IN ATTENDANCE: Four members of the public and MR I WILSON (Clerk).
Apologies had been received from CLLR C KETTLE (Stratford District Council) and CLLR C WILLIAMS (Warwickshire County Council) and were accepted
Declarations of interests and consideration of dispensation requests
There were no declarations of interest or requests for dispensations
Public Participation
The meeting noted that block paving on Banbury Rd was now overgrown and the clerk was asked to report this to County Highways.
A member of the public enquired as to the current budget priorities, particularly if there were any additional commitments required to cover traffic calming, streetlamps, the green agenda and change of use for the village field.
It was noted that the precept had increased by 10% in 2019/20, though there wasn’t a specific allocation for replacement of streetlights and traffic calming would be completed in 2019, with funding was already agreed with County Highways for this project. The Parish Council agreed to receive an update of spend against budget in September 2019.
Questions were received from the floor as to the progress of the change of use application for the village field and the surveys to be undertaken. It was noted that the village field and further surveys would be discussed under agenda item 6
There was also a question from the public as to whether the green agenda would be reflected in the neighbourhood plan. It was noted that the neighbourhood plan project would be discussed under agenda item 6 and the parish council’s response to climate change was included under agenda item 8.
Acceptance of Minutes from July OGM and EGM
The minutes of both the OGM and EGM meetings held in July were agreed and accepted by the Council
Matters Carried Forward From Previous Meetings
There were no matters outstanding from previous meetings not included in the agenda to this meeting
Parish Council Reports
Community Spaces
CLLR LEWIS reported that the ecological survey had now been carried out on the village field and we were awaiting the final report from the consultants. This followed up on the village ecological survey carried out in 2014 for Stratford District Council (SDC).
Three quotes had been received for the archaeological survey required by SDC as part of the village field change of use. Two quotes were from private consultants and one was from the County Archaeology consultants (Archaeology Warwickshire). The meeting discussed the quotes, particularly community involvement, the amount of evaluation and the recommendations for mitigation included in each proposal.
The County Archaeology consultants quote was cheaper than one of the private consultants offering a similar service, but slightly more expensive than another private consultancy. However, the proposal from Archaeology Warwickshire met the requirements of SDC planners. It was agreed unanimously to engage Archaeology Warwickshire to carry out the survey.
The meeting noted that SDC solicitor had now confirmed that s106 monies from both agreements could be used for these surveys. It was agreed unanimously that the clerk could now arrange to sign the agreements so that the Parish Council could now start to draw down on these funds to cover the costs of these surveys.
Neighbourhood Plan
CLLR LEADBETTER reported that she had been in discussions with SDC to draft a survey for the Neighbourhood Plan consultation. The draft survey had been circulated and councillors were asked to provide comments on this to CLLR LEADBETTER by 16th August 2019, a final version would then be circulated before submitting to SDC for production and distribution. The Housing Needs Survey would be an optional part of the survey for residents, depending on need. Analysis would be carried out by SDC and was expected to cost between £1200 and £1600, depending on the response.
It was noted that grant funding would be available to cover the cost of the survey and that planning consultants would need to be engaged to help with the production of the Neighbourhood Plan. It was agreed that the clerk would obtain quotes for consultancy ahead of the next meeting and investigate the grant funding application to Groundwork UK. The survey could then be distributed to households and collected in October. SDC recommended collection by parish council, though there would be a pre-printed envelope, to increase response.
Chair’s Report and Traffic Calming
CLLR DAVIES reported that he was waiting for Warwickshire County Council (WCC) to sign off the designs and then prioritise when the traffic calming measures could be implemented. It was noted that police would be following up their traffic survey in September.
CLLR DAVIES also reported that defibrillator training would take place again in September.
Streetlights and furniture
CLLR CLAXTON reported that he had received a report from a resident regarding work being carried out by a local farmer on a nearby ditch, he had looked at this and it didn’t look as though this would affect drainage. He also reported that the damaged pedestrian crossing railings were now being fixed by WCC and asked the clerk to write to Merlin developments so that they would clean up at the OLD House site.
The meeting noted the decisions taken since the last meeting and that SDC site allocations plan was due for consultation during August, with councillor briefings in September. The meeting discussed when Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) money may be due from any new builds in the parish. The clerk was asked to follow this up.
Community Engagement
CLLR HILL reported that she had attended JLRs community forum in July. The forum had looked at litter and light pollution and speed watch. SDC was looking to work with JLR to reduce light pollution and provide litter bins. JLR was working with the community to reduce any speeding by their staff and asked that any incidents be reported.
CLLR HILL also reported that tyres by the British Motor Museum (BMM) would be moved when the site was cleared for the hotel and that JLR was not renewing their contract with BMM.
Future planning applications had also been discussed and it was noted that while the parish was in the industrial zone, the district council is working with the local community and JLR on future and existing planning designations as part of the Core Strategy.
CLLR MIDDLEDITCH reported several graves that needed attention following flowers and pots being disturbed, this had been reported to the local police. The Parish Council discussed arranging volunteers for the graveyard and graves to be tidied up and also be looking to work with organisations such as the probation service to arrange further ‘clean ups’ in the future. It was noted that there was now a green bin for the cemetery, which CLLR MIDDLEDITCH would put out for collection. It was agreed to wait until the autumn to consider the latest applications for headstones.
Clerk’s Report
It was agreed to adopt the revised standing orders and financial regulations previously circulated, with the delegated spending amount being increased to £250 and items which were already included in the councillor’s code of conduct being excluded.
Reports from Ward Representatives of Warwickshire County Council and Stratford
District Council
CLLR Kettle (SDC) and CLLR Williams (WCC) had sent apologies
Climate Change
Several councillors had recently attended a meeting to discuss the climate emergency, particularly how this should effect organisations like the parish council and how we can work with our community to best respond. It was agreed to discuss this further and suggest actions as a parish council at the next meeting in September.
Financial Administration
The following accounts were agreed for payment:
Clerk I Wilson Salary and Expenses (July 2019) £411.00
WCC – removal and disconnection of streetlight £505.20
The following were highlighted as having been received since the last meeting:
Rural Crime Policing Forum – SDC
S106 Financial Agreement – SDC
Site Allocations Plan – SDC
Annual Financial Return Acknowledgement – PKF
Ecological Survey – HBA
Revision to bus timetable – Stagecoach
Bridge Guidance – WALC
Community Energy Fund – WALC
Update on Banbury Road Bus Stop Works – Transport Planner, WCC