mr. Chris Sutor, Merlin Developments re. land adjacent to the Old House
Mr. Sutor briefly explained the plans and showed the meeting samples of materials to be used.
4. Questions from the public
A resident thanked Mr. Sutor for the proposals but expressed concern that his property in Ash Close would be affected.
Where is plot 4? Mr. Sutor agreed to look into this.
A resident asked if the materials being used could be in keeping with The Old House. Another resident pointed out that the proposal is for houses much closer to the Spitfire Development than The Old House.
Could the properties be single storey. It was stated that the Spitfire houses are higher than The Old House.
Cllr. Claxton asked if a need for this size of house has been identified. This size of house would be ideal for a family with 3 children.
The Chairman thanked Mr. Sutor and he left the meeting.
A resident said that there are still 2 lights out on the Banbury Road and the light on the bollards. Cllr. Claxton said that he would look into this.
The verge on the Banbury Road/Church Road still needs cutting. The Clerk said that she would follow up on this.
A resident expressed dismay that the County Council was unable to enforce no parking on double yellow line because the caravan wasn’t attached to the car. There were no Safer Neighbourhood Police on duty so no one came out. This makes a mockery of having double yellow lines. The Chairman said that we have brought up the issue of lack of resource within the Police force with the Police and Crime Commissioner and are waiting for a response. The clerk was asked if she could please contact Cllr. Mrs. Seccombe, in the absence of Cllr. Williams, to request attendance at a Parish Council meeting to address residents’ concerns. The clerk to contact Cllr. Mrs. Seccombe.
5. Declarations of interest
Cllrs. Conway and Chitty declared personal interests in item 10(b) as adjacent landowners.
6. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meetings
The minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr. Claxton proposed that we accept the minutes, seconded and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.
7. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous minutes
(a) Defibrillator update
The Chairman reported that he has met with an electrician who has volunteered his services free of charge with materials at around £50. He thinks it is possible to install in the telephone box but will need to check the cable. Cllr. Claxton said that we will need new signage. Cllr. Conway asked if the telephone box could be straightened. This was discussed and councillors agreed that it would be nice but that the box was quite secure so should be left for the present.
(b) Councillor vacancy
ACTION: The clerk was asked to place a note in the magazine.
(c) Gaydon Liaison Committee Meeting update
The Chairman reported that he attended with Cllr. Chitty. The British Motor Museum is doing very well. Jaguar Land Rover has agreed to request that the pedestrian entrance on the Warwick Road is opened if all of their work has finished.
The MOD is going to build a new roundabout opposite the turning to Northend. Councillors agreed that it would be good to include the Temple Herdewyke turning. District Cllr. Kettle said that he has mentioned this. The average speed past the MOD camp is 61mph.
(d) Travellers
Councillors agreed that the community was greatly affected by this illegal encampment. There is still rubbish to be picked out of the ditch and hedges. District Cllr. Kettle said that this is not the responsibility of the District Council. The Clerk was asked to contact the County Council.
ACTION: The Clerk to contact the County Council.
Councillors agreed that a representative from the local Police should be asked to attend a Parish Council Meeting.
ACTION: The Clerk to request.
8. County Council Matters (maximum 15 minutes)
(a) Traffic Calming Scheme update
The Chairman said that he is still waiting for an answer from the County Council as to why we can’t extend the 30mph speed limit on the Kineton Road.
ACTION: December agenda item.
(b) Banbury Road bus shelters; design details
Still waiting for details from the County Council.
ACTION: December agenda item.
(c) Warwickshire Minerals Plan Publication Consultation (2018)
(d) Stagecoach bus services
The Chairman said that this does not affect us.
9. District Council Matters (maximum 15 minutes)
(a) To receive report
District Cllr. Kettle reported that he has asked for enforcement action on the service station following the loss of their appeal. A new planning application has been submitted. An appeal for Manor Farm has been lodged. The first appeal was permitted because the District Council had not approved the built up boundaries. This will be adopted in December.
Orbit Housing tenants are still seeing significant delays in repairs.
There has been a meeting regarding the Horton Hospital.
A report will be submitted to Cabinet at the end of November on Broadband.
10 To receive planning applications
(a) 18/03008/FUL - Gaydon Service Station
This application was discussed. Councillors agreed to object due to insufficient parking. If the spaces at the front of the garage are used the pumps can’t be used by vehicles with trailers. This means there is only one pump servicing these vehicles which creates queues on the B4100 which is the M40 relief road. Cllr. Claxton agreed to try and access the Community Speedwatch database which shows accidents reported by residents.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the planning department.
9.15pm Cllr. Conway leaves the meeting. Cllr. Chitty does not take part in the next item.
(b) 18/02090/REM - land adjacent The Old House, Church Road
Councillors agreed to object as they believe there is no demand for houses of this size. There is also a significant impact on The Old House which is a grade II listed building. The Old House should be the most dominant house in that location.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the planning department.
9.25pm Cllr. Conway returns to the meeting. District Cllr. Kettle leaves the meeting. (c) Planning appeal 18/00298/FUL - Gaydon Service Station
(d) Planning appeal 17/03073/FUL - 6 Manor Farm Court
11. Councillor’s Reports
(a) Cemetery
The Chairman said that it is possible for a headstone to be erected on a grave 9 months after a burial.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the stonemason.
(b) Street lighting/litter/street furniture
Cllr. Claxton has updated the County Council database. The Clerk said that the e.on database will require updating.
ACTION: The Clerk to forward the e.on database to Cllr. Claxton
(c) Play area; inspection report
Cllr. Conway updated the meeting on the report. We have 3 months in which to remove or replace the equipment. Cllr. Claxton said that he objects to this report since this company quoted for equipment. The Clerk explained that this company has been inspecting our equipment for many years and was recommended by the District Council. Cllr. Leadbetter asked if we could find out if equipment installed could be relocated.
ACTION: Cllr. Conway to liaise with the suppliers.
(d) Drains
Cllr. Claxton asked where the drain on Church Road was that is blocked. Cllr. Conway advised by his house.
(e) Footpaths/Footways
No new report.
(f) Neighbourhood Watch
No new report.
(g) Church Clock; repairs update
The Clock seems to have been fixed.
12. Financial Report/Administration
(a) Bank balances
The Clerk reported the following balances:
Community account £14,471.18
Business account £10,620.00
(b) Website administration
ACTION: December agenda item.
(c) To consider appointing a new clerk
The Chairman reported that he has interviewed an existing clerk. It was agreed that Kerry Finlayson should be employed with effect from 3rd December on level SCP 22.
ACTION: The Chairman to respond to Ms. Finlayson
(d) Bank mandate form
It was agreed that the Chairman and Cllr. Chitty should be added to the bank signatories. A form was completed and signed. A copy is attached to these minutes.
13. Passing of any accounts for payment
The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Conway, seconded by Cllr. Claxton and carried unanimously.
(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (November) – £284.78
(b) Mr. P. Fowle - website costs - £151.53
(c) Wicksteed Leisure Ltd. - play area inspection - £54.00
(d) Royal British Legion - wreath - £65.00
(e) WEL Medical Ltd. - defibrillator cabinet - £557.94
(f) Mr. C. Pickering - grass maintenance - £165.00
14. Correspondence
(a) Millennium Group
See item 4.
(b) WALC AGM; 17th November
No councillors available to attend.
(c) WALC Stratford; 13th February 2019
ACTION: December agenda item.
15. Date of next meeting
To be agreed.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 10pm.