Gaydon Parish Council
Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting Of Gaydon Parish Council Held at Gaydon Village Hall, Gaydon, Warwickshire On Tuesday 1st October 2019 At 7.30pm
IN ATTENDANCE: Six members of the public, CLLR C KETTLE (Stratford District Council) and MR I WILSON (Clerk).
Apologies had been received from CLLR C WILLIAMS (Warwickshire County Council) and were accepted
Declarations of interests and consideration of dispensation requests
There were no declarations of interest or requests for dispensations. The Chair confirmed that it had been previously agreed that Councillors did not need to declare an interest in the Gaydon Service Station application.
Acceptance of Minutes from September OGM
The minutes of the OGM held in September were agreed and accepted by the Council
Matters Carried Forward From Previous Meetings
There were no matters outstanding from previous meetings not included in the agenda to this meeting. However, it was noted that the Parish Council change of use application for the village field (19/01244/FUL) had now been granted and all comments and reports relating to the application were publicly available on SDC planning website.
Public Participation
There were no requests from members of the public to address the meeting
Parish Council Reports
Community Spaces
CLLR LEWIS reported that the ecological and archaeological surveys had now been circulated to all Councillors and apologised for draft surveys appearing on SDC planning portal before they had been circulated to councillors. HBA would be sending a full Habitat Survey for Gaydon in due course, it was expected that this would images of the village which would then belong to the Parish
As mentioned in matters arsing CLLR LEWIS reported that change of use for the part of the village field owned by the Parish Council from agricultural land to a public open space had now been granted, this included provision for a play area (as yet unspecified) in part of the open space. CLLR LEWIS recommended that the Parish Council should now carry out consultation with residents as to what the Parish Council would like to now do. It was agreed that this would be included as news in the parish magazine.
The meeting then discussed the nature of the suggested public consultation. CLLR HILL asked that a risk assessment be carried out prior to the consultation and that the Neighbourhood Plan Survey be used to obtain further views. CLLR LEWIS suggested that the public consultation event should include suggested designs for a play area and was supported by CLLR BOURNE. CLLR DAVIES suggested that this should not be about specific play equipment and was to ask residents what they would like to see in the open space. CLLR LEWIS confirmed that her plans were to suggest concepts and designs for the open space and not equipment. CLLR LEADBETTER offered to help draw up a proposal for the event and help run the event. However, the Chair suggested that as this was about concepts and getting the views of the village Councillors did not necessarily need to agree a presentation in advance. CLLR LEWIS confirmed that 12 to 19 year olds would be included in the concept and adult gym equipment could also be included.
CLLR LEADBETTER proposed seconded by CLLR LEWIS to run an event and it was agreed that CLLR LEWIS would run a consultation event for all villagers to discuss concepts and designs for how the Parish Council may use the open space.
The meeting then discussed the arrangements for the event, this included when it would be held and the methods of consulting. CLLR LEWIS suggested that the event could be supplemented by on-line surveys and feedback through social media and the village website for those not able to attend. The event would also be publicised on-line, through the parish magazine and flyers around the village. It was also suggested that the event be run over two days to increase attendance.
CLLR Bourne proposed the weekend of 9th November for the consultation event and suggested that the next parish council meeting be delayed so that the feedback from the consultation could be analysed for discussion.
It was agreed that the event would be carried out in the village hall over two days on the weekend of 9th November, with the next Parish Council meeting duly put back to Tuesday 19th November.
Neighbourhood Plan
CLLR LEADBETTER reported that a grant application could be submitted when quotes were received from planning consultants. SDC were ready to go with the survey, but in the meantime she would recirculate the latest draft to councillors for comments. SDC had recommended that a call for sites be included in the Neighbourhood Plan Survey in line with the Core Strategy. The scheduling of the survey and consultation would be subject to advice from the planning consultatnt.
CLLR LEADBETTER confirmed that she had carried out some initial consultation with businesses and would confirm this when the details of the survey were confirmed. She had also been in contact with WRCC regarding The Housing Needs Survey, which could be included in the Neighbourhood Plan Survey.
Chair’s Report and Traffic Calming
CLLR DAVIES reported that there was currently a hold up with the gateway features. However, he would seek further clarification from County Highways on the details of the scheme and timings of the work.
Streetlights and furniture
Nothing to report. However, noted that grips should be on drains on the left hand side at KIneton road. This should be reported to County Highways.
Since the last meeting the following applications had been received for comments
Reference | Date Valid | Consultation Expiry Date | Address | Proposal | |
19/01636/REM | 13/06/2019 | 02/10/2019 | Land At Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath | Reserved matters for Phase 2C pursuant to Outline Permission 15/00976/OUT comprising landscaped public open space, equipped play spaces and associated infrastructure, together with the diversion and closure of existing public rights of way. | |
19/01649/REM | 13/06/2019 | 02/10/2019 | Land At Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath | Reserved Matters for Phase 2A pursuant to Outline Permission 15/00976/OUT for the development of 636 dwellings, associated infrastructure including roads, substation, drainage infrastructure, pedestrian/cycle routes and landscaping, together with the diversion and closure of existing public rights of way. | |
19/01408/FUL | 06/06/2019 | 30/09/2019 | Gaydon Service Station Banbury Road Gaydon Warwick CV35 0HA | Demolition of all existing structures on the site, and the erection of a replacement forecourt, canopy, pump island, underground tanks and sales building (A1), with associated car parking, landscaping and other associated works. | |
CLLR HILL asked that in relation to the two GLH applications that the Parish Council ask for restrictions to be placed on water tankers filling up in Gaydon and on traffic flow from JLR when construction was taking place. It was agreed to make these representations to planners
In relation to the Gaydon Service Station application CLLR BOURNE explained that there was now no objection from WCC Highways. The meeting discussed the evidence available from local police and the plans for the new bus stop and agreed that the impact of the application on road safety remained a legitimate planning objection from the Parish Council. CLLR HILL also asked that planners be again contacted to ensure that a construction plan was in place as a condition of any planning permission subsequently granted.
Community Engagement
CLLR HILL reported that she had recently attended the JLR opening event, feedback was good to suggest that JLR were looking to work closely with the local community.
CLLR HILL also reported that she had received good feedback regarding the scarecrow event and thanked the allotment holders for taking the leftover straw as and when they could use it. She was due to attend village hall committee meetings and asked councillors to let her know of any issues they would like bringing up. CLLR HILL had also reported children being in the closed play area at St Marks to Orbit. CLLR LEWIS asked about grass cutting and it was suggested that this might be reviewed as part of the 2020/21 budget setting process.
CLLR MIDDLEDITCH reported that she had recently attended the Rural Crime Forum held by SDC. The main item of note was that new contacts had been identified, with some small additional resource to rural policing and a crime prevention officer within SDC to co-ordinate farm and rural crime initiatives.
CLLR MIDDLEDITCH had nothing to report. However it was agreed that CLLR HILL would take forward JLR community work for the cemetery with her contact at JLR. The meeting also discussed suggestions for a Children’s Area in the cemetery, which could be considered at a future meeting.
Clerk’s Report
Bank mandates could initially be competed online. The clerk asked Parish Councillors to send them their details so he could start the process.
Reports from Ward Representatives of Warwickshire County Council (WCC) and Stratford District Council (SDC)
CLLR KETTLE (SDC) reported on the SDC consultation on reserve site allocations plan and the core strategy. The July cabinet meeting had approved design guidelines for SDC core strategy, the aim is to avoid identikit properties and ensure good quality design from developers and the site allocations plan. The approved site allocations plan includes the reserve site list and built up area boundaries.
Consultation has been taking place on the reserve sites, which includes three sites for Gaydon. There are no sites in Southam, as Southam College is now full and WCC has no plans to increase capacity. CLLR HILL asked whether the site allocations plans and core strategy considered the impact on Kineton school of Gaydon Lighthorne developments. CLLR KETTLE explained that was for WCC to consider and this consultation was as to whether SDC had used the correct methodology to identify the sites and would complete in the middle of October. It was noted that as things stand SDC will fulfil their requirements to deliver the number of developments in their core strategy and these reserve sites would only be called upon if these requirements were not met, it was therefore unlikely that SDC would be asked to consider planning applications for any of the reserve sites identified.
CLLR KETTLE reported that he had met with Orbit property services director to consider the appropriateness of land previously transferred. This included land in Gaydon and Orbit would be reviewing these holdings. CLLR KETTLE would report back to a future meeting. It was noted that CLLR HILL was also in contact with Orbit regarding ownership of land at St. Marks in Gaydon.
CLLR KETTLE also reported that Oxfordshire Community Care Group (CCG) had confirmed their original plans for Horton Hospital in Banbury at their Overview and Scrutiny Committee. However, this was being contested by the joint Oxon/Warwickshire Scrutiny Committee. He also reported that Warwickshire Healthcare Scrutiny Committee was also due to consider a proposal to merge three CCGs in Warwickshire
CLLR KETTLE also reported that SDC had declared a climate change emergency and officer had been tasked with identifying actions that SDC could take and facilitate. The council had also agreed in principle to introduce a community fund with grants to community groups starting in 2019/20. The Council was also due to consider consultation to introduce a charge for green waste collection.
CLLR KETTLE also praised the successful attendance at the scarecrow event. It was noted 33 scarecrows had been displayed (out of 130 homes in Gaydon)
CLLR Williams (WCC) had sent apologies. However his written report is attached for information
Unauthorised Actions by Councillors
CLLR DAVIES reminded councillors that they should not undertake actions on behalf of the parish council unless approved by the parish council, with the exception of emergency actions. In particular any work on the village field needs to be approved by the parish council. It was suggested that a maintenance plan for the village field be considered as a future agenda item
Noted that the council was fully compliant
The following were noted:
SDC Training: How to deal with difficult people! Thurs 31 October 2019 5pm-7.30pm
NALC Regional Conference: Plea for help – Speakers
GLH Phase 1 Revised Newsletter 3 (November)
Heritage Impact Assessment – Land at Church Lane
Financial Administration
CLLR HILL proposed, seconded by CLLR DAVIES and the following accounts were then agreed for payment:
Clerk I Wilson Salary and Expenses (September 2019) £ 274.00
PAYE £ 82.00
Archaeology Warwickshire £ 1194.00
Poppy Wreath £ 65.00
Parish Magazine Paper £ 132.00
The following PC balances were noted:
Current Account £11794.42 Reserves £10638.19
Items for future agendas
Social Media Policy for Parish Councillors