Present | Apologies |
J Davies - Chairman J Chitty A Claxton E Leadbetter M Lewis M Bourne Cllr C Kettle (arrived 19:47: left 21:40) 14 members of the public |
Cllr C Williams Addendum – the chairman confirmed after the meeting he had received apologies from Cllr Seycombe |
In Attendance | Absence |
Joanna Wain – Cover Clerk |
The meeting was quorate
The meeting opened at: 19:35
Item: | Action: | |
1 | Welcome and Apologies: JD welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr C Williams. |
2 | To consider co-opting Mirrin Lewis and Matthew Bourne to the Parish Council: AC proposed to co-opt Mirrin Lewis and Matthew Bourne to the Parish Council, EL seconded this. Councillors unanimously agreed to co-opt ML and MB – they joined the Councillors at this point. |
3 | Declarations of Interest: No interests were declared pertaining to the agenda. Member of the public robustly questioned whether the Councillors should declare their membership to KOGs (Kids of Gaydon) and accused KOGs of being a “Pressure Group”. Member of public advised councillors to take legal advice; Chair acknowledged these comments. |
4 | Questions from the Public: A resident presented Councillors with a letter from Stratford District Council (SDC) regarding a hedge. SDC stated would be removed; this had not yet been done. Councillors discussed the letter and agreed they would look into this and discuss with Cllr Seycombe. A resident fed-back to Councillors information regarding an incident involving Travellers breaking into and staying in a field off the B4100. The resident confirmed he had spoken to the police numerous times but nothing was done to move them on. He had also contacted Warwickshire County Council (WCC) since the travellers left asking for more substantial gates to protect the field; confirmed that still nothing in place. Councillors discussed that a local contractor had offered concrete blocks as a temporary solution – WCC will not allow this. Cllr Kettle arrived 19:47 Resident asked Councillors to send email to WCC. Chairman confirmed this had already been done. Councillors discussed the options but acknowledged it was a County Council remit and could not do anything to put in the gates but agreed to keep emailing Councillors within WCC and are already in contact with the Police for extra patrols. A resident asked councillors when the secondary wire fence in the park would be replaced; she explained to Councillors that the removal of the fence caused a security risk for her property. Councillors confirmed that the fence had been removed as it failed the health and safety inspection and they will look at replacing this as soon as possible to ensure the resident’s property is secure. A resident raised a concern regarding the proposal of using loose impact surfaces on the play area. Chairman confirmed that they are no longer considering this material and are looking at different options. A resident questioned if the play equipment met ROSPA rules. Councillors confirmed that the playground would be inspected by an independent inspector for and ROSPA once the maintenance has been completed. |
JD – to discuss bush removal with Councillor Seycombe Councillors to arrange a new fence in the playground |
5 | Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (November): Amendments tabled and happy to sign minutes with these. The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted with the amendments previously sent to Councillors. |
6 | Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings Defibrillator update The Chairman confirmed that a Defibrillator training session had been done and 15 residents attended this; he confirmed that another training session will be held in January. The Chairman informed Councillors that he was waiting for Western Power to confirm the power source before anything could be put in place. A Councillor asked if the electrician knew how to remove the phone The Chairman confirmed this had already been removed. To consider the advice from the insurance company and to review the situation with regard to the play area The Chairman confirmed that he had spoked to the insurance company that as long as the repairs done meet the standard they will continue to insure it. A full report will be done by an independent inspector for the insurance company. The current report expired 10/01/2019 so after this date if the repairs have not been carried out the insurance would be void. A member of the public asked who would be doing the repair work? The Chairman confirmed this had not yet been decided and they would be looking into various options. Councillors discussed that as the risk level had increased to medium / high the repairs need to be made as soon as possible while ensuring value for money. Orbit meeting update The chairman confirmed that he had had a meeting with an Orbit representative and they had agreed Orbit will lease the area to Gaydon Parish Council (GPC) for 2 years and then transfer it to GPC ownership. A member of the public asked what cost this would have to GPC The Chairman confirmed that there is no cost involved in the leasing. Cllr Kettle informed Councillors that this was also happening throughout other parish councils and Cllr Kettle is doing some monitoring of these offers but encouraged the Councillors to talk to neighbouring parishes to ensure they are getting a good deal. The Chairman confirmed that when the land is transferred GPC would be responsible for the grass areas and parking area of St Giles Road as well as the grass to the footpath. A member of the public expressed concerns at how much this would cost. Councillors briefly discussed this and acknowledged the concerns and confirmed they would look into this in more detail when the maintenance contracts are up for renewal. |
7 | County Council Matters Traffic calming scheme update The Chairman confirmed that they would not be able to extend the 30 MPH speed limit; the Police have said this is not possible. A resident asked what this meant for the grant money gained for this project. Councillors confirmed it may have to be returned. The Chairman confirmed that other plans are in place but they are waiting for costing from Highways - these include: gates and 30 MPH markings on the road. Banbury Road bus shelters; design details Nothing to report Travellers; await response from Mark Ryder, Head of County Highways Nothing more to add following discussion from resident’s question. |
8 | District Council Matters: To receive report Cllr Kettle reported back to the Parish council and confirmed that Dave Webb was retiring as Chief Executive of Stratford District Council and a New Chief Executive will be in place from January Cllr Kettle expressed his concerns of Orbit as a Landlord regarding their ability to repair properties and the length of time it takes to get repairs done: Cllr Kettle gave some examples of this. Cllr Kettle urged residents with any issues / inadequacies / required repairs to report them to him so he can approach Orbit. A resident asked if there was a NHS liaison for SDC / Orbit – Cllr Kettle confirmed there was not and it would be easier for residents to contact the ward member. Cllr Kettle reported on Banbury Hospital and the planned removal of the Maternity Services; councillors discussed this. Cllr Kettle fed back details regarding the Gaydon Lighthorne Heath ("GLH") and advised there is further planning meeting on Thursday and by all accounts the two main developers are being considerate and the current plans are to have the new residential areas interspersed with walkways and greens, make it a more acceptable design. One area of concern is that there is currently no provision for a cemetery which would place more demand on surrounding villages cemeteries. The Chairman acknowledged this and confirmed he would be attending the forthcoming GLH meeting with EL. A member of the public asked if the GLH development would have a Gas supply and if yes, could it be extended to Gaydon? Cllr Kettle confirmed a Gas supply was planned at GLH but it would be not be extended to Gaydon without significant funding from Gaydon PC which would be unaffordable. Planning issues An inspector would be reviewing Gaydon Service station and Cllr Kettle would be paying close attention to this. There is a breach of current conditions; Cllr Kettle has asked the portfolio holder to review allowing repeat applications as this does not allow enforcement action to be taken. Cllr Kettle clarified that if there is a current application in enforcement action cannot be taken. Broadband Cllr Kettle confirmed that there was an open day in September and the Cabinet had appointed a broadband expert to review the data from BDUK. Cllr Kettle confirmed this information is currently confidential so could not be released. Cllr Kettle informed Councillors that there were anomalies within the BDUK data and when they had asked questions BDUK had not been able to answer these and that is why the expert had been appointed. Cllr Kettle informed Councillors of a trip he had taken to China and noted costs were covered by the Chinese council. Cllr Kettle briefly summarised his trip for Councillors. |
9 | To receive planning applications 15/00976/OUT - GLH - discharge of condition 10B (phasing and delivery) Nothing to discuss. 18/03476/FUL - Gaydon Farm Councillors looked at the plans for this and noted that a resident of Tollgate Cottage had put in an objection. Councillors discussed the application along with the objection and agreed they understood why the resident had objected and agreed that this extra gateway would cause significant highway safety issues. Councillors asked Cllr Kettle for advice regarding this. Cllr Kettle confirmed that the highway agency would ensure any plans met the highway regulations standards, he noted that it would be worthwhile raising the highway issues to ensure the County Council are aware. Cllr Kettle gave Councillors advice on how to present their concerns. Councillors agreed unanimously to object this application on the grounds of highway safety and the impact on the residents. Action – Chair to draft the response. Councillors discussed that no public consultation / parish council consultation had been done and this should be added to the objection. Councillors also noted this would require traffic calming if the plans went ahead. 18/03307/REM - land west of B4100 GLH - Councillors agreed nothing to discuss as no representation present. |
JD |
10 | Councillors Reports Cemetery The chairman confirmed there was to be a funeral on the 20th. Councillors were informed that a wreath had been pinned to new turf but unfortunately this had to be removed as it would damage the new turf. Street lighting/litter/street furniture; to consider the report from County Highways regarding the street light on Church Road The chairman confirmed that communication had been received from WCC confirming that the streetlight was defunct and not repairable; WCC had provided LED suggestions but the chairman was aware residents had an issue with this. Councillors agreed that whatever is chosen needs to have minimum glare. Councillors discussed this and asked for feedback from a resident. Councillors discussed why the street lighting is required and agreed this is needed for the health and safety of the residents. A resident asked if the streetlights could be made to turn off at midnight. Councillors agreed this could be looked at. A resident informed councillors that the replacement bollards that had been installed at the Spitfire Development did not meet the planning conditions. Councillors confirmed that if they do not meet the planning application details then this needs taking to planning enforcement. The resident confirmed this had been done and a planning enforcement officer would be coming out to visit – councillors agreed to send representation to this meeting. Cllr Kettle confirmed it is down to SDC to correct this issue and advised it would be sensible to wait for the outcome of this meeting. Drains Nothing to discuss Footpaths/Footways Nothing to discuss. Neighbourhood Watch The chairman expressed his thoughts that a resident was doing a good job. Councillors agreed and discussed that the need to allocate roles and responsibilities regarding this. Action – To hold a meeting regarding this. Cllr Kettle left the meeting – 21:40 |
All Councillors |
11 | Financial Report/Administration: Bank balances Balance on 27/11/18 - £10,622.29 Balance on 29/11/18 - £13,933.45 The chairman confirmed that C Hill is doing budget and this will be presented to the Council. Councillors agreed that a budget meeting is required Website administration A councillor confirmed they had spoken to Julie and she is happy to update the website but she would need the log-in details. Action - Councillors to locate and pass on website log-in details M & A will action this New clerk; update The chairman confirmed that they were unsuccessful in finding a new clerk. A temporary minute taker is in place however as this is not a permanent appointment they would need to advertise again. The chairman informed Councillors that they had a clerk in place but unfortunately they had to withdraw their application. Councillors discussed options for finding another clerk and confirmed that C Hill would be continuing as RFO. Councillors discussed the newsletter and confirmed this needed to be submitted by 20th December Councillors agreed this should include Thanks to C Hill and a comment about looking for a clerk. Training course; feedback JC and EL fed back to Councillors about the training and how the use of social media and the website was mentioned. There had also been a lot of discussion at the course about neighbourhood and parish planning processes. Councillors discussed that a new plan is required for Gaydon. A Councillor confirmed they have arranged to meet with a representative from Lower Quinton who had led the development of their neighbourhood plan. Councillors discussed the differences between a Neighbourhood plan and a Parish plan and which would be more beneficial to GPC. Councillors agreed they would need to have a survey and know their current demographic; the figures held relate to 2011/12. Councillors agreed it may be beneficial to use a neutral 3rd party and how they would need time to collect this data. ACTION – Add information in the newsletter regarding a neighbourhood/parish plan. Defibrillator; to consider whether to pursue the grant with WALC Councillors discussed the funding that had been received from Millennium Group and Cllr Williams; and agreed they needed more information as to what this money should be used for. Councillors discussed that there is enough money to buy the defibrillator box and possibly scope for another. |
12 | Passing of any accounts for payment: C. Hill - Clerk’s gross salary (December) - £284.78 WALC - training course plus publication - £40.00 Mrs. J. Rickman - contribution to magazine - £132.00 Councillors discussed and agreed these figures and the cheques were signed to this effect. |
13 | Correspondence: WALC Stratford; 13th February 2019 (attendee) To discuss next meeting - ACTION WALC newsletter (December) JD will circulate Meeting with GLH developer; 20th December (attendees) The Chairman confirmed that he and EL would be attending the GLH developer meeting. Bellway Homes; land south of B4100 (archaeological works) Nothing to discuss |
Clerk to add to agenda JD to circulate |
14 | Date of next meeting Councillors revisited Agenda item 6b at this point in the meeting as it was agreed that a decision needed to be made. Councillors discussed the playground and how the deadline for repairs to fix the health and safety issues was the 10th January – after this date the playground would not be insured. It was agreed this was quite tight timing; councillors discussed the options available to them in detail, Councillors questioned whether this could be actioned by the parish Council or if an outside contractor was needed. The chairman referenced the guidelines which stated a competent person must complete the repairs and he is expecting contact from David Wright for clarification. Councillors agreed that if David Wright agrees; AC will install the matting for the climbing frame ensuring that the installation instructions are followed. The playground will be closed while the installation is happening. Councillors noted that the inspection would need to be completed by 10th January – if these repairs do not meet the inspection standard they would find an outside company. Councillors agreed that 3 quotes for materials would need to be obtained. Action – AC to obtain material quotes 3 quotes to be gained for the materials. Date of Next meeting: Public Meeting Monday 4th February at 19:30 |
AC to obtain quotes for materials and undertake repairs – if OK from David Wright. |
The meeting closed at: 22:20