21 Mar 95   Annual Parish Meeting

2 May 95

13 Jul 95

8 Aug 95

5 Sep 95

7 Nov 95

11 Jan 96

13 Feb 96


Thanks to members of the Parish council for their attendance at council meetings and work outside of the meetings.

I would like to thank the Parish clerk for work on administering the council business and particularly for her work on the increasing number of planning applications that we have had over the last year.

May I also thank District Councillors Mr Hampson and County Councillor Mrs Collett both for their regular attendance at our meetings and the valuable advice that they have been able to give to us.

For those here who are uncertain as to who is who on the council I would like to introduce them and say briefly what they do.

Mr Brian Hampson   District Councillor

Mrs Pat Collett      County Councillor

Mrs Mary Fox      Parish clerk

Mr Francis Liddington   cemetery

Miss Sue Middleditch    footpaths

Mr Tim Leverton      Play area

Mr Tony Irvine      street lamps and litter

St Marks Close Green No Ball Games

From the archives - Clerk has found minute from last century stating that no piece of land suitable for recreational use can be found.

PC pursued an idea of one of the residents to provide more parking with possible erection of a fence which might permit games to take place in relative safety. The existing fence along side the road was replaced during the year. However, Mr Hampson reported that following the transfer of the housing stock to the South Warwickshire Housing Trust there were no funds available for more parkin

Planning Applications

The number of planning applications coming to the attention of the PC is still increasing. Rover has been particularly active this past year, but has given no real cause for concern apart from the ever increasing traffic. We have continued to press for some attention to be paid to the traffic congestion at the junction of the B4551 and B4100. The official highways position continues to be that there is nothing to worry about. This despite two deaths last year and a number of minor collisions.

Two planning applications are of note. House next to Brandon new dwelling- passed. The PC opposed this and it went 6 to 5 in a vote at the local area planning committee.

Change of use at Village Farm. This was recommended for acceptance but following representations by the PC Mr Hampson and Mr Archer it was voted out.

Best Kept Village

Gaydon was not placed in the Best Kept Village competition in 1995.

Office in Village Hall

PC has now signed an agreement to rent the Reading Room of the Village Hall. It will pay an annual rent of 1000 pounds for this instead of giving a maintenance grant. Fitting out has been delayed because of the possibility of re-construction work in the Village Hall. This will be discussed at this year's Village Hall annual meeting.

VE Day Party and Parish Council Centenary

The VE Day celebrations went well and a handsome new notice board was erected to commemorate the Parish council centenary. This was paid for jointly by the PC and the village hall committee.

Recycling Bins

Further attempts to find a home for these were made. Esso were unwilling to site them by the garage. Mr Dobson from the Technical and Amenities department came out to Gaydon and several more sites were discussed. He went away to pursue the possibility of siting the bins behind the bus shelter.

Memorial Clock

The PC undertook to help in the regilding of the Village War Memorial clock and obtained a District Council Enhancement for half of the cost. In addition it gave a donation of £250.


The Gaydon precept this year is 3000 pounds. This is down from 4500 last year. Major item of expenditure in 1995 was the drainage in the cemetery. Expected expenditure in 1996 will be cost of replacing the round-about flooring in the play area.

Councillor's Areas of Responsibility

I will ask the individual councillors to speak on the areas they are each responsible for.

CEMETERY - Francis