Chairman's Report 97/98
Mar 97 Annual Parish
3 Mar 97 following annual
28 April 97 AGM
7 July 97
1 Sept 97
28 Oct 97
5 Jan 98
Thanks to members of the Parish council for their attendance at council meetings and work outside of the meetings.
I would like to thank the Parish clerk for his work administering council business and preparing accounts for audit.
May I also thank District Councillor Mr Hampson and County Councillor Mr Doody both for theirattendance at our meetings and the valuable advice that they have been able to give to us.
For those here who are uncertain as to who is who on the council I would like to introduce them and say briefly what they do.
Mr Brian Hampson District Councillor
Mr Doody County Councillor
Mr Mike Moody Parish clerk
Mr Francis Liddington cemetery
Miss Sue Middleditch footpaths
Mr Tim Leverton Play area
Mr Tony Irvine street lamps and litter
Mr John Rickman chairman
Rover continues to expand giving rise to more traffic at the junction of the B4551 and B4100. The highways department Commissioned a survey of traffic and concluded that there was a problem which could only get worse. The PC remains opposed to a roundabout with its attendant light pollution; the least bad solution suggested so far is for part-time traffic lights.
Best Kept Village
We shall enter this year as usual; last year Gaydon did not do well, coming 3rd in the Southam area. Our own best kept frontage was won by the Heaths at 17 St Giles.
The PC has bought a photocopier for PC business use and for printing the Gaydon Parish magazine. Parishioners will be able to use it when it has been installed in the parish office.
The PC has been using the Parish Office for its committee meetings and storage of files for over a year now. The office is fully in use now but some repairs need to be carried out so that the photocopier can be installed.
A site was identified but we could not agree to go ahead with it because of invironmental considerations - NIMBY.
The auditor remarked that we did not appear to have any deeds for the cemetery. We have been investigating this to establish proof of ownership and the matter is now closed to our satisfaction.
The Gaydon precept this year is £5000 again. We expect to carry forward £3000 as a balance. A request was received from the Village Hall for a grant for disabled toilets and we agreed to this.
Events during 1997
Fire station
New houses
Millennium oaks
Rota for Office
Councillors' Areas of Responsibility
I will ask the individual councillors to speak on the areas they are each responsible for.
CEMETERY - Francis
FOOTPATHS - (Sue) new stile; kissing gate still to do