Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting Of Gaydon Parish Council Held at Gaydon Village Hall, Gaydon, Warwickshire On Tuesday 3rd September 2019 At 7.30pm


IN ATTENDANCE: Ten members of the public, CLLR C WILLIAMS (Warwickshire County Council) and MR I WILSON (Clerk).


Apologies had been received from CLLR C KETTLE (Stratford District Council) and were accepted

Declarations of interests and consideration of dispensation requests

There were no declarations of interest or requests for dispensations

Public Participation

The Millennium Group offered to contribute to the on-going cost of a defibrillator and thanked CLLR HILL for suggesting that they apply to CLLR WILLIAMS (WCC) fund for a grant towards a table tennis table. The Group along with Kids of Gaydon (KOG) had successfully received a grant of £200.

Questions were received from the public on the progress of the change of use application for the village field. An update was to be provided under the community spaces section of item 6 (Parish Council Reports)

The meeting was also reminded of the upcoming church coffee morning when residents would bring a plant.

Acceptance of Minutes from August OGM

The minutes the OGM held in August were agreed and accepted by the Council

Matters Carried Forward From Previous Meetings

There were no matters outstanding from previous meetings not included in the agenda to this meeting

Parish Council Reports

Community Spaces

CLLR LEWIS reported that the ecological and archaeological surveys had now been carried out on the village field and we were awaiting the final reports from the consultants. Initial indications suggest that the area planned for change of use would be fine to change to recreational use without adversely affecting the ecology or archaeology of that part of the field. The draft ecology survey had been sent to planners. The final survey reports would be circulated to councillors when they were received. It was suggested that these could also be published on the village website.

The meeting noted that KOG were running a sunflower competition on the weekend of 7th September. This would be a small event on the village field with some games for the Children. It was agreed that CLLR LEWIS would carry out a risk assessment, inform neighbours and put a notice on the village website before the event. CLLR HILL also offered to let the neighbours to the field know about the event.

Neighbourhood Plan

CLLR LEADBETTER reported that two companies had now been contacted for quotes and a third was being sought. The preferred quote would be used for producing the grant application and would be agreed by the Parish Council before the application was submitted. It was noted that an environmental assessment could be included in the plan. This could incorporate Gaydon Parish Council actions under the climate change response paper being received under item 8 of this agenda.

Chair’s Report and Traffic Calming

CLLR DAVIES reported that he was waiting for Warwickshire County Council (WCC) to sign off the designs and then prioritise when the traffic calming measures could be implemented. He would follow up with County Highways to see if a date was earmarked yet. CLLR HILL suggested that based on previous experience this would probably be towards the financial year end.

Streetlights and furniture

CLLR CLAXTON reported that the resident who had previously raised concern around the work by the landowner on the ditch by Kineton Road was still concerned. CLLR CLAXTON had verbally agreed that the landowner would clear the ditch.

CLLR CLAXTON reported that a resident had raised a concern regarding overgrowth from a garden on to the footpath and agreed to liaise with CLLR HILL to address this issue.

CLLR CLAXTON suggested that the red phone box could be used for a community library, with other items included such as village maps and notices. CLLR CLAXTON offered to do the work necessary, in return for reimbursement for materials to fix some shelves. The Parish Council was generally supportive of this suggestion. However, it was agreed that the village should first be consulted through the parish magazine to gauge support and any other suggestions. CLLR LEWIS would arrange for an item to be included in a future publication of the magazine.

A member of the public reported that some stiles needed attention on rights of way in the village. The clerk would follow this up with WCC.


Since the last meeting a planning application had been received from The Malt Shovel public house, this involved renewing signage and outside lights. The landlady explained that all fittings would be traditional and in keeping with the village, the lights could also dim and would go off when the pub shut. The Parish Council agreed to support this application

The meeting noted the decisions taken since the last meeting and that Stratford District Council (SDC) site allocations plan was due to complete consultation in September. There were three sites identified for Gaydon and it was agreed that the Parish Council would respond to these sites and the built up area boundary, particularly noting that indications were that JLR expansion would not be as previously indicated.

Planning applications for JLR were currently not coming through to Gaydon Parsih Council. The clerk would remind SDC planners to send these as GPC was a statutory consultee.

Community Engagement

CLLR HILL reported orally on discussions with Orbit Housing regarding ownership of the play area at St. Marks. The company were currently working through their documents, had contacted SDC and looked at the records of the former Southam rural council. The company were looking at spending on the area over the years. CLLR HILL expected ro be able to report further to the next meeting.

The meeting discussed the scarecrow festival planned for 21st September. CLLR LEWIS explained that straw had been donated and would be available to collect before the event, she would also ensure that the event was widely publicised throughout the village. It was agreed that all village events should be publicised via the website

CLLR HILL reported that herself and CLLR DAVIES had been invited toi the opening of the new JLR building. It was noted that the next community forum would be in October. CLLR CLAXTON asked that the issue of noise and speeding at recent events held by British Motor Museum be raised at the next JLR community meeting in October. It was also requested that advance notice of all events, including those at Aston Martin be provided as had been previously agreed.



Clerk’s Report

The latest budget report was circulated and Councillors noted the latest spend and allocated and unallocated reserves

Reports from Ward Representatives of Warwickshire County Council (WCC) and Stratford District Council (SDC)

CLLR Kettle (SDC) had sent apologies. CLLR Williams (WCC) report is attached for information

The meeting noted plans for community grants from SDC, which would include support for projects to respond to the climate change emergency

Climate Change

CLLR LEADBETTER presented a paper (attached) to outline and suggest actions that the parish council could undertake. The paper and actions were noted by Parish Councillors

Financial Administration

CLLR HILL proposed, seconded by CLLR DAVIES and the following accounts were then agreed for payment:

Clerk I Wilson Salary and Expenses (August 2019) £272.00

PAYE £ 82.00

Website annual fee £111.75

SDC Charge for contested elections £615.23


The following were highlighted as having been received since the last meeting:

Christopher Allen, SDC – Naming and Numbering Requests for Road Names, The Old House, Church Rd.

Charles Barlow, Localities Partnership Manager – Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Presentation

SDC, Site Allocations Plan – Consultation and details of briefings

Planning Inspectorate – Appeal decision land adjacent to Fendale

Tim Haines, Warwickshire – Agreement for Topographical Survey

Chris Talbot, HBA – Ecological Survey

CLLR HILL suggested alternatives to naming and numbering requests from SDC be provided to the developer.

The meeting also discussed inviting Charles Barlow, Localities Partnership Manager, to provide the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment presentation to GPC. It was agreed that the clerk would invite Charles Barlow to either the October or November meeting.