IN ATTENDANCE: Nine members of the public, CLLR C KETTLE (Stratford District Council (SDC)), CLLR C WILLIAMS (Warwickshire County Council (WCC)) and MR I WILSON (Clerk).
There were no apologies.
Declarations of interests and consideration of dispensation requests
There were no declarations of interests or requests for dispensation.
Acceptance of Minutes from October OGM
The minutes of the OGM held in November were considered, the following amendments were proposed and the minutes were then accepted:
CLLR LEWIS was asked to liaise with the Chairman to produce a field maintenance proposal;
The Millennium Group asked for permission to erect a Christmas Tree on the village green as it was owned by the Parish Council;
Some ditches are the responsibility of landowners not all ditches;
CLLR HILL was asked to liaise with Orbit regarding the funding opportunity;
CLLR HILL had photographs showing flooding on Pimple Lane and the cart wash on Kineton Road starting to overflow. The cleared grips were along Pimple Lane; and
It was agreed that councillors would look at the path between Edgehill development and St Mark’s Close and discuss at a future meeting
CLLR HILL asked that it be recorded that when the Council had voted to support play equipment in the village field that she had asked that a risk assessment be carried out first in line with SPD March 2018 (for example play areas should have natural surveillance).
Matters Carried Forward From Previous Meetings
Social Media Policy – The Council agreed to adopt the WALC model Social Media Policy (circulated separately). It was noted that CLLR DAVIES had recently attended social media training and would circulate a link to councillors from the training to support the policy.
Website – The meeting considered the parish council website and the village website. It was noted that the parish council was responsible for the parish council part of the village website and that this need to be updated and transparent with up to date relevant information. The parish council website should have links to the village elements of social media and the village website, but it wasn’t the responsibility of the Parish Council to update these elements. It was agreed that CLLR LEWIS would review the parish website and how it relates to village information. She would also liaise with the clerk to ensure that he was also able to update items to the website.
Public Participation
A resident reported that trees were obstructing the path by the flats in the Parish and that the gate up the ‘dead road’ was still accessible. It was also noted that the path at the Edgehill development still isn’t a dry walkway Councillor Claxton agreed to look at these items and report back.
A question was raised about the progress in carrying out a Housing Needs Survey. It was noted that a draft questionnaire had been discussed with Warwickshire Rural Community Council and this would be included in the Parish Neighbourhood Plan consultation.
Residents of Warwick Road thanked CLLR HILL for her work to mitigate the effect of travellers arriving and asked that the Parish Council work with WCC to look at further defences to stop traveller illegal trespass.
Residents thanked the Parish Council and Speedwatch volunteers for their work and raised concerns about the traffic calming recently introduced. It was noted that this would be covered further under WCC and Parish reports later on the agenda.
Reports from Ward Representatives of Warwickshire County Council (WCC)
and Stratford District Council (SDC)
CLLR WILLIAMS read from his report circulated ahead of the meeting (attached).
CLLR LEWIS asked about obstructions caused to some residents by the positioning of the new signs and gates as part of the traffic calming measures. CLLR CLAXTON also asked about how the signs had been fitted and the colour of the gates, which were not visible in the dark. CLLR Williams agreed to follow these issues up with County Highways and CLLR CLAXTON would circulate original correspondence with County Highways where these concerns had previously been raised.
CLLR KETTLE provided an update on behalf of Stratford District Council, this included:
Planning – SDC have approved the most recent application from Euro Garages for Gaydon Service Station (See Parish Council Reports – Planning) as there was no longer a planning reason to refuse. Euro Garages are still pursuing appeals from earlier applications. SDC have begun to review their core strategy, but while this is looking at revisions under benefits from development for local residents it is unlikely that land in the Parish by and including the garage site will be re designated. SDC planning enforcement have now apologised for their lack of action with developers and sub-contractors at Church Street, a situation that will be rectified in due course.
Green Waste Charging - SDC have now agreed plans to charge for green waste collection, it was noted that this is a discretionary service and that SDC are under pressure to balance their budget, if the service is to be continued SDC agreed the charge which is similar to other local district councils.
SDC Budget 2020/21 –SDC are looking at a reduction in net spend of around £600,000 in the next financial year, this will still see reserves further reduced and a produced increase in council tax of around £5 for a band D property as a result of the latest funding settlement from central government
Orbit – CLLR KETTLE with Executives at Orbit housing to discuss ownership of public open spaces. There is now correspondence from Orbit which, while allowing the Parish Council to apply for funding at the St Marks play area confirms that the play areas belongs to Orbit and they are not looking to transfer this land to the Parish Council, though they may consider a long term lease elsewhere. It was agreed that CLLR LEWIS would circulate this correspondence to the rest of the Parish Council
Staffing – SDC have now appointed a new sole Chief Executive (David Buckland) and a new Deputy Chief Executive (Tony Perks)
Parish Council Reports
Community Spaces – CLLR LEWIS had applied on behalf of the council for lottery funding and pocket parks funding for the village field project. The grant applications would be circulated to all councillors. It was noted that the deadlines for these applications had been between meetings. The outcome of these grants should be known in February to be included when the 2020/21 budget is formally agreed.
The meeting discussed access to the village field and associated risks that the council may be able to mitigate, including signage and maintenance. CLLR LEWIS would circulate the desk based risk assessment from ROSPA.
Neighbourhood Plan – Quotes from planning consultants had been circulated to Parish Councillors ahead of the meeting and it was agreed to appoint Kirkwells to provide consultancy support. The cost would be around £9,000 and the consultant would work with the Parish Council to obtain grant funding to cover the full amount of the commitment. It was noted that the Parish Council was awaiting confirmation from SDC as to Gaydon parish boundaries. CLLR KETTLE would seek to ensure that planners sent confirmation.
Chair’s Report and Traffic Calming
CLLR DAVIES reported that Warwickshire County Highways had now installed the gates and signs. The contribution from the developer had now been received and this should result in a shortfall of around £500 of the total cost to be funded by the Parish Council. Issues raised by residents and councillors had been highlighted to CLLR WILLIAMS under item 6. It was noted that Community speedwatch were reporting to the Parish Council through CLLR HILL and relevant issues could also be escalated through the JLR community forum.
Streetlights, Furniture and Drains
CLLR CLAXTON had reported several issues with drains to WCC and that the 30mph sign light was out, he was awaiting action from highways. It was noted that streetlight number 3 would need replacing and increased budget provision should be allocated to streetlight replacement in 2020/21.
The meeting was reminded of a previous discussion and agreement for CLLR CLAXTON to install bookshelves and a notice board in the red phone box. It was confirmed that it had been agreed to reimburse CLLR CLAXTON £50 for materials to do this. The clerk would also make enquiries with SDC about maps that could be placed in the phone box for information.
CLLR CLAXTON confirmed that he had spoken to WCC regarding the work carried out to install the bus shelter and the associated work on the footpath. There was a discussion about how the bus shelters were being used and the routes of buses, it was agreed that CLLR HILL would take this forward with bus operators.
Since the last meeting the following applications had been received for comments:
Reference | Consultation Expiry Date | Address | Proposal |
19/02363/FUL | 18/12/2019 | Richmond House Upper Farm Meadow Kineton Road Gaydon Warwick CV35 0HJ | Double garage attached to side of property |
Bottom of Form
The Parish Council had made no representation.
The meeting noted that the following decisions received since the last meeting
Reference | Status | Address | Proposal |
19/03290/AMD | Approval of Non Material Amendment | Gaydon Farm Kineton Road Gaydon | Amendment to the wording of condition 9 of planning application 19/01431/FUL decison dated : 18/07/2019 |
19/02825/LDP | Proposed Lawful Development - Permitted | British Motor Museum Banbury Road Gaydon Warwick CV35 0BJ | Confirmation that the use of British Motor Museum as a wedding venue, to hold 36 wedding ceremonies per year, would not require planning permission. |
19/01408/FUL | Permission with conditions | Gaydon Service Station Banbury Road Gaydon Warwick CV35 0HA | Gaydon Service Station Banbury Road Gaydon Warwick CV35 0HA |
CLLR MIDDLEDITCH reported that she now had information on charges made by two other local parish councils. This information would be considered when the Parish Council agreed fees and charges for 2020/21 and the clerk would circulate to the rest of the Council.
Community Engagement
CLLR HILL reported that she would be attending the JLR liaison meeting on 20th January if councillors had any issue they wished to raise. She also reported that she was liaising with the local police regarding illegal traveller encampments. It was noted that the local police had been helpful in sorting parking issues in the village. CLLR HILL also reported that there had recently been two well attended coffee events in the village, as well as the carols in the village hall, and encouraged councillors to support the upcoming school coffee event. CLLR HILL is still awaiting a response from Orbit, though recognised that Orbit had also been in correspondence with CLLR KETTLE (see item 6).
Precept and Budget 2020/21 – Councillors considered the first draft budget for 2020/21 and the estimated income and expenditure for 2019/20. It was agreed that councillors would meet at 7:30 on 28th January to consider budget and precept proposals for 2020/21. The precept could then be formally agreed at the next meeting and notified to SDC
Maintenance Contracts 2020/21 – The Council discussed extending the existing grass contract, it was recognised that there was little time to carry out a full tender exercise ahead of the next mowing season. The Council would ask the contractor for quote for the village areas, excluding the village field. The village field being part of a separate maintenance plan, with in the short term the hedge being cut and field rolled to remove the holes free of charge. The contract could be considered and formally agreed at the February meeting.
Planning Enforcement - Confirmed that SDC were planning enforcement action to be against the unauthorised advertising hoarding on the trailer in the parish in due course
Royal Garden Party Nomination
It was agreed to nominate CLLR DAVIES to WALC to attend on behalf of the Council.
The meeting discussed measures to deter illegal traveller encampments. It was agreed that CLLR HILL would look at moveable concrete boulders and would discuss with British Motor Museum and JLR. It was also agreed that CLLR CLAXTON should look to secure the triangle filed by JLR with a padlock.
The clerk would report the vacancy on the Council following CLLR LEADBETTER’s resignation to SDC who would issue a notice of vacancy for the Council to advertise to electors.
The following were noted:
SDC – Parish & Partner Briefing 2019
WALC – Disaster Plan Template
WALC – European and Comic Relief Community Grants
WALC – Royal Garden Party Nominations 2020
National Lottery – Confirmation of grant submission
Hayward Development – Contribution to Traffic Calming
WALC – Social Media Policy
Financial Administration
CLLR CLAXTON proposed, seconded by CLLR DAVIES and the following accounts were then agreed for payment:
Clerk I Wilson Salary and Expenses (December 2019) £274.00
Chris Pickering – Grass Cutting £83.38
Mirrin Lewis – Christmas Tree £29.99
Items for future agendas
Village field maintenance plan and budget and precept for 2020/21