The workload of the Parish Council has increased considerably in the last two years. This is largely because we have had to respond to the publication of the Stratford District Council Core Strategy document. Because of this the Parish Council has had to meet more frequently than in the past. Since the last annual meeting the PC has met 10 times. Minutes of the meetings are published on the Gaydon website in the Parish Council section.
I wish to thank the Parish Clerk and the members of the Parish council for their attendance at council meetings and for the large amount of work that they have done in addition by attending District Council meetings, planning meetings Liason meetings, Enquiry meetings and numerous informal meetings to draft responses to urgent documents.
May I also thank District and County Councillors for their attendance at our meetings and the valuable advice that they have been able to give to us. And thirdly I must thank the surprisingly large number of Gaydon parishoners who have turned out to our frequent meetings and who have sat patiently through what is not always an exciting agenda.
In April last year Mrs Mary Fox retired from the Parish Concil for the third time! From her second stint as a parish councillor, having served previously in the early naughties, and before that as parish clerk. In her place we welcomed John Brine who has since been very active in constructing Gaydon's response to the GLH plans.
Councillors:- Mrs Annette Conway Disabled Services, Gaydon Liason, FORSE rep Mr Bernard Price footpaths, Gaydon Liason, Vice-chair Mr David Pirie lights, litter and street furniture Mr John Brine Cemetery Mr John Rickman playground area, flood prevention, Chairman Mrs Corinne Hill Parish clerk Mr Alan Scorer District Councillor Mr Chris Mills District Councillor Mr Chris Williams County Councillor
May 7 2015, on the day of the General Election Gaydon Parish councillors will stand down and a new council will be elected.
Another top ten item which has featured in most PC meetings. JLR said that this is not happening. They also said that the noise created by the car transporters will go away once the dual carriageway is built.
This saga of parked trucks, litter and overrun verges is no nearer solution. Despite our efferts it is not high on the list the County Highways department.
Work is well underway on the new dual carriage to JLR Residents are concerned that parking will take place in the 2 stopped up roads. Cllr. Williams said that the roads will be stopped up as close to the roundabout as possible. We have been assured that the green space between the dual carriageway and the village will be available to be used by the community.
These caused problems for residents of Gaydon. They delayed the school buses and created a at run though Church Road. Following complaints by residents and the PC the lights were decommissioned at the Gaydon roundabout.
A second very busy year for the PC on this topic. Stratford District Council submitted its Core Strategy Document for examination by Government inspector in January. The Parish Council approved a donation of £1000 toward legal fees to oppose it. The Inspector Peter Drew concluded that the Strategy is not sustainable as it stands and has told the SDC to put it right. Very much ongoing.
Owing to the delay in adoption of the SDC Core Strategy there has been an unprecedented batch of new housing applications in the district. Gaydon has had two applications for developments totalling over 50 houses, with the possibility of another 30 or so to come.
The housing development on the Kineton Road covering 4 acres was discussed at a packed PC meeting. The plan with its mix of traditional village design housing and 35% affordable housing was well received, although people would prefer fewer houses on the site. The Council objected to the application based on the size of the development and the lack of sewage capacity.
This application for 26 houses was discussed. Objections were raised on the density of the houses, the lack of amenities and parking. Back to the drawing board if you want our support sums up the PC response.
A planning applications for an extension to accommodate the classic car collection recently purchased by Jaguar Land Rover. This car collection would be the biggest on display in the world.
Another waterey matter. The PC objected to the application as the site is home to Great Crested Newts.
2014 started with the highest rainfall on record. However there were no eports of flooding in Gaydon. It is probable that the new flood defence bund behind Kineton Road played a significant part in this.
An inspection of found there were many blocked road drains. For example between the Gaydon Inn and the Heritage Motor Centre there are at least 7 blocked with mud and leaves. After statements of denial from the County they eventually sent out a team to clear them all.
This ditch is one of the two main ways to get excess waer out of the village, but who is responsible for keeping it clear? WALC suggested it is the the County Council. They say it is the responsibility of landowner. Watch this space.
Another eventful year in the life of the village green. It suffered damage in the Spring when Western Power dug trenches across it. Then vehicles driving on the edge destroyed the relaid turf. A set of small posts with white tops have been put in place to prevent parking. Residents were asked for suggestions on types of tree to be planted on the Village Green to replace the Horse Chestnut tree that was cut down last year. The Chairman proposed that the choice of tree to be planted be delayed until the new council is elected..
The laying of a fibre optic cable from the exchange in Kineton was completed in June a new green junction box was been installed in September. As a result Gaydon residents can now access high speed broadband with speds up to 80Mbit per second. The closer you live to the box the faster the speed of your broadband.
Jaguar Land Rover asked the Parish Council if there were any community projects they could assist with. We requested that they send a team to cut back of vegetation in the cemetary. They are still working on the risk assessment.
Danny Green from the County Council at the M40 junction 12 information session that there were no financial constraints in removing the roundabout. County Cllr. Williams said that the lighting around the roundabout will be addressed once the dual carriageway has been finished. We are waiting and watching
A classic parish pump affair. After much toing and froing and quotes of over a thousand pound the light was repaired by a resident at a cost of forty pounds.
The clock has not struck for most of the year. Smith of Derby were asked to repair the clock. and we have applied for a grant.
The Parish Council is in discussions with the Village Hall committee with a view to installing a wifi facility in the Hall.
Councillors agreed that fences should not be erected around plots. Don't fence me in.
I call upon the individual councillors to speak on their areas of responsibility. JR
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