Dear Neil and Carol,
Gaydon Parish Council has discussed the mitigation measures required to protect and enable our village to cope with a town within 3 miles of rural Gaydon village; if it is approved. The following list is our initial response to your request:
The purchase of the land between the new dual carriageway and Gaydon Village. This land could then be sold to the Parish Council for £1 with a covenant ensuring that the land remains protected from development. This would create a much needed local green space to be identified in our NP and a bio-diversity site. This would also protect the character of rural Gaydon village by providing a 'green wedge' ensuring that Gaydon remains a village and is not incorporated into a town. The County Council currently own this land with an option for the original landowner to 'buy it back'. We understand from Cllr. Williams that the landowner has expressed an interest in buying the land from WCC. We believe that the land could be purchased from the landowner and passed to GPC. `
A thatched roof on our Village Hall. Essential if the hall may be in demand from GLH as it is currently a very cold building and we have been assured that this will make it warmer. The Village Hall is one of the oldest village hall in the UK which is still in use. A quote could be made available if required. In addition, we would like a fund to cover maintenance issues on this building for the next 20 years and funds to provide wifi and a new noticeboard.
The fabric of our Church is badly in need of restoration. If GLH is approved then this Church needs to be preserved as there is no church planned on GLH. We have a detailed account of the work needed so we are able to provide quotes if required.
The Banbury Road lay-by, which is owned by the County Council is, in our opinion, in need of help. It would be good to have a safety audit carried out followed by drainage work and any work highlighted by the safety audit plus resurfacing and removal of some of the vegetation to ensure visibility for the Police. As well as a possible safety issue we believe there could be a health issue and we would like the appropriate work carried out to eliminate this risk. With a vast increase in population and an industrialised zone this layby will be used more. It is sometimes used by the school buses when the drivers have finished their shift. We understand that GLH will produce at least 7 more school buses travelling to Kineton through Gaydon and envisage this layby could be used more; not ideal in its current state. I'm sure Paul Cowley at the County Council would be able to give you a quote for this work or perhaps they could include it as part of the necessary Highways infrastructure work that will be required to cope with the increase in traffic. Our preferred option, however, would be for the County Council to close this layby and offer it for sale to local landowners but we have been told by Cllr. Williams that the County Council will not consider this option. We have no idea why.
Traffic calming measures for the end of the day. In the morning the traffic is stationary but in the evening it is freely flowing and we would like funding for 'village traffic calming' measures not large engineering projects although a simple crossing on the Kineton Road may be required. This to also include a review of the signage in Gaydon and lighting. GLH will have a significant impact on Gaydon with regard to traffic; 7 school buses travelling through Gaydon twice a day if not 3 times a day. Perhaps someone from the County Council could meet with us to discuss our issues and help us to find solutions. Councillors are available to meet with officers during the day.
Our Community Shop will need better facilities to cope with the increased demand. We have no details of cost yet but, if necessary, we will ask the shop to provide details.
Sports facilities. Gaydon is classified as a village with no sports facilities which is true. We would like better facilities. . A survey will take place shortly so we will be better informed as to what residents would like to have. Again, quotes could be made available once the results of the survey have been recorded.
Flood prevention scheme behind the Kineton Road houses. Our flood prevention scheme is far from finished. Work is required behind the houses on the Kineton Road. As you know Gaydon is prone to flooding. A quote could be provided if required.
Gaydon residents would be very pleased if the Gaydon milestone, which we understand is in a private museum north of the County, be returned to Gaydon. This is a Gaydon treasure which is sorely missed. More details can be provided.
War Memorial. Our War Memorial requires £1500 of repairs. We are trying to secure a grant for this work but if we are not successful then we would like this scheme to fund the repairs together with a maintenance fund for the next 20 years.
As well as the above can you confirm that you have included a safe route to Kineton High School from Gaydon Village for cyclists and pedestrians if no secondary school is to be provided. If you have not included this then could you please add it as it is an essential requirement.
We have provided the above as requested but must reiterate our objection to this site. Please also note that we believe it is essential that a secondary school be provided on site not only for schooling but also as a way of creating a heart to a large community (2nd largest town in Stratford District) and ensuring that it is well integrated with facilities which would help combat anti-social behaviour.
Creating a town, next to one of the largest employers in the area, with access via one road; B4100 and very limited public transport surely must be a major issue. A bypass is essential.
Corinne Hill
Parish Clerk