On Thursday, October 15, 2015 11:02 AM, Danny Green <dannygreen@warwickshire.gov.uk> wrote:
Dear All,
By way of an update to the works as described below, I can confirm that the B4451 shall be closed between the Gaydon roundabout and the new temporary roundabout on the new (Dual Carriageway) road on Saturday 17th Oct '15.
Due to the this closure, a local diversion shall be put in place as shown on the attached drawing.
Traffic shall be controlled at the Heritage Motor Centre by way of temporary traffic signals.
This local diversion and closure shall be in place from 8am until 5pm.
We are sorry for any further inconvenience this may cause.
With respect to the contingency closure on 31st Oct and 1st Nov, this is likely to be required for the works being carried out by Highways England. Highways England will be sending out all relevant communications in the event that this closure is to be implemented.
Danny Green
Design Services
Warwickshire County Council
Tel: 01926 412313
email: dannygreen@warwickshire.gov.uk
On 28 September 2015 at 15:20, Danny Green <dannygreen@warwickshire.gov.uk> wrote:
Dear Stakeholder,
Construction work for the new dual carriageway in Gaydon is progressing well as we start to approach the construction of the two 'tie ins' on B4100 at the Heritage Motor Centre and on the B4451 near the Gaydon roundabout.
The purpose of this communication is to inform you of the forthcoming works associated with the tie ins and to inform you of the two week period which is laid out below :
Week 1 - w/c 5th October
B4100 tie in works at the Heritage Motor Centre will be carried out during this week, under the existing off peak temporary traffic management arrangements that have been in place throughout the contract. Existing traffic flows shall be maintained.
Week 2 - w/c 12th October
Monday 12th October - Once the AM peak is over, works associated with B4451 link road tie in, near the Gaydon roundabout, shall commence and be constructed under 24hr temporary traffic signals.
During the PM peak, the temporary traffic signals shall be operated manually to minimise queuing traffic.
Tuesday 13th October - The 24hr temporary traffic signals will still be in place to allow the B4451 link road tie in works, near the Gaydon roundabout, to continue.
During both the AM and PM peak, the temporary traffic signals shall be operated manually to minimise queuing traffic.
During the AM peak, a second operative from the traffic management team shall be positioned near to the M40 Jnc 12 southbound slip and radio communications shall be maintained to ensure that the respective temporary signals near M40 Jnc12 and the works site are synchronised and responsive to minimise southbound M40 queuing and on the network generally.
Wednesday 14th October - Prior to the AM peak, all traffic will be 'switched' onto the north side of the new dual carriageway at the Heritage Motor Centre on B4100 and the B4451 WCC / Highways England tie in, for single lane running. A temporary mini roundabout shall be built to allow traffic to enter / leave the link road which heads towards Gaydon roundabout. The 24hr temporary traffic signals will still be in place on the link road / B4451 near the Gaydon roundabout, to allow the tie in works to continue.
It should be noted that vehicles travelling from M40 Jnc 12 shall avoid the 24hr temporary traffic signals.
Thursday 15th October - Continue the B4451 link road tie in works, near the Gaydon roundabout under 24hr temporary traffic signals as per Wednesday 14th October
Friday 16th October - Continue the B4451 link road tie in works, near the Gaydon roundabout under 24hr temporary traffic signals as per Wednesday 14th October and remove 24hr temporary traffic signals at the earliest opportunity.
In addition to this programme and by way of a contingency plan, we have the opportunity to close the B4451 from the Gaydon roundabout to the M40 Jnc 12 northbound slip, if required.
This would be over the weekend of Saturday 17th October and Sunday 18th October with a diversion route put in place.
This will only be implemented if absolutely necessary and to allow the tie in works to be completed.
We also have a further contingency in place for Saturday 31st October and Sunday 1st November to implement the same road closure and diversion route. Again, this will only be used if necessary.
I also attach two plans which accompany the above text for w/c 12th October which we are happy for you to communicate as you see fit.
Danny Green
Design Services
Warwickshire County Council
Tel: 01926 412313
email: dannygreen@warwickshire.gov.uk