15 Mar 94 Annual Parish Meeting
19 Apr 94
10 May 94 New council
6 Sep 94
1 Nov 94
3 Jan 95
7 Mar 95
Thanks to previous chairman and council
Proposal to change current three tier structure - 1CC, 5DCs, plus PCs, to two tiers: 2 unitary councils plus PCs. PC voted in May 94 to keep status quo on grounds of cost.
In September after further consultation (and a change of councillors) PC voted for change to unitary authorities plus PC.
In January Government commission decided on no change for Warwickshire.
From the archives - Clerk has found minute from last century stating that no piece of land suitable for recreational use can be found.
Last council tried 5 sites - no-go
Housing department carried out survey - we di not see the results but the outcome was that the sign would remain - unfortunately so did the ball game. Parish council believes that this situation has been created by the district counciland is really between the DC and the residents. PC has kept the DC informed of the breaking of the no games rule, and is currently pursuing an idea of one of the residents to provide more parking with possible erection of a fence which might permit games to take place in relative safety. But PC does not stand for Police Constable we cannot police DC byelaw contraventions.
This topic has been discussed at every PC meeting for the last seven years. The subject concerns concerns some disputed planning consents, some alleged unlicensed commercial activities and the appropriation of water and sewage facilities. The matter has been complicated by several changes of ownership and the splitting of the original property. The current position of the PC is that the planning consents should be regularised and that no further planning consents should be granted until this is done.
Perusal of planning applications has been a regular item of PC business. Applications continue to come at approximately one a month. The PC role is this is only advisory but there is some evidence that more notice is being taken of PC and local residents views. Rover is active and a number of applications have been passed. PC has been to see Rover management and been told of Rover strategy. We are concerned with the increased traffic that the design and engineering centre will bring to the B4551 and B4100 junction and will continue to press for a round-about.
Note three refusals: Brandon new dwelling - unsuitable development in village(PC opposed). Display signs at Heritage Centre - ghastly. Change of use to tea rooms Cottage Farm Banbury Road - refused - highways authority wish to maintain race-track through village.
best ever performance by Gaydon - 2nd in county. Cup now behind bar in Gaydon Inn in recognition of their support in the litter picking efforts 94.
Do we enter this year, or save our efforts for an outright win in 96?
All ditches now cleared, some private work carried out on East sid of Banbury Road. Problem believed to be under control. Rover water said to flow toward Leamington - awaiting confirmation.
Sewage - Severn Trent have scoured Church Road drains following a build up of greae in the pipes.
PC has negotiated space for an office in the VillageHall. It will pay and annual rent for this instead of giving a maintainane grant as in previous years. Fitting out will proceed at county parish pace to keep the expense down.
See magazine for details
Three attempts to site these so far failed - efforts continue
CEMETERY - Francis Liddington
Cleared bank outside. Ground water continues to be a problem looking at drainage.
FOOTPATHS - Sue Middleditch
Ok last year but now in need of attention. Plan to replace stiles and bridges, and to persuade landowner to re-instate ploughed up paths.
Generally good position last year - Best Kept village result. But position has deteriorated over the Winter - Litter originating from Esso shop on B4100 - car owners dumping in village. Litter picks start 23 March.
PLAYAREA - Tim Leverton
Will replace chains and seats as reccommended by Cornhill Insurance this year.